Pull_Fwd inkl. Rectify funktionstüchtig TODO: Accept + Simanneal + Output

lukasstracke 2017-07-10 23:17:33 +02:00
parent a7f1a86748
commit 6be2e20cc7
2 changed files with 48 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -13,17 +13,23 @@ def pull_fwd(solution):
Returns the modified solution and the tasks index.
old_idx = random.randint(1, len(solution)-1)
print("old_idx" + str(old_idx))
while(solution[old_idx][1][0] == solution[old_idx-1][1][0]):
old_idx -= 1
#Catch case of the op to be pulled being 0
print("old_idx" + str(old_idx))
if(old_idx == 0):
return pull_fwd(solution)
new_idx = random.randint(0, old_idx-1)
for task in solution[new_idx:old_idx]:
if(task[1][0] == solution[old_idx][1][0]):
task = solution[old_idx]
solution.insert(new_idx, task)
return (solution, new_idx)
return pull_fwd(solution)
task = solution[old_idx]
solution.insert(new_idx, task)
return rectify(solution, new_idx)
def accept(solution):
@ -41,13 +47,16 @@ def rectify(solution, idx):
Transform solution by adapting the begin times and delaying
tasks on the same machine if affected.
solution[idx][0] = solution[idx+1][0]
solution[idx] = (solution[idx+1][0],) + solution[idx][1:]
update_begin(solution, idx)
correct_indices(solution, idx)
for task in solution[idx:]:
correct_machine(solution, solution.index(task))
correct_precedence(solution, solution.index(task))
for i in range(idx, len(solution)-1):
print("i: " + str(i))
correct_machine(solution, i)
correct_precedence(solution, i)
def update_begin(solution, idx):
@ -57,19 +66,23 @@ def update_begin(solution, idx):
global problem
task = solution[idx]
if(idx == 0):
solution[idx] = (0,) + solution[idx][1:]
#find the next task with condition=true, if exists
machine = ( x for x in solution[idx-1::-1] if problem[x[1]][1] == problem[task[1]][1] )
prev_mach = next(machine, None) #returns the task or None
job = ( x for x in solution[idx-1::-1] if task[1][0] == x[1][0] )
prev_job = next( job, None)
prev_job = next(job, None)
end_mach = 0
end_job = 0
if prev_mach:
end_mach = problem[prev_mach[1]][0] + prev_mach[0]
if prev_job:
end_job = problem[prev_job[1]][0] + prev_job[0]
solution[idx][0] = max(end_mach, end_job, task[0])
solution[idx] = (max(end_mach, end_job, task[0]),) + solution[idx][1:]
def correct_indices(solution, idx):
@ -93,7 +106,8 @@ def correct_machine(solution, idx):
conflict = next(( x for x in possible_conf if x[0] < end ), None)
idx = solution.index(conflict)
solution[idx][0] = end
solution[idx] = (end,) + solution[idx][1:]
def correct_precedence(solution, idx):
@ -101,12 +115,21 @@ def correct_precedence(solution, idx):
Check precedence relation and correct if needed.
task = solution[idx]
end = problem[task[1][0] + task[0]
end = problem[task[1]][0] + task[0]
possible_conf = ( x for x in solution[idx+1:] if x[1][0] == task[1][0] )
conflict = next(( x for x in possible_conf if x[0] < end ), None)
conflict = next(( x for x in possible_conf if x[0] < end or x[1][1] < task[1][1]), None)
idx = solution.index(conflict)
solution[idx][0] = end
print("idx->" + str(idx))
if(conflict[0] < end):
solution[idx] = (end,) + solution[idx][1:]
if(conflict[1][1] < task[1][1]):
new_start = solution[idx][0] + solution[idx][1][1]
print("new_start: " + str(new_start))
task = (new_start,) + task[1:]
solution.insert(idx, task)
def generate(old_solution, steps):
@ -115,9 +138,13 @@ def generate(old_solution, steps):
solution = old_solution[:]
options = [pull_fwd, accept]
option = random.choice(options)
return option(solution)
while(steps > 0):
option = random.choice(options)
solution = option(solution)
if(option == accept):
steps -= 1
return solution
def mock():

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
from Parser import JobShopProblem as Problem
def enumerate(problem):
schedule = ( (job, task) for job in range(0, problem.jobs) for task in range(0, problem.get_tasks_by_job(job)) )
schedule = ( (job, task) for job in range(0, problem.jobs) for task in range(0, len(problem.get_tasks_by_job(job))) )
begin = 0
solution = []
for task in schedule:
solution.append((begin, task))
begin += problem[task[0]][task[1]][0]
begin += problem[task][0]
return solution