
271 lines
11 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hash2Pub.DHTProtocol
( QueryResponse (..)
, queryLocalCache
, addCacheEntry
, addCacheEntryPure
, deleteCacheEntry
, markCacheEntryAsVerified
, RemoteCacheEntry(..)
, toRemoteCacheEntry
, remoteNode_
, Action(..)
, ActionPayload(..)
, FediChordMessage(..)
, maximumParts
import Data.Maybe (maybe, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Network.Socket hiding (send, sendTo, recv, recvFrom)
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import System.Timeout
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Hash2Pub.FediChord
( NodeID
, NodeState (..)
, getSuccessors
, putSuccessors
, getPredecessors
, putPredecessors
, cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated
, NodeCache
, CacheEntry(..)
, cacheLookup
, cacheLookupSucc
, cacheLookupPred
, localCompare
import Debug.Trace (trace)
-- === queries ===
data QueryResponse = FORWARD (Set.Set RemoteCacheEntry) -- ^return closest nodes from local cache.
-- whole cache entry is returned for making
-- the entry time stamp available to the
-- protocol serialiser
| FOUND NodeState -- ^node is the responsible node for queried ID
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- TODO: evaluate more fine-grained argument passing to allow granular locking
-- | look up an ID to either claim responsibility for it or return the closest l nodes from the local cache
queryLocalCache :: NodeState -> NodeCache -> Int -> NodeID -> QueryResponse
queryLocalCache ownState nCache lBestNodes targetID
-- as target ID falls between own ID and first predecessor, it is handled by this node
| (targetID `localCompare` ownID) `elem` [LT, EQ] && not (null preds) && (targetID `localCompare` head preds == GT) = FOUND ownState
-- my interpretation: the "l best next hops" are the l-1 closest preceding nodes and
-- the closest succeeding node (like with the p initiated parallel queries
| otherwise = FORWARD $ closestSuccessor `Set.union` closestPredecessors
preds = fromMaybe [] $ getPredecessors ownState
ownID = nid ownState
closestSuccessor :: Set.Set RemoteCacheEntry
closestSuccessor = maybe Set.empty Set.singleton $ toRemoteCacheEntry =<< cacheLookupSucc targetID nCache
closestPredecessors :: Set.Set RemoteCacheEntry
closestPredecessors = closestPredecessor (lBestNodes-1) $ nid ownState
closestPredecessor :: (Integral n, Show n) => n -> NodeID -> Set.Set RemoteCacheEntry
closestPredecessor 0 _ = Set.empty
closestPredecessor remainingLookups lastID
| remainingLookups < 0 = Set.empty
| otherwise =
let result = cacheLookupPred lastID nCache
case toRemoteCacheEntry =<< result of
Nothing -> Set.empty
Just nPred@(RemoteCacheEntry ns ts) -> Set.insert nPred $ closestPredecessor (remainingLookups-1) (nid ns)
-- === protocol serialisation data types
data Action =
| Join
| Leave
| Stabilise
| Ping
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)
data FediChordMessage =
Request {
requestID :: Integer
, sender :: NodeState
, parts :: Integer
, part :: Integer
-- ^ part starts at 0
, action :: Action
, payload :: Maybe ActionPayload
| Response