316 lines
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316 lines
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% $Header$
% use lualatex for compilation
% This file is a solution template for:
% - Talk at a conference/colloquium.
% - Talk length is about 20min.
% - Style is ornate.
% Copyright 2004 by Till Tantau <tantau@users.sourceforge.net>.
% In principle, this file can be redistributed and/or modified under
% the terms of the GNU Public License, version 2.
% However, this file is supposed to be a template to be modified
% for your own needs. For this reason, if you use this file as a
% template and not specifically distribute it as part of a another
% package/program, I grant the extra permission to freely copy and
% modify this file as you see fit and even to delete this copyright
% notice.
% or ...
% or whatever (possibly just delete it)
% notes on 2nd screen:
\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}
% or whatever
\usepackage[backend=biber, sorting=none]{biblatex}
% Or whatever. Note that the encoding and the font should match. If T1
% does not look nice, try deleting the line with the fontenc.
\title[Decentralised Hashtag Federation] % (optional, use only with long paper titles)
{Decentralised Hashtag Search and Subscription
for Federated Social Networks}
{Trolli Schmittlauch}
% - Give the names in the same order as the appear in the paper.
% - Use the \inst{?} command only if the authors have different
% affiliation.
\institute[] % (optional, but mostly needed)
Department of Computer Science\\
Technical University Dresden
\date[APConf 2019] % (optional, should be abbreviation of conference name)
{ActivityPubConf 2019}
% - Either use conference name or its abbreviation.
% - Not really informative to the audience, more for people (including
% yourself) who are reading the slides online
% This is only inserted into the PDF information catalog. Can be left
% out.
% If you have a file called "university-logo-filename.xxx", where xxx
% is a graphic format that can be processed by latex or pdflatex,
% resp., then you can add a logo as follows:
% \pgfdeclareimage[height=0.5cm]{university-logo}{university-logo-filename}
% \logo{\pgfuseimage{university-logo}}
% Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at
% the beginning of each subsection:
% \begin{frame}<beamer>{Outline}
% \tableofcontents[currentsection,currentsubsection]
% \end{frame}
% If you wish to uncover everything in a step-wise fashion, uncomment
% the following command:
\note{introduce myself:\\
known as schmittlauch on the Internet\\
student of Computer Science @ TU Dresden\\
interest in federated systems and unusual social networks\\
presenting my work on a study paper from this year}
% You might wish to add the option [pausesections]
% Structuring a talk is a difficult task and the following structure
% may not be suitable. Here are some rules that apply for this
% solution:
% - Exactly two or three sections (other than the summary).
% - At *most* three subsections per section.
% - Talk about 30s to 2min per frame. So there should be between about
% 15 and 30 frames, all told.
% - A conference audience is likely to know very little of what you
% are going to talk about. So *simplify*!
% - In a 20min talk, getting the main ideas across is hard
% enough. Leave out details, even if it means being less precise than
% you think necessary.
% - If you omit details that are vital to the proof/implementation,
% just say so once. Everybody will be happy with that.
\begin{frame}{Welcome to ActivityPubConf!}{Motivation}
\note{Who has been posting about this Conference?}
\note{And who used \#ActivityPubConf?}
\subsection{Importance of \#Hashtags}
\begin{frame}{Importance of \#Hashtags}{}
Hashtags are used for marking posts about certain topics or events:
\item<1-> \textbf{events}: \#ActivityPubConf, \#CCCamp19
\item<2-> \textbf{political topics}: \#SaveTheInternet
\item<3-> \textbf{general topics}: \#mastoadmin, \#Tusky
\item<4-> \textbf{ongoing demonstrations}: \#GeziPark, \#WomensMarch
\item<5-> \textbf{social movements}: \#MeToo
\tiny{\href{https://www.flickr.com/photos/8183946@N05/14733648892}{"Obama in the Backseat: Rally to Save the Internet"} by \href{https://www.flickr.com/photos/8183946@N05}{Free Press Pics} is licensed under \href{https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/?ref=ccsearch&atype=rich}{CC BY-SA 2.0} \ccbysa}
\tiny{\href{https://www.flickr.com/photos/50612692@N04/28039368079}{"IMG\_4263"} by \href{https://www.flickr.com/photos/50612692@N04}{GGAADD} is licensed under \href{https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/?ref=ccsearch&atype=rich}{CC BY-SA 2.0} \ccbysa}
\subsection{State of Hashtags in the Fediverse}
\begin{frame}{State of Hashtags on the Fediverse}{}
{\center \Large Hashtags are used in the fediverse}
{\large But do they behave as expected?}
\caption{\#activitypubconf on the single-user instance \textit{toot.matereal.eu}}
\caption{\#activitypubconf on the large instance \textit{mastodon.social}}
\begin{frame}{State of Hashtags on the Fediverse}{Fragmentation}
\item fragmented view on hashtag posts depending on user's instance
\item hashtag search only shows posts already known to the instance
\item Result: incentive to cluster on large nodes \(\Leftarrow\) centralisation
\item subscription to \texttt{@alice@example.com} by contacting instance \texttt{example.com}
\item all future posts by alice are
\section{System Architecture}
\begin{frame}{System Architecture}{adding a P2P backend to the fediverse}
why even still use classic push federation?
\begin{frame}{Discussion}{I need YOUR feedback}
I want feedback from all of you, no matter whether it's from a \textit{\LARGE technical} or from a \textit{\LARGE social perspective}.
\subsection{Social Considerations}
% Keep the summary *very short*.
things can be \alert{highlighted}.
% The following outlook is optional.
\vskip0pt plus.5fill
% All of the following is optional and typically not needed.
\subsection<presentation>*{For Further Reading}
\center\huge{Thank you for your attention!}
%\includegraphics[height=0.5\textheight]{figures/nomnompingu.png}\tiny\footnote{CC-BY-SA 3.0 by Elektroll}