
565 lines
23 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Hash2Pub.FediChordTypes
( NodeID -- abstract, but newtype constructors cannot be hidden
, idBits
, getNodeID
, toNodeID
, NodeState (..)
, LocalNodeState (..)
, LocalNodeStateSTM
, RemoteNodeState (..)
, RealNode (..)
, RealNodeSTM
, VSMap
, LoadStats (..)
, emptyLoadStats
, remainingLoadTarget
, loadSliceSum
, addVserver
, SegmentLoadStats (..)
, setSuccessors
, setPredecessors
, NodeCache
, NodeCacheEntry
, LookupCache
, LookupCacheEntry
, CacheEntry(..)
, RingEntry(..)
, RingMap(..)
, HasKeyID(..)
, rMapSize
, rMapLookup
, rMapLookupPred
, rMapLookupSucc
, addRMapEntry
, addRMapEntryWith
, addPredecessors
, addSuccessors
, takeRMapPredecessors
, takeRMapSuccessors
, deleteRMapEntry
, setRMapEntries
, rMapFromList
, rMapToList
, cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated
, initCache
, nodeCacheEntries
, cacheLookup
, cacheLookupSucc
, cacheLookupPred
, localCompare
, genNodeID
, genNodeIDBS
, hasValidNodeId
, genKeyID
, genKeyIDBS
, byteStringToUInteger
, ipAddrAsBS
, bsAsIpAddr
, FediChordConf(..)
, DHT(..)
, Service(..)
, ServiceConf(..)
) where
import Control.Exception
import Data.Foldable (foldr')
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.Hashable as Hashable
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
import Data.List (delete, nub, sortBy)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust,
isNothing, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Network.Socket
-- for hashing and ID conversion
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Crypto.Hash
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
import Data.IP (IPv6, fromHostAddress6,
import Data.Typeable (Typeable (..), typeOf)
import Data.Word
import qualified Network.ByteOrder as NetworkBytes
import Hash2Pub.RingMap
import Hash2Pub.Utils
import Debug.Trace (trace)
-- define protocol constants
-- | static definition of ID length in bits
idBits :: Integer
idBits = 256
-- |NodeIDs are Integers wrapped in a newtype, to be able to redefine
-- their instance behaviour
-- for being able to check value bounds, the constructor should not be used directly
-- and new values are created via @toNodeID@ (newtype constructors cannot be hidden)
newtype NodeID = NodeID { getNodeID :: Integer } deriving stock (Show, Eq) deriving newtype Enum
-- |smart data constructor for NodeID that throws a runtime exception for out-of-bounds values.
-- When needing a runtime-safe constructor with drawbacks, try @fromInteger@
toNodeID :: Integer -> NodeID
toNodeID i = assert (i >= getNodeID minBound && i <= getNodeID maxBound) $ NodeID i
-- |NodeIDs are bounded by the value range of an unsigned Integer of length 'idBits'
instance Bounded NodeID where
minBound = NodeID 0
maxBound = NodeID (2^idBits - 1)
-- |calculations with NodeIDs are modular arithmetic operations
instance Num NodeID where
a + b = NodeID $ (getNodeID a + getNodeID b) `mod` (getNodeID maxBound + 1)
a * b = NodeID $ (getNodeID a * getNodeID b) `mod` (getNodeID maxBound + 1)
a - b = NodeID $ (getNodeID a - getNodeID b) `mod` (getNodeID maxBound + 1)
-- |safe constructor for NodeID values with the drawback, that out-of-bound values are wrapped around
-- with modulo to fit in the allowed value space. For runtime checking, look at @toNodeID@.
fromInteger i = NodeID $ i `mod` (getNodeID maxBound + 1)
signum = NodeID . signum . getNodeID
abs = NodeID . abs . getNodeID -- ToDo: make sure that at creation time only IDs within the range are used
-- | use normal strict monotonic ordering of integers, realising the ring structure
-- is done in the @NodeCache@ implementation
instance Ord NodeID where
a `compare` b = getNodeID a `compare` getNodeID b
-- | local comparison of 2 node IDs, only relevant for determining a successor or predecessor on caches with just 2 nodes
localCompare :: NodeID -> NodeID -> Ordering
a `localCompare` b
| getNodeID a == getNodeID b = EQ
| wayForwards > wayBackwards = GT
| otherwise = LT
wayForwards = getNodeID (b - a)
wayBackwards = getNodeID (a - b)
-- | Data for managing the virtual server nodes of this real node.
-- Also contains shared data and config values.
