refactorRingMap #63

schmittlauch merged 3 commits from refactorRingMap into mainline 2020-07-26 00:07:54 +02:00
5 changed files with 246 additions and 220 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ category: Network
common deps
build-depends: base ^>=, containers ^>=, bytestring, utf8-string ^>=, network ^>=, time ^>=, cmdargs ^>= 0.10, cryptonite ^>= 0.25, memory, async, stm, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, asn1-parse, publicsuffix, network-byte-order, safe, iproute, mtl, random, servant, servant-server, servant-client, warp, text, http-api-data
build-depends: base ^>=, containers ^>=, bytestring, utf8-string ^>=, network ^>=, time ^>=, cmdargs ^>= 0.10, cryptonite ^>= 0.25, memory, async, stm, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, asn1-parse, publicsuffix, network-byte-order, safe, iproute, mtl, random, servant, servant-server, servant-client, warp, text, unordered-containers
ghc-options: -Wall
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ library
import: deps
-- Modules exported by the library.
exposed-modules: Hash2Pub.FediChord, Hash2Pub.FediChordTypes, Hash2Pub.DHTProtocol, Hash2Pub.ASN1Coding, Hash2Pub.ProtocolTypes, Hash2Pub.PostService, Hash2Pub.ServiceTypes
exposed-modules: Hash2Pub.FediChord, Hash2Pub.FediChordTypes, Hash2Pub.DHTProtocol, Hash2Pub.ASN1Coding, Hash2Pub.ProtocolTypes, Hash2Pub.PostService, Hash2Pub.ServiceTypes, Hash2Pub.RingMap
-- Modules included in this library but not exported.
other-modules: Hash2Pub.Utils

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Hash2Pub.DHTProtocol
( QueryResponse (..)
, queryLocalCache
@ -128,8 +130,8 @@ closestCachePredecessors remainingLookups lastID nCache
-- Looks up the successor of the lookup key on a 'RingMap' representation of the
-- predecessor list with the node itself added. If the result is the same as the node
-- itself then it falls into the responsibility interval.
isInOwnResponsibilitySlice :: HasKeyID a => a -> LocalNodeState -> Bool
isInOwnResponsibilitySlice lookupTarget ownNs = (getKeyID <$> rMapLookupSucc (getKeyID lookupTarget) predecessorRMap) == pure (getNid ownNs)
isInOwnResponsibilitySlice :: HasKeyID a NodeID => a -> LocalNodeState -> Bool
isInOwnResponsibilitySlice lookupTarget ownNs = (getKeyID <$> rMapLookupSucc (getKeyID lookupTarget :: NodeID) predecessorRMap) == pure (getNid ownNs)
predecessorList = predecessors ownNs
-- add node itself to RingMap representation, to distinguish between
@ -137,11 +139,11 @@ isInOwnResponsibilitySlice lookupTarget ownNs = (getKeyID <$> rMapLookupSucc (ge
predecessorRMap = addRMapEntry (toRemoteNodeState ownNs) $ rMapFromList predecessorList
closestPredecessor = headMay predecessorList
isPossiblePredecessor :: HasKeyID a => a -> LocalNodeState -> Bool
isPossiblePredecessor :: HasKeyID a NodeID => a -> LocalNodeState -> Bool
isPossiblePredecessor = isInOwnResponsibilitySlice
isPossibleSuccessor :: HasKeyID a => a -> LocalNodeState -> Bool
isPossibleSuccessor lookupTarget ownNs = (getKeyID <$> rMapLookupPred (getKeyID lookupTarget) successorRMap) == pure (getNid ownNs)
isPossibleSuccessor :: HasKeyID a NodeID => a -> LocalNodeState -> Bool
isPossibleSuccessor lookupTarget ownNs = (getKeyID <$> rMapLookupPred (getKeyID lookupTarget :: NodeID) successorRMap) == pure (getNid ownNs)
successorList = successors ownNs
successorRMap = addRMapEntry (toRemoteNodeState ownNs) $ rMapFromList successorList

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
@ -84,6 +86,7 @@ import Data.Typeable (Typeable (..), typeOf)
import Data.Word
import qualified Network.ByteOrder as NetworkBytes
import Hash2Pub.RingMap
import Hash2Pub.Utils
import Debug.Trace (trace)
@ -282,255 +285,47 @@ addPredecessors preds ns = ns {predecessors = takeRMapPredecessors (getNid ns) (
addSuccessors :: [RemoteNodeState] -> LocalNodeState -> LocalNodeState
addSuccessors succs ns = ns {successors = takeRMapSuccessors (getNid ns) (kNeighbours ns) . addRMapEntries (filter ((/=) (getNid ns) . getNid) succs) . rMapFromList $ successors ns}
-- | Class for all types that can be identified via an EpiChord key.
