#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from datetime import datetime AUTHOR = 'Trolli Schmittlauch' SITENAME = 'Schmittlauchs Blog & Homepage' SITETITLE = 'schmittlauch' SITESUBTITLE = 'Das Leben ist eine Abschweifung.' SITEURL = '' SITELOGO = '/images/avatar.png' FAVICON = '/images/favicon.svg' PATH = 'content' STATIC_PATHS = ['images', 'static'] ARTICLE_PATHS = ['blog'] INDEX_SAVE_AS = 'blog/index.html' ARTICLE_URL = 'blog/{slug}.html' ARTICLE_SAVE_AS = 'blog/{slug}.html' CUSTOM_CSS = "static/custom.css" # enable typography pre-processing for nicer appearance TYPOGRIFY = True TIMEZONE = 'Europe/Berlin' # Feed generation is usually not desired when developing FEED_ALL_ATOM = None CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = None TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_RSS = None DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_MENU = False DISPLAY_CATEGORIES_ON_MENU = False MAIN_MENU = True MENUITEMS = ( ("Blog", "/blog/"), ("Archives", "/archives.html"), ("Categories", "/categories.html"), ("Tags", "/tags.html"), ("Impressum", "/pages/impressum.html"), ("Seitenquelltext", "https://git.orlives.de/schmittlauch/schmittlau.ch-pelican/"), ) # lefthand menu LINKS = (('Blog', '/blog/'), ('Über mich', '/pages/about.html'), ('Berufliches & Lebenslauf', '/pages/professional.html'), ('Kontakt', '/pages/contact.html'), #('', ''), ) # Social widget SOCIAL = ( ("mastodon", "https://toot.matereal.eu/@schmittlauch"), ("twitter", "https://twitter.com/schmittlauch"), #("matrixdotorg", ""), ("envelope", "mailto:t.schmittlauch+blog@orlives.de"), ("git", "https://git.orlives.de/schmittlauch/"), ("github", "https://github.com/schmittlauch/"), ("rss", f"/feeds/all.atom.xml"), ) DEFAULT_PAGINATION = 10 # Uncomment following line if you want document-relative URLs when developing #RELATIVE_URLS = True # Multilang MARKDOWN = { 'extension_configs': { 'markdown.extensions.codehilite': {'use_pygments': True}, 'markdown.extensions.fenced_code': {}, 'markdown.extensions.footnotes': {}, 'markdown.extensions.tables': {}, 'markdown.extensions.attr_list': {}, }, 'output_format': 'html5', } DEFAULT_LANG = 'de' OG_LOCALE = "de_DE" LOCALE = ("de_DE", "de_DE.utf8") PLUGIN_PATHS = ['pelican-plugins'] PLUGINS = ['i18n_subsites'] # Enable Jinja2 i18n extension used to parse translations. JINJA_ENVIRONMENT = {'extensions': ['jinja2.ext.i18n']} # Default theme language. I18N_TEMPLATES_LANG = "en" I18N_SUBSITES = { (_LOC := 'en'): { 'OG_LOCALE': "en", 'LOCALE': ("en_GB", "en_GB.utf8"), # override default and remove untranslated articles 'I18N_UNTRANSLATED_ARTICLES': 'remove', # translation of strings, menu, titles 'SITENAME': "Schmittlauch's Blog & Homepage", 'SITESUBTITLE': 'Life is a digression.', 'MENUITEMS': ( ("Blog", f"/{_LOC}/blog/"), ("Archives", f"/{_LOC}/archives.html"), ("Categories", f"/{_LOC}/categories.html"), ("Tags", f"/{_LOC}/tags.html"), ("Legal", f"/{_LOC}/pages/impressum.html"), ("Page Source", "https://git.orlives.de/schmittlauch/schmittlau.ch-pelican/"), ), 'LINKS': ( ('Blog', f'/{_LOC}/blog/'), ('About', f'/{_LOC}/pages/about.html'), ('Professional & CV', f'/{_LOC}/pages/professional.html'), ('Contact', f'/{_LOC}/pages/contact.html'), #('', ''), ), } } # idea: almost everyone understanding also understands English, # so keep English-only posts in the German page I18N_UNTRANSLATED_ARTICLES = 'keep' # Theming, templates, and specific configs THEME = './theme/Flex' THEME_COLOR_AUTO_DETECT_BROWSER_PREFERENCE = True THEME_COLOR_ENABLE_USER_OVERRIDE = True CC_LICENSE = { "name": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike", "version": "4.0", "slug": "by-sa", "local_icons": True, } COPYRIGHT_YEAR = datetime.now().year DISABLE_URL_HASH = True USE_GOOGLE_FONTS = False