-- TODO: more data structures for k-choices bookkeeping
data RealNode s = RealNode
{ vservers :: VSMap s
-- ^ map of all active VServer node IDs to their node state
, nodeConfig :: FediChordConf
-- ^ holds the initial configuration read at program start
, bootstrapNodes :: [(String, PortNumber)]
-- ^ nodes to be used as bootstrapping points, new ones learned during operation
, lookupCacheSTM :: TVar LookupCache
-- ^ a global cache of looked up keys and their associated nodes
, globalNodeCacheSTM :: TVar NodeCache
-- ^ EpiChord node cache with expiry times for nodes.
, globalCacheWriteQueue :: TQueue (NodeCache -> NodeCache)
-- ^ cache updates are not written directly to the 'globalNodeCacheSTM'
, nodeService :: s (RealNodeSTM s)
-- | insert a new vserver mapping into a node
addVserver :: (NodeID, LocalNodeStateSTM s) -> RealNode s -> RealNode s
addVserver (key, nstate) node = node
{ vservers = addRMapEntry key nstate (vservers node) }
type VSMap s = RingMap NodeID (LocalNodeStateSTM s)
type RealNodeSTM s = TVar (RealNode s)
-- | represents a node and all its important state
data RemoteNodeState = RemoteNodeState
{ nid :: NodeID
, domain :: String
-- ^ full public domain name the node is reachable under
, ipAddr :: HostAddress6
-- the node's public IPv6 address
, dhtPort :: PortNumber
-- ^ port of the DHT itself
, servicePort :: PortNumber
-- ^ port of the service provided on top of the DHT
, vServerID :: Word8
-- ^ ID of this vserver
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Ord RemoteNodeState where
a `compare` b = nid a `compare` nid b
-- | represents a node and encapsulates all data and parameters that are not present for remote nodes
data LocalNodeState s = LocalNodeState
{ nodeState :: RemoteNodeState
-- ^ represents common data present both in remote and local node representations
, nodeCacheSTM :: TVar NodeCache
-- ^ reference to the 'globalNodeCacheSTM'
, cacheWriteQueue :: TQueue (NodeCache -> NodeCache)
-- ^ reference to the 'globalCacheWriteQueue
, successors :: [RemoteNodeState] -- could be a set instead as these are ordered as well
-- ^ successor nodes in ascending order by distance
, predecessors :: [RemoteNodeState]
-- ^ predecessor nodes in ascending order by distance
, kNeighbours :: Int
-- ^ desired length of predecessor and successor list
, lNumBestNodes :: Int
-- ^ number of best next hops to provide
, pNumParallelQueries :: Int
-- ^ number of parallel sent queries
, jEntriesPerSlice :: Int
-- ^ number of desired entries per cache slice
, parentRealNode :: RealNodeSTM s
-- ^ the parent node managing this vserver instance
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | for concurrent access, LocalNodeState is wrapped in a TVar
type LocalNodeStateSTM s = TVar (LocalNodeState s)
-- | class for various NodeState representations, providing
-- getters and setters for common values
class NodeState a where
-- getters for common properties
getNid :: a -> NodeID
getDomain :: a -> String
getIpAddr :: a -> HostAddress6
getDhtPort :: a -> PortNumber
getServicePort :: a -> PortNumber
getVServerID :: a -> Word8
-- setters for common properties
setNid :: NodeID -> a -> a
setDomain :: String -> a -> a
setIpAddr :: HostAddress6 -> a -> a
setDhtPort :: PortNumber -> a -> a
setServicePort :: PortNumber -> a -> a
setVServerID :: Word8 -> a -> a
toRemoteNodeState :: a -> RemoteNodeState
instance NodeState RemoteNodeState where
getNid = nid
getDomain = domain
getIpAddr = ipAddr
getDhtPort = dhtPort
getServicePort = servicePort
getVServerID = vServerID
setNid nid' ns = ns {nid = nid'}
setDomain domain' ns = ns {domain = domain'}
setIpAddr ipAddr' ns = ns {ipAddr = ipAddr'}
setDhtPort dhtPort' ns = ns {dhtPort = dhtPort'}
setServicePort servicePort' ns = ns {servicePort = servicePort'}
setVServerID vServerID' ns = ns {vServerID = vServerID'}
toRemoteNodeState = id
-- | helper function for setting values on the 'RemoteNodeState' contained in the 'LocalNodeState'
propagateNodeStateSet_ :: (RemoteNodeState -> RemoteNodeState) -> LocalNodeState s -> LocalNodeState s
propagateNodeStateSet_ func ns = let
newNs = func $ nodeState ns
ns {nodeState = newNs}
instance NodeState (LocalNodeState s) where
