2020-09-09 17:22:20 +02:00

79 lines
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module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Exception
import Data.Either
import Data.IP (IPv6, toHostAddress6)
import System.Environment
import Hash2Pub.FediChord
import Hash2Pub.FediChordTypes
import Hash2Pub.PostService (PostService (..))
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- ToDo: parse and pass config
-- probably use `tomland` for that
(fConf, sConf) <- readConfig
-- TODO: first initialise 'RealNode', then the vservers
-- ToDo: load persisted caches, bootstrapping nodes …
(serverSock, thisNode) <- fediChordInit fConf (runService sConf :: DHT d => d -> IO (PostService d))
-- currently no masking is necessary, as there is nothing to clean up
nodeCacheWriterThread <- forkIO $ nodeCacheWriter thisNode
-- try joining the DHT using one of the provided bootstrapping nodes
joinedState <- tryBootstrapJoining thisNode
either (\err -> do
-- handle unsuccessful join
putStrLn $ err <> " Error joining, start listening for incoming requests anyways"
print =<< readTVarIO thisNode
-- launch thread attempting to join on new cache entries
_ <- forkIO $ joinOnNewEntriesThread thisNode
wait =<< async (fediMainThreads serverSock thisNode)
(\joinedNS -> do
-- launch main eventloop with successfully joined state
putStrLn "successful join"
wait =<< async (fediMainThreads serverSock thisNode)
pure ()
readConfig :: IO (FediChordConf, ServiceConf)
readConfig = do
confDomainString : ipString : portString : servicePortString : speedupString : remainingArgs <- getArgs
-- allow starting the initial node without bootstrapping info to avoid
-- waiting for timeout
speedup = read speedupString
confBootstrapNodes' = case remainingArgs of
bootstrapHost : bootstrapPortString : _ ->
[(bootstrapHost, read bootstrapPortString)]
_ -> []
fConf = FediChordConf
{ confDomain = confDomainString
, confIP = toHostAddress6 . read $ ipString
, confDhtPort = read portString
, confBootstrapNodes = confBootstrapNodes'
, confStabiliseInterval = 60 * 10^6
, confBootstrapSamplingInterval = 180 * 10^6 `div` speedup
, confMaxLookupCacheAge = 300 / fromIntegral speedup
, confJoinAttemptsInterval = 60 * 10^6 `div` speedup
, confMaxNodeCacheAge = 600 / fromIntegral speedup
, confResponsePurgeAge = 60 / fromIntegral speedup
, confRequestTimeout = 5 * 10^6 `div` speedup
, confRequestRetries = 3
sConf = ServiceConf
{ confSubscriptionExpiryTime = fromIntegral $ 2*3600 `div` speedup
, confServicePort = read servicePortString
, confServiceHost = confDomainString
, confLogfilePath = "../simulationData/logs/" <> confDomainString <> ".log"
pure (fConf, sConf)