
147 lines
6.0 KiB

from typing import List, Tuple, Generator
import arpeggio
from itertools import chain
from import Mapping
__all__ = ["js1_style", "js2_style"]
grammar = """
// starting point for jobshop1 input file
job_shop1 = skip_preface
// eat away lines of preface, until first problem_instance is
// encountered; then the list of instances start
skip_preface = (!problem_instance r"[^\n]+" skip_preface) / (eol skip_preface) / instance_list
instance_list = problem_instance (sep_line trim_ws eol problem_instance eol?)* eof_sep
problem_instance = trim_ws "instance" ' ' instance_name trim_ws eol trim_ws eol sep_line description eol problem_data
description = r"[^\n]*"
instance_name = r"\w+"
sep_line = trim_ws plus_line trim_ws eol
// lines out of multiple + signs
plus_line = r"\+\+\++"
// EOF is a builtin rule matching end of file
eof_sep = trim_ws plus_line " EOF " plus_line trim_ws eol* EOF
// entry point for jobshop2 input files
job_shop2 = problem_data EOF
problem_data = trim_ws num_jobs ' ' num_machines eol job_data+
// used for skipping arbitrary number of non-breaking whitespace
trim_ws = r'[ \t]*'
// git may change line-endings on windows, so we have to match on both
eol = "\n" / "\r\n"
nonneg_num = r'\d+'
num_jobs = nonneg_num
num_machines = nonneg_num
machine = nonneg_num
duration = nonneg_num
// task data for 1 job
job_data = ' '* machine ' '+ duration (' '+ machine ' '+ duration)* trim_ws eol
class ParseError(Exception):
"""To be thrown when parsing goes wrong"""
def __init__(self, message: str) -> None:
self.message = message
class JobShopProblem(Mapping):
def __init__(
self, jobs: int, machines: int,
problem_data: List[List[Tuple[int, int]]],
name: str = 'unnamed', description: str = '') -> None:
# check plausibility of input
if len(problem_data) != jobs:
raise ParseError("Given number of jobs for problem \"{}\" differs from actual job data.".format(name))
if max([machine for (duration, machine) in chain.from_iterable(problem_data)]) > machines-1:
raise ParseError("Higher machine number found in problem data than specified at problem head")
self.description = description = name
self.machines = machines = jobs
self.problem_data = problem_data
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "JobShopProblem " + str(
# make this behave like a mapping (e.g. a dict)
def __getitem__(self, key: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
# unpacking key
(jobnum, tasknum) = key
return self.problem_data[jobnum][tasknum]
except ValueError as e:
raise TypeError("Key must be a (int, int) tuple")
def __iter__(self):
self.iterpos1 = 0
self.iterpos2 = 0
return self
def __next__(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
if self.iterpos1 >= len(self.problem_data):
raise StopIteration
return_key = (self.iterpos1, self.iterpos2)
self.iterpos2 += 1
if self.iterpos2 >= len(self.problem_data[self.iterpos1]):
self.iterpos2 = 0
self.iterpos1 += 1
return return_key
def __len__(self) -> int:
return sum(map(len, self.problem_data))
def get_tasks_by_job(self, job: int) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
return self.problem_data[job]
class JobShopVisitor(arpeggio.PTNodeVisitor):
"""contains visitor functions needed for both jobshop1 (list of instances)
and jobshop2 (single instance without name & description) input data"""
def visit_nonneg_num(
self, node: arpeggio.ParseTreeNode,
children: arpeggio.SemanticActionResults) -> int:
if self.debug:
print("Converting non-negative integer", node.value)
return int(node.value)
def visit_machine(self, node: arpeggio.ParseTreeNode, children: arpeggio.SemanticActionResults) -> int:
return int(node.value)
def visit_duration(self, node: arpeggio.ParseTreeNode, children: arpeggio.SemanticActionResults) -> int:
return int(node.value)
def visit_num_machines(self, node: arpeggio.ParseTreeNode, children: arpeggio.SemanticActionResults) -> int:
return int(node.value)
def visit_num_jobs(self, node: arpeggio.ParseTreeNode, children: arpeggio.SemanticActionResults) -> int:
return int(node.value)
def visit_job_data(self, node: arpeggio.ParseTreeNode, children: arpeggio.SemanticActionResults) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
if self.debug:
print("Job data:\nnode:", type(node), "children:", children)
job_numbers = list(filter(lambda x: type(x) is int, children))
# job data needs to consist out of pairs of numbers
if len(job_numbers) % 2 == 1:
raise ParseError("Odd number of numbers in job data")
# returns list of (duration, machine) tuples
# [::2] returns only every second element of the list
return list(zip(job_numbers[1::2], job_numbers[0::2]))
def visit_problem_data(
self, node: arpeggio.ParseTreeNode,
children: arpeggio.SemanticActionResults) -> JobShopProblem:
if self.debug:
print("problem_data\nchildren:", children)
# filter out newlines or other strings
cleaned_data = list(filter(lambda x: type(x) is not str, children))
problem_data: List[List[Tuple[int, int]]] = [
cleaned_data[i] for i in range(2, len(cleaned_data))]
problem = JobShopProblem(children[0], children[1], problem_data)
if self.debug:
print("\nreturning a", type(problem), "\n")
print("problem_data:", problem_data)
return problem