-- Used for restricting the types a 'RingMap' can store
class (Eq a, Show a) => HasKeyID a where
getKeyID :: a -> NodeID
instance HasKeyID RemoteNodeState where
instance HasKeyID RemoteNodeState NodeID where
getKeyID = getNid
instance HasKeyID a => HasKeyID (CacheEntry a) where
instance HasKeyID a k => HasKeyID (CacheEntry a) k where
getKeyID (CacheEntry _ obj _) = getKeyID obj
instance HasKeyID NodeID where
instance HasKeyID NodeID NodeID where
getKeyID = id
type NodeCacheEntry = CacheEntry RemoteNodeState
type NodeCache = RingMap NodeCacheEntry
type NodeCache = RingMap NodeCacheEntry NodeID
type LookupCacheEntry = CacheEntry (String, PortNumber)
type LookupCache = Map.Map NodeID LookupCacheEntry
-- | generic data structure for holding elements with a key and modular lookup
newtype RingMap a = RingMap { getRingMap :: HasKeyID a => Map.Map NodeID (RingEntry a) }
instance (HasKeyID a) => Eq (RingMap a) where
a == b = getRingMap a == getRingMap b
instance (HasKeyID a) => Show (RingMap a) where
show rmap = shows "RingMap " (show $ getRingMap rmap)
-- | entry of a 'RingMap' that holds a value and can also
-- wrap around the lookup direction at the edges of the name space.
data RingEntry a = KeyEntry a
| ProxyEntry (NodeID, ProxyDirection) (Maybe (RingEntry a))
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'RingEntry' type for usage as a node cache
data CacheEntry a = CacheEntry Bool a POSIXTime
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | as a compromise, only KeyEntry components are ordered by their NodeID
-- while ProxyEntry components should never be tried to be ordered.
instance (HasKeyID a, Eq a) => Ord (RingEntry a) where
a `compare` b = compare (extractID a) (extractID b)
extractID (KeyEntry e) = getKeyID e
extractID ProxyEntry{} = error "proxy entries should never appear outside of the RingMap"
data ProxyDirection = Backwards
| Forwards
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Enum ProxyDirection where
toEnum (-1) = Backwards
toEnum 1 = Forwards
toEnum _ = error "no such ProxyDirection"
fromEnum Backwards = - 1
fromEnum Forwards = 1
-- | helper function for getting the a from a RingEntry a
extractRingEntry :: HasKeyID a => RingEntry a -> Maybe a
extractRingEntry (KeyEntry entry) = Just entry
extractRingEntry (ProxyEntry _ (Just (KeyEntry entry))) = Just entry
extractRingEntry _ = Nothing
--- useful function for getting entries for a full cache transfer
nodeCacheEntries :: NodeCache -> [NodeCacheEntry]
nodeCacheEntries = mapMaybe extractRingEntry . Map.elems . getRingMap
-- | An empty 'RingMap' needs to be initialised with 2 proxy entries,
-- linking the modular name space together by connecting @minBound@ and @maxBound@
emptyRMap :: HasKeyID a => RingMap a
emptyRMap = RingMap . Map.fromList $ proxyEntry <$> [(maxBound, (minBound, Forwards)), (minBound, (maxBound, Backwards))]
proxyEntry (from,to) = (from, ProxyEntry to Nothing)
initCache :: NodeCache
initCache = emptyRMap
-- | Maybe returns the entry stored at given key
rMapLookup :: HasKeyID a
=> NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> RingMap a -- ^lookup cache
-> Maybe a
rMapLookup key rmap = extractRingEntry =<< Map.lookup key (getRingMap rmap)
cacheLookup :: NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> NodeCache -- ^lookup cache
-> Maybe NodeCacheEntry
cacheLookup = rMapLookup
-- | returns number of present 'KeyEntry' in a properly initialised 'RingMap'
rMapSize :: (HasKeyID a, Integral i)
=> RingMap a
-> i
rMapSize rmap = fromIntegral $ Map.size innerMap - oneIfEntry minBound - oneIfEntry maxBound
innerMap = getRingMap rmap
oneIfEntry :: Integral i => NodeID -> i
oneIfEntry nid
| isNothing (rMapLookup nid rmap) = 1