getNid = getNid . nodeState
getDomain = getDomain . nodeState
getIpAddr = getIpAddr . nodeState
getDhtPort = getDhtPort . nodeState
getServicePort = getServicePort . nodeState
getVServerID = getVServerID . nodeState
setNid nid' = propagateNodeStateSet_ $ setNid nid'
setDomain domain' = propagateNodeStateSet_ $ setDomain domain'
setIpAddr ipAddr' = propagateNodeStateSet_ $ setIpAddr ipAddr'
setDhtPort dhtPort' = propagateNodeStateSet_ $ setDhtPort dhtPort'
setServicePort servicePort' = propagateNodeStateSet_ $ setServicePort servicePort'
setVServerID vServerID' = propagateNodeStateSet_ $ setVServerID vServerID'
toRemoteNodeState = nodeState
-- | defining Show instances to be able to print NodeState for debug purposes
instance Typeable a => Show (TVar a) where
show x = show (typeOf x)
instance Typeable a => Show (TQueue a) where
show x = show (typeOf x)
instance Typeable a => Show (TChan a) where
show x = show (typeOf x)
-- | convenience function that replaces the predecessors of a 'LocalNodeState' with the k closest nodes from the provided list
setPredecessors :: [RemoteNodeState] -> LocalNodeState s -> LocalNodeState s
setPredecessors preds ns = ns {predecessors = takeRMapPredecessors (getNid ns) (kNeighbours ns) . rMapFromList . fmap keyValuePair . filter ((/=) (getNid ns) . getNid) $ preds}
-- | convenience function that replaces the successors of a 'LocalNodeState' with the k closest nodes from the provided list
setSuccessors :: [RemoteNodeState] -> LocalNodeState s -> LocalNodeState s
setSuccessors succs ns = ns {successors = takeRMapSuccessors (getNid ns) (kNeighbours ns) . rMapFromList . fmap keyValuePair . filter ((/=) (getNid ns) . getNid) $ succs}
-- | sets the predecessors of a 'LocalNodeState' to the closest k nodes of the current predecessors and the provided list, combined
addPredecessors :: [RemoteNodeState] -> LocalNodeState s -> LocalNodeState s
addPredecessors preds ns = ns {predecessors = takeRMapPredecessors (getNid ns) (kNeighbours ns) . addRMapEntries (keyValuePair <$> filter ((/=) (getNid ns) . getNid) preds) . rMapFromList . fmap keyValuePair $ predecessors ns}
-- | sets the successors of a 'LocalNodeState' to the closest k nodes of the current successors and the provided list, combined
addSuccessors :: [RemoteNodeState] -> LocalNodeState s -> LocalNodeState s
addSuccessors succs ns = ns {successors = takeRMapSuccessors (getNid ns) (kNeighbours ns) . addRMapEntries (keyValuePair <$> filter ((/=) (getNid ns) . getNid) succs) . rMapFromList . fmap keyValuePair $ successors ns}
instance HasKeyID NodeID RemoteNodeState where
getKeyID = getNid
instance HasKeyID k a => HasKeyID k (CacheEntry a) where
getKeyID (CacheEntry _ obj _) = getKeyID obj
instance HasKeyID NodeID NodeID where
getKeyID = id
type NodeCacheEntry = CacheEntry RemoteNodeState
type NodeCache = RingMap NodeID NodeCacheEntry
type LookupCacheEntry = CacheEntry (String, PortNumber)
type LookupCache = Map.Map NodeID LookupCacheEntry
-- | 'RingEntry' type for usage as a node cache
data CacheEntry a = CacheEntry Bool a POSIXTime
deriving (Show, Eq)
--- useful function for getting entries for a full cache transfer
nodeCacheEntries :: NodeCache -> [NodeCacheEntry]
nodeCacheEntries = mapMaybe extractRingEntry . Map.elems . getRingMap
initCache :: NodeCache
initCache = emptyRMap
cacheLookup :: NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> NodeCache -- ^lookup cache
-> Maybe NodeCacheEntry
cacheLookup = rMapLookup
cacheLookupSucc :: NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> NodeCache -- ^ring cache
-> Maybe NodeCacheEntry
cacheLookupSucc key cache = snd <$> rMapLookupSucc key cache
cacheLookupPred :: NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> NodeCache -- ^ring cache
-> Maybe NodeCacheEntry
cacheLookupPred key cache = snd <$> rMapLookupPred key cache
-- clean up cache entries: once now - entry > maxAge
-- transfer difference now - entry to other node
-- | return the @NodeState@ data from a cache entry without checking its validation status
cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated :: CacheEntry RemoteNodeState -> RemoteNodeState
cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated (CacheEntry _ nState _) = nState
-- | converts a 'HostAddress6' IP address to a big-endian strict ByteString
ipAddrAsBS :: HostAddress6 -> BS.ByteString
ipAddrAsBS (a, b, c, d) = mconcat $ fmap NetworkBytes.bytestring32 [a, b, c, d]
-- | converts a ByteString in big endian order to an IPv6 address 'HostAddress6'
bsAsIpAddr :: BS.ByteString -> HostAddress6
bsAsIpAddr bytes = (a,b,c,d)
a:b:c:d:_ = fmap NetworkBytes.word32 . chunkBytes 4 $ bytes
-- | generates a 256 bit long NodeID using SHAKE128, represented as ByteString
genNodeIDBS :: HostAddress6 -- ^a node's IPv6 address
-> String -- ^a node's 1st and 2nd level domain name
-> Word8 -- ^the used vserver ID
-> BS.ByteString -- ^the NodeID as a 256bit ByteString big-endian unsigned integer
genNodeIDBS ip nodeDomain vserver =
hashIpaddrUpper `BS.append` hashID nodeDomain' `BS.append` hashIpaddLower
vsBS = BS.pack [vserver] -- attention: only works for vserver IDs up to 255
ipaddrNet = BS.take 8 (ipAddrAsBS ip) `BS.append` vsBS
nodeDomain' = BSU.fromString nodeDomain `BS.append` vsBS
hashID bstr = BS.pack . BA.unpack $ (hash bstr :: Digest (SHAKE128 128))
(hashIpaddrUpper, hashIpaddLower) = BS.splitAt 64 $ hashID ipaddrNet
-- | generates a 256 bit long @NodeID@ using SHAKE128
genNodeID :: HostAddress6 -- ^a node's IPv6 address
-> String -- ^a node's 1st and 2nd level domain name
-> Word8 -- ^the used vserver ID
-> NodeID -- ^the generated @NodeID@
genNodeID ip nodeDomain vs = NodeID . byteStringToUInteger $ genNodeIDBS ip nodeDomain vs
hasValidNodeId :: Word8 -> RemoteNodeState -> HostAddress6 -> Bool
hasValidNodeId numVs rns addr = getVServerID rns < numVs && getNid rns == genNodeID addr (getDomain rns) (getVServerID rns)
-- | generates a 256 bit long key identifier, represented as ByteString, for looking up its data on the DHT
genKeyIDBS :: String -- ^the key string
-> BS.ByteString -- ^the key ID represented as a @ByteString@
genKeyIDBS key = BS.pack . BA.unpack $ (hash (BSU.fromString key) :: Digest SHA3_256)
-- | generates a 256 bit long key identifier for looking up its data on the DHT
genKeyID :: String -- ^the key string
-> NodeID -- ^the key ID
genKeyID = NodeID . byteStringToUInteger . genKeyIDBS
-- | parses the bit pattern of a ByteString as an unsigned Integer in Big Endian order
-- by iterating it byte-wise from the back and shifting the byte values according to their offset
byteStringToUInteger :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
byteStringToUInteger bs = sum $ parsedBytes 0 bs
parsedBytes :: Integer -> BS.ByteString -> [ Integer ]
parsedBytes offset uintBs = case BS.unsnoc uintBs of
Nothing -> []
Just (bs', w) -> parseWithOffset offset w : parsedBytes (offset+1) bs'
parseWithOffset :: Integer -> Word8 -> Integer
parseWithOffset 0 word = toInteger word -- a shift of 0 is always 0
parseWithOffset offset word = toInteger word * 2^(8 * offset)
-- Todo: DHT backend can learn potential initial bootstrapping points through the instances mentioned in the received AP-relay messages
-- persist them on disk so they can be used for all following bootstraps
-- | configuration values used for initialising the FediChord DHT
data FediChordConf = FediChordConf
{ confDomain :: String
-- ^ the domain/ hostname the node is reachable under
, confIP :: HostAddress6
-- ^ IP address of outgoing packets
, confDhtPort :: Int
-- ^ listening port for the FediChord DHT
, confBootstrapNodes :: [(String, PortNumber)]
-- ^ list of potential bootstrapping nodes
, confStabiliseInterval :: Int
-- ^ pause between stabilise runs, in milliseconds
, confBootstrapSamplingInterval :: Int
-- ^ pause between sampling the own ID through bootstrap nodes, in milliseconds
, confMaxLookupCacheAge :: POSIXTime
-- ^ maximum age of key lookup cache entries in seconds
, confJoinAttemptsInterval :: Int
-- ^ interval between join attempts on newly learned nodes, in milliseconds
, confMaxNodeCacheAge :: POSIXTime
-- ^ maximum age of entries in the node cache, in milliseconds
, confResponsePurgeAge :: POSIXTime
-- ^ maximum age of message parts in response part cache, in seconds
, confRequestTimeout :: Int
