{ pkgs, ... }: with pkgs; let mybrowser = firefox; desktopApps = [ mybrowser calibre dino zotero keepassxc ding aspell aspellDicts.de aspellDicts.en seafile-client alacritty libreoffice-fresh backintime-qt4 anki signal-desktop (tor-browser-bundle-bin.override {mediaSupport=true;pulseaudioSupport=true;}) ]; graphicsApps = [ gimp inkscape darktable hugin luminanceHDR ]; multimediaApps = [ mpv vlc amarok-kf5 #clementine youtube-dl sonic-pi ]; cliApps = [ vim htop tmux httpie ponysay gti mosh openssh sshfsFuse cryfs sshuttle thefuck gnupg unar pwgen pandoc ]; kdeTools = with kdeApplications; [ okular redshift-plasma-applet gwenview yakuake kmail kontact korganizer kaddressbook kdeconnect dolphin spectacle kate kleopatra qdirstat ark kwalletmanager #ktouch ] ++ (with kdeFrameworks; [ networkmanager-qt kcrash #(phonon-backend-vlc {qtbase=qt5.qtbase; qtx11extras=qt5.qtx11extras;}) ]); devTools = [ curl httpie gdb strace ltrace valgrind zeal gcc ]; latexApps = [ texmaker # customize texlive installation (texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) scheme-medium xetex luatex unicode-math fontspec collection-binextra collection-fontsrecommended collection-latex collection-latexextra collection-latexrecommended collection-langgerman IEEEtran moderncv acronym koma-script; }) ]; pythonApps = with python3Packages; [ notebook ipython pip numpy matplotlib ]; fonts = [ # TODO: vollkorn source-sans-pro source-serif-pro ]; in { home.packages = ([] ++ desktopApps ++ latexApps ++ pythonApps ++ graphicsApps ++ cliApps ++ multimediaApps ++ devTools ++ kdeTools ++ fonts ); programs.home-manager.enable = true; programs.home-manager.path = https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/archive/release-18.03.tar.gz; }