| otherwise = 0
-- | a wrapper around lookup functions, making the lookup redirectable by a @ProxyEntry@
-- to simulate a modular ring
lookupWrapper :: HasKeyID a
=> (NodeID -> Map.Map NodeID (RingEntry a) -> Maybe (NodeID, RingEntry a))
-> (NodeID -> Map.Map NodeID (RingEntry a) -> Maybe (NodeID, RingEntry a))
-> ProxyDirection
-> NodeID
-> RingMap a
-> Maybe a
lookupWrapper f fRepeat direction key rmap =
case f key $ getRingMap rmap of
-- the proxy entry found holds a
Just (_, ProxyEntry _ (Just (KeyEntry entry))) -> Just entry
-- proxy entry holds another proxy entry, this should not happen
Just (_, ProxyEntry _ (Just (ProxyEntry _ _))) -> Nothing
-- proxy entry without own entry is a pointer on where to continue
-- if lookup direction is the same as pointer direction: follow pointer
Just (foundKey, ProxyEntry (pointerID, pointerDirection) Nothing) ->
let newKey = if pointerDirection == direction
then pointerID
else foundKey + (fromInteger . toInteger . fromEnum $ direction)
in if rMapNotEmpty rmap
then lookupWrapper fRepeat fRepeat direction newKey rmap
else Nothing
-- normal entries are returned
Just (_, KeyEntry entry) -> Just entry
Nothing -> Nothing
rMapNotEmpty :: (HasKeyID a) => RingMap a -> Bool
rMapNotEmpty rmap' = (Map.size (getRingMap rmap') > 2) -- there are more than the 2 ProxyEntries
|| isJust (rMapLookup minBound rmap') -- or one of the ProxyEntries holds a node
|| isJust (rMapLookup maxBound rmap')
-- | find the successor node to a given key on a modular EpiChord ring.
-- Note: The EpiChord definition of "successor" includes the node at the key itself,
-- if existing.
rMapLookupSucc :: HasKeyID a
=> NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> RingMap a -- ^ring cache
-> Maybe a
rMapLookupSucc = lookupWrapper Map.lookupGE Map.lookupGE Forwards
cacheLookupSucc :: NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> NodeCache -- ^ring cache
-> Maybe NodeCacheEntry
cacheLookupSucc = rMapLookupSucc
-- | find the predecessor node to a given key on a modular EpiChord ring.
rMapLookupPred :: HasKeyID a
=> NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> RingMap a -- ^ring cache
-> Maybe a
rMapLookupPred = lookupWrapper Map.lookupLT Map.lookupLE Backwards
cacheLookupPred :: NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> NodeCache -- ^ring cache
-> Maybe NodeCacheEntry
cacheLookupPred = rMapLookupPred
addRMapEntryWith :: HasKeyID a
=> (RingEntry a -> RingEntry a -> RingEntry a)
-> a
-> RingMap a
-> RingMap a
addRMapEntryWith combineFunc entry = RingMap
. Map.insertWith combineFunc (getKeyID entry) (KeyEntry entry)
. getRingMap
addRMapEntry :: HasKeyID a
=> a
-> RingMap a
-> RingMap a
addRMapEntry = addRMapEntryWith insertCombineFunction
insertCombineFunction newVal oldVal =
case oldVal of
ProxyEntry n _ -> ProxyEntry n (Just newVal)
KeyEntry _ -> newVal
addRMapEntries :: (Foldable t, HasKeyID a)
=> t a
-> RingMap a
-> RingMap a
addRMapEntries entries rmap = foldr' addRMapEntry rmap entries
setRMapEntries :: (Foldable t, HasKeyID a)
=> t a
-> RingMap a
setRMapEntries entries = addRMapEntries entries emptyRMap
deleteRMapEntry :: (HasKeyID a)
=> NodeID
-> RingMap a
-> RingMap a
deleteRMapEntry nid = RingMap . Map.update modifier nid . getRingMap
modifier (ProxyEntry idPointer _) = Just (ProxyEntry idPointer Nothing)
modifier KeyEntry {} = Nothing
rMapToList :: (HasKeyID a) => RingMap a -> [a]
rMapToList = mapMaybe extractRingEntry . Map.elems . getRingMap
rMapFromList :: (HasKeyID a) => [a] -> RingMap a
rMapFromList = setRMapEntries
-- | takes up to i entries from a 'RingMap' by calling a getter function on a
-- *startAt* value and after that on the previously returned value.
