with import {}; let tud-cd = callPackage ./tud-cd-latex.nix {}; in mkShell { buildInputs = [ gnumake pandoc bashInteractive (texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) scheme-medium luatex unicode-math fontspec collection-binextra collection-fontsrecommended collection-latex collection-latexextra collection-latexrecommended collection-langgerman IEEEtran moderncv acronym ccicons biblatex logreq koma-script xits opensans ; # custom LaTeX class, see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/11893#issuecomment-166834399 "tud-cd" = { pkgs = [ tud-cd ]; }; }) biber opensans-ttf xits-math stix-otf # for instance DNS query script (python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ aiodns ipython numpy gmpy2 (matplotlib.override { enableQt=true; }) ])) # for processing data dumps jq jupyter parallel gawk gnuplot git-lfs (sqlite.override {interactive=true;}) ]; }