refactored stabilise: use first responding neighbour

contributes to #44
This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-06-23 19:33:54 +02:00
parent d5f502c05c
commit 111c1a299d

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@ -65,9 +65,10 @@ import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.Foldable (foldr')
import Data.IP (IPv6, fromHostAddress6,
import Data.List ((\\))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe,
isJust, mapMaybe)
isJust, isNothing, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Typeable (Typeable (..), typeOf)
@ -184,47 +185,67 @@ cacheWriter nsSTM =
stabiliseThread :: LocalNodeStateSTM -> IO ()
stabiliseThread nsSTM = forever $ do
ns <- readTVarIO nsSTM
-- iterate through the same snapshot, collect potential new neighbours
-- and nodes to be deleted, and modify these changes only at the end of
-- each stabilise run.
-- This decision makes iterating through a potentially changing list easier.
-- don't contact all neighbours unless the previous one failed/ Left ed
predStabilise <- stabiliseClosestResponder ns predecessors 1 []
succStabilise <- stabiliseClosestResponder ns predecessors 1 []
(predDeletes, predNeighbours) = either (const ([], [])) id predStabilise
(succDeletes, succNeighbours) = either (const ([], [])) id succStabilise
allDeletes = predDeletes <> succDeletes
allNeighbours = predNeighbours <> succNeighbours
-- now actually modify the node state's neighbours
updatedNs <- atomically $ do
newerNsSnap <- readTVar nsSTM
-- sorting and taking only k neighbours is taken care of by the
-- setSuccessors/ setPredecessors functions
newPreds = (predecessors newerNsSnap \\ allDeletes) <> allNeighbours
newSuccs = (successors newerNsSnap \\ allDeletes) <> allNeighbours
newNs = setPredecessors newPreds . setSuccessors newSuccs $ newerNsSnap
writeTVar nsSTM newNs
pure newNs
-- TODO: update successfully stabilised nodes in cache
-- first stabilise immediate neihbours, then the next ones
forM_ [1..(kNeighbours ns)] (\num -> do
stabiliseNeighbour nsSTM predecessors num
stabiliseNeighbour nsSTM successors num
-- try looking up additional neighbours if list too short
-- TODO: make delay configurable
threadDelay (60 * 1000)
stabiliseNeighbour :: LocalNodeStateSTM
stabiliseClosestResponder :: LocalNodeState
-> (LocalNodeState -> [RemoteNodeState])
-> Int
-> IO (Either String ())
stabiliseNeighbour nsSTM neighbourGetter neighbourNum = do
nsSnap <- readTVarIO nsSTM
let chosenNode = maybe (Left "no such neighbour entry") Right $ atMay (neighbourGetter nsSnap) neighbourNum
-- returning @Left@ signifies the need to try again with next from list
runExceptT $ requestToNeighbour nsSnap chosenNode >>= parseNeighbourResponse
requestToNeighbour :: (MonadError String m, MonadIO m)
=> LocalNodeState
-> Either String RemoteNodeState
-> m (Either String ([RemoteNodeState],[RemoteNodeState]))
requestToNeighbour _ (Left err) = throwError err
requestToNeighbour ns (Right n) = liftIO $ requestStabilise ns n
parseNeighbourResponse :: (MonadError String m, MonadIO m)
=> Either String ([RemoteNodeState], [RemoteNodeState])
-> m ()
parseNeighbourResponse (Left err) = throwError err
parseNeighbourResponse (Right (succs, preds)) = liftIO $ do
-- ping each returned node before actually inserting them
-- send pings in parallel, check whether ID is part of the returned IDs
nsSnap <- readTVarIO nsSTM
pingThreads <- mapM (async . checkReachability nsSnap) $ preds <> succs
-- ToDo: exception handling, maybe log them
-- filter out own node
checkedNeighbours <- filter (/= toRemoteNodeState nsSnap) . catMaybes . rights <$> mapM waitCatch pingThreads
-> [RemoteNodeState] -- ^ delete accumulator
-> IO (Either String ([RemoteNodeState], [RemoteNodeState])) -- ^ (nodes to be deleted, successfully pinged potential neighbours)
stabiliseClosestResponder ns neighbourGetter neighbourNum deleteAcc
| isNothing (currentNeighbour ns neighbourGetter neighbourNum) = pure $ Left "exhausted all neigbours"
| otherwise = do
let node = fromJust $ currentNeighbour ns neighbourGetter neighbourNum
stabResponse <- requestStabilise ns node
case stabResponse of
-- returning @Left@ signifies the need to try again with next from list
Left err -> stabiliseClosestResponder ns neighbourGetter (neighbourNum+1) (node:deleteAcc)
Right (succs, preds) -> do
-- ping each returned node before actually inserting them
-- send pings in parallel, check whether ID is part of the returned IDs
pingThreads <- mapM (async . checkReachability ns) $ preds <> succs
-- ToDo: exception handling, maybe log them
-- filter out own node
checkedNeighbours <- filter (/= toRemoteNodeState ns) . catMaybes . rights <$> mapM waitCatch pingThreads
pure $ Right (deleteAcc, checkedNeighbours)
currentNeighbour ns neighbourGetter = atMay $ neighbourGetter ns
atomically $ do
newerNsSnap <- readTVar nsSTM
writeTVar nsSTM $ addPredecessors checkedNeighbours . addSuccessors checkedNeighbours $ newerNsSnap
pure ()
checkReachability :: LocalNodeState -> RemoteNodeState -> IO (Maybe RemoteNodeState)
checkReachability ns toCheck = do
resp <- requestPing ns toCheck