-- Stops once i entries have been taken or an entry has been encountered twice
-- (meaning the ring has been traversed completely).
-- Forms the basis for 'takeRMapSuccessors' and 'takeRMapPredecessors'.
takeRMapEntries_ :: (HasKeyID a, Integral i)
=> (NodeID -> RingMap a -> Maybe a)
-> NodeID
-> i
-> RingMap a
-> [a]
-- TODO: might be more efficient with dlists
takeRMapEntries_ getterFunc startAt num rmap = reverse $
case getterFunc startAt rmap of
Nothing -> []
Just anEntry -> takeEntriesUntil (getKeyID anEntry) (getKeyID anEntry) (num-1) [anEntry]
takeEntriesUntil havingReached previousEntry remaining takeAcc
| remaining <= 0 = takeAcc
| getKeyID (fromJust $ getterFunc previousEntry rmap) == havingReached = takeAcc
| otherwise = let (Just gotEntry) = getterFunc previousEntry rmap
in takeEntriesUntil havingReached (getKeyID gotEntry) (remaining-1) (gotEntry:takeAcc)
takeRMapPredecessors :: (HasKeyID a, Integral i)
=> NodeID
-> i
-> RingMap a
-> [a]
takeRMapPredecessors = takeRMapEntries_ rMapLookupPred
takeRMapSuccessors :: (HasKeyID a, Integral i)
=> NodeID
-> i
-> RingMap a
-> [a]
takeRMapSuccessors = takeRMapEntries_ rMapLookupSucc
-- clean up cache entries: once now - entry > maxAge
-- transfer difference now - entry to other node
-- | return the @NodeState@ data from a cache entry without checking its validation status
cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated :: CacheEntry RemoteNodeState -> RemoteNodeState
cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated (CacheEntry _ nState _) = nState

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@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Servant
import Web.HttpApiData (showTextData)
import Hash2Pub.FediChord
import Hash2Pub.ServiceTypes

src/Hash2Pub/RingMap.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Hash2Pub.RingMap where
import Data.Foldable (foldr')
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing, mapMaybe)
-- | Class for all types that can be identified via a EpiChord key.
-- Used for restricting the types a 'RingMap' can store
class (Eq a, Show a, Bounded k, Ord k) => HasKeyID a k where
getKeyID :: a -> k
-- | generic data structure for holding elements with a key and modular lookup
newtype RingMap a k = RingMap { getRingMap :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k) => Map.Map k (RingEntry a k) }
instance (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k) => Eq (RingMap a k) where
a == b = getRingMap a == getRingMap b
instance (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k, Show k) => Show (RingMap a k) where
show rmap = shows "RingMap " (show $ getRingMap rmap)
-- | entry of a 'RingMap' that holds a value and can also
-- wrap around the lookup direction at the edges of the name space.
data RingEntry a k = KeyEntry a
| ProxyEntry (k, ProxyDirection) (Maybe (RingEntry a k))
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | as a compromise, only KeyEntry components are ordered by their key
-- while ProxyEntry components should never be tried to be ordered.