-- ^ how long to wait until response has arrived, in milliseconds
, confRequestRetries :: Int
-- ^ how often re-sending a timed-out request can be retried
, confEnableKChoices :: Bool
-- ^ whether to enable k-choices load balancing
, confKChoicesOverload :: Double
-- ^ fraction of capacity above which a node considers itself overloaded
, confKChoicesUnderload :: Double
-- ^ fraction of capacity below which a node considers itself underloaded
, confKChoicesMaxVS :: Word8
-- ^ upper limit of vserver index κ
, confKChoicesRebalanceInterval :: Int
-- ^ interval between vserver rebalance attempts
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- ====== k-choices load balancing types ======
data LoadStats = LoadStats
{ loadPerTag :: RingMap NodeID Double
-- ^ map of loads for each handled tag
, totalCapacity :: Double
-- ^ total designated capacity of the service
, compensatedLoadSum :: Double
-- ^ effective load reevant for load balancing after compensating for
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | calculates the mismatch from the target load by taking into account the
-- underload and overload limits
remainingLoadTarget :: FediChordConf -> LoadStats -> Double
remainingLoadTarget conf lstats = targetLoad - compensatedLoadSum lstats
targetLoad = totalCapacity lstats * (confKChoicesUnderload conf + confKChoicesOverload conf) / 2
-- | calculates the sum of tag load in a contiguous slice between to keys
loadSliceSum :: LoadStats
-> NodeID -- ^ lower segment bound
-> NodeID -- ^ upper segment bound
-> Double -- ^ sum of all tag loads within that segment
loadSliceSum stats from to = sum . takeRMapSuccessorsFromTo from to $ loadPerTag stats
data SegmentLoadStats = SegmentLoadStats
{ segmentLowerKeyBound :: NodeID
-- ^ segment start key
, segmentUpperKeyBound :: NodeID
-- ^ segment end key
, segmentLoad :: Double
-- ^ sum of load of all keys in the segment
, segmentOwnerRemainingLoadTarget :: Double
-- ^ remaining load target of the current segment handler:
, segmentOwnerCapacity :: Double
-- ^ total capacity of the current segment handler node, used for normalisation
, segmentCurrentOwner :: RemoteNodeState
-- ^ the current owner of the segment that needs to be joined on
-- TODO: figure out a better way of initialising
emptyLoadStats :: LoadStats
emptyLoadStats = LoadStats
{ loadPerTag = emptyRMap
, totalCapacity = 0
, compensatedLoadSum = 0
-- ====== Service Types ============
class Service s d where
-- | run the service
runService :: ServiceConf -> d -> IO (s d)
getListeningPortFromService :: (Integral i) => s d -> i
-- | trigger a service data migration of data between the two given keys
migrateData :: s d
-> NodeID -- ^ source/ sender node ID
-> NodeID -- ^ start key
-> NodeID -- ^ end key
-> (String, Int) -- ^ hostname and port of target service
-> IO (Either String ()) -- ^ success or failure
-- | Wait for an incoming migration from a given node to succeed, may block forever
waitForMigrationFrom :: s d -> NodeID -> IO ()
getServiceLoadStats :: s d -> IO LoadStats
instance Hashable.Hashable NodeID where
hashWithSalt salt = Hashable.hashWithSalt salt . getNodeID
hash = Hashable.hash . getNodeID
data ServiceConf = ServiceConf
{ confSubscriptionExpiryTime :: POSIXTime
-- ^ subscription lease expiration in seconds
, confServicePort :: Int
-- ^ listening port for service
, confServiceHost :: String
-- ^ hostname of service
, confLogfilePath :: String
-- ^ where to store the (measurement) log file
, confStatsEvalDelay :: Int
-- ^ delay between statistic rate measurement samplings, in microseconds
, confSpeedupFactor :: Int
-- While the speedup factor needs to be already included in all
class DHT d where
-- | lookup the responsible host handling a given key string,
-- possiblggy from a lookup cache
lookupKey :: d -> String -> IO (Maybe (String, PortNumber))
-- | lookup the responsible host handling a given key string,
-- but force the DHT to do a fresh lookup instead of returning a cached result.
-- Also invalidates old cache entries.
forceLookupKey :: d -> String -> IO (Maybe (String, PortNumber))
isResponsibleFor :: d -> NodeID -> IO Bool
isResponsibleForSTM :: d -> NodeID -> STM Bool