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Paper: Decentralised Hashtag Search and Subscription for Federated Social Networks

This paper has been written during my Computer Science studies at TU Dresden as a Großer Beleg.
A pre-compiled PDF of the paper can be found in paper_hashtag_federation.pdf.


Build Requirements

All required software for this project can be installed using the Nix package manager.
The development environment is specified in shell.nix. The paper has been successfully build using version 19.03.173179.ef4753de2aa of Nixpkgs.

git-lfs is required for retrieving all files from this repository. If installing it after cloning the repository, please run git lfs install && git lfs pull.

Building the paper and its resources

The paper, expose, and all its resources can be built with nix-shell --pure --command "make".
If not using Nix as a package manager, please refer to the requirements specified in shell.nix for building with make.

Running the load balancing simulation

nix-shell --pure --command "make simulation"


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