instance (HasKeyID a k, Eq k, Ord a, Bounded k, Ord k) => Ord (RingEntry a k) where
a `compare` b = compare (extractID a) (extractID b)
extractID :: (HasKeyID a k, Ord a, Bounded k, Ord k) => RingEntry a k -> k
extractID (KeyEntry e) = getKeyID e
extractID ProxyEntry{} = error "proxy entries should never appear outside of the RingMap"
data ProxyDirection = Backwards
| Forwards
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Enum ProxyDirection where
toEnum (-1) = Backwards
toEnum 1 = Forwards
toEnum _ = error "no such ProxyDirection"
fromEnum Backwards = - 1
fromEnum Forwards = 1
-- | helper function for getting the a from a RingEntry a k
extractRingEntry :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k) => RingEntry a k -> Maybe a
extractRingEntry (KeyEntry entry) = Just entry
extractRingEntry (ProxyEntry _ (Just (KeyEntry entry))) = Just entry
extractRingEntry _ = Nothing
-- | An empty 'RingMap' needs to be initialised with 2 proxy entries,
-- linking the modular name space together by connecting @minBound@ and @maxBound@
emptyRMap :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k) => RingMap a k
emptyRMap = RingMap . Map.fromList $ proxyEntry <$> [(maxBound, (minBound, Forwards)), (minBound, (maxBound, Backwards))]
proxyEntry (from,to) = (from, ProxyEntry to Nothing)
-- | Maybe returns the entry stored at given key
rMapLookup :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k)
=> k -- ^lookup key
-> RingMap a k -- ^lookup cache
-> Maybe a
rMapLookup key rmap = extractRingEntry =<< Map.lookup key (getRingMap rmap)
-- | returns number of present 'KeyEntry' in a properly initialised 'RingMap'
rMapSize :: (HasKeyID a k, Integral i, Bounded k, Ord k)
=> RingMap a k
-> i
rMapSize rmap = fromIntegral $ Map.size innerMap - oneIfEntry rmap minBound - oneIfEntry rmap maxBound
innerMap = getRingMap rmap
oneIfEntry :: (HasKeyID a k, Integral i, Bounded k, Ord k) => RingMap a k -> k -> i
oneIfEntry rmap' nid
| isNothing (rMapLookup nid rmap') = 1
| otherwise = 0
-- | a wrapper around lookup functions, making the lookup redirectable by a @ProxyEntry@
-- to simulate a modular ring
lookupWrapper :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k, Num k)
=> (k -> Map.Map k (RingEntry a k) -> Maybe (k, RingEntry a k))
-> (k -> Map.Map k (RingEntry a k) -> Maybe (k, RingEntry a k))
-> ProxyDirection
-> k
-> RingMap a k
-> Maybe a
lookupWrapper f fRepeat direction key rmap =
case f key $ getRingMap rmap of
-- the proxy entry found holds a
Just (_, ProxyEntry _ (Just (KeyEntry entry))) -> Just entry
-- proxy entry holds another proxy entry, this should not happen
Just (_, ProxyEntry _ (Just (ProxyEntry _ _))) -> Nothing
-- proxy entry without own entry is a pointer on where to continue
-- if lookup direction is the same as pointer direction: follow pointer
Just (foundKey, ProxyEntry (pointerID, pointerDirection) Nothing) ->
let newKey = if pointerDirection == direction
then pointerID
else foundKey + (fromInteger . toInteger . fromEnum $ direction)
in if rMapNotEmpty rmap
then lookupWrapper fRepeat fRepeat direction newKey rmap
else Nothing
-- normal entries are returned
Just (_, KeyEntry entry) -> Just entry
Nothing -> Nothing
rMapNotEmpty :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k) => RingMap a k -> Bool
rMapNotEmpty rmap' = (Map.size (getRingMap rmap') > 2) -- there are more than the 2 ProxyEntries
|| isJust (rMapLookup minBound rmap') -- or one of the ProxyEntries holds a node
|| isJust (rMapLookup maxBound rmap')
-- | find the successor node to a given key on a modular EpiChord ring.
