look up additional neighbours if necessary

for #44
This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-06-24 01:19:53 +02:00
parent 111c1a299d
commit 25f44f3a45

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@ -217,15 +217,30 @@ stabiliseThread nsSTM = forever $ do
-- TODO: update successfully stabilised nodes in cache
-- try looking up additional neighbours if list too short
forM_ [(length $ predecessors updatedNs)..(kNeighbours updatedNs)] (\_ -> do
ns' <- readTVarIO nsSTM
nextEntry <- requestQueryID ns' $ pred . getNid $ atDef (toRemoteNodeState ns') (predecessors ns') (-1)
atomically $ do
latestNs <- readTVar nsSTM
writeTVar nsSTM $ addPredecessors [nextEntry] latestNs
forM_ [(length $ successors updatedNs)..(kNeighbours updatedNs)] (\_ -> do
ns' <- readTVarIO nsSTM
nextEntry <- requestQueryID ns' $ succ . getNid $ atDef (toRemoteNodeState ns') (successors ns') (-1)
atomically $ do
latestNs <- readTVar nsSTM
writeTVar nsSTM $ addSuccessors [nextEntry] latestNs
-- TODO: make delay configurable
threadDelay (60 * 1000)
stabiliseClosestResponder :: LocalNodeState
-> (LocalNodeState -> [RemoteNodeState])
-> Int
-> [RemoteNodeState] -- ^ delete accumulator
-> IO (Either String ([RemoteNodeState], [RemoteNodeState])) -- ^ (nodes to be deleted, successfully pinged potential neighbours)
-> (LocalNodeState -> [RemoteNodeState])
-> Int
-> [RemoteNodeState] -- ^ delete accumulator
-> IO (Either String ([RemoteNodeState], [RemoteNodeState])) -- ^ (nodes to be deleted, successfully pinged potential neighbours)
stabiliseClosestResponder ns neighbourGetter neighbourNum deleteAcc
| isNothing (currentNeighbour ns neighbourGetter neighbourNum) = pure $ Left "exhausted all neigbours"
| otherwise = do