-- Note: The EpiChord definition of "successor" includes the node at the key itself,
-- if existing.
rMapLookupSucc :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k, Num k)
=> k -- ^lookup key
-> RingMap a k -- ^ring cache
-> Maybe a
rMapLookupSucc = lookupWrapper Map.lookupGE Map.lookupGE Forwards
-- | find the predecessor node to a given key on a modular EpiChord ring.
rMapLookupPred :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k, Num k)
=> k -- ^lookup key
-> RingMap a k -- ^ring cache
-> Maybe a
rMapLookupPred = lookupWrapper Map.lookupLT Map.lookupLE Backwards
addRMapEntryWith :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k)
=> (RingEntry a k -> RingEntry a k -> RingEntry a k)
-> a
-> RingMap a k
-> RingMap a k
addRMapEntryWith combineFunc entry = RingMap
. Map.insertWith combineFunc (getKeyID entry) (KeyEntry entry)
. getRingMap
addRMapEntry :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k)
=> a
-> RingMap a k
-> RingMap a k
addRMapEntry = addRMapEntryWith insertCombineFunction
insertCombineFunction newVal oldVal =
case oldVal of
ProxyEntry n _ -> ProxyEntry n (Just newVal)
KeyEntry _ -> newVal
addRMapEntries :: (Foldable t, HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k)
=> t a
-> RingMap a k
-> RingMap a k
addRMapEntries entries rmap = foldr' addRMapEntry rmap entries
setRMapEntries :: (Foldable t, HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k)
=> t a
-> RingMap a k
setRMapEntries entries = addRMapEntries entries emptyRMap
deleteRMapEntry :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k)
=> k
-> RingMap a k
-> RingMap a k
deleteRMapEntry nid = RingMap . Map.update modifier nid . getRingMap
modifier (ProxyEntry idPointer _) = Just (ProxyEntry idPointer Nothing)
modifier KeyEntry {} = Nothing
rMapToList :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k) => RingMap a k -> [a]
rMapToList = mapMaybe extractRingEntry . Map.elems . getRingMap
rMapFromList :: (HasKeyID a k, Bounded k, Ord k) => [a] -> RingMap a k
rMapFromList = setRMapEntries
-- | takes up to i entries from a 'RingMap' by calling a getter function on a
-- *startAt* value and after that on the previously returned value.
-- Stops once i entries have been taken or an entry has been encountered twice
-- (meaning the ring has been traversed completely).
-- Forms the basis for 'takeRMapSuccessors' and 'takeRMapPredecessors'.
takeRMapEntries_ :: (HasKeyID a k, Integral i, Bounded k, Ord k)
=> (k -> RingMap a k -> Maybe a)
-> k
-> i
-> RingMap a k
-> [a]
-- TODO: might be more efficient with dlists
takeRMapEntries_ getterFunc startAt num rmap = reverse $
case getterFunc startAt rmap of
Nothing -> []
Just anEntry -> takeEntriesUntil rmap getterFunc (getKeyID anEntry) (getKeyID anEntry) (num-1) [anEntry]
-- for some reason, just reusing the already-bound @rmap@ and @getterFunc@
-- variables leads to a type error, these need to be passed explicitly
takeEntriesUntil :: (HasKeyID a k, Integral i, Bounded k, Ord k)
=> RingMap a k
-> (k -> RingMap a k -> Maybe a) -- getter function
-> k
-> k
-> i
-> [a]
-> [a]
takeEntriesUntil rmap' getterFunc' havingReached previousEntry remaining takeAcc
| remaining <= 0 = takeAcc
| getKeyID (fromJust $ getterFunc' previousEntry rmap') == havingReached = takeAcc
| otherwise = let (Just gotEntry) = getterFunc' previousEntry rmap'
in takeEntriesUntil rmap' getterFunc' havingReached (getKeyID gotEntry) (remaining-1) (gotEntry:takeAcc)
takeRMapPredecessors :: (HasKeyID a k, Integral i, Bounded k, Ord k, Num k)
=> k
-> i
-> RingMap a k
-> [a]
takeRMapPredecessors = takeRMapEntries_ rMapLookupPred
takeRMapSuccessors :: (HasKeyID a k, Integral i, Bounded k, Ord k, Num k)
=> k
-> i
-> RingMap a k
-> [a]
takeRMapSuccessors = takeRMapEntries_ rMapLookupSucc
-- clean up cache entries: once now - entry > maxAge
-- transfer difference now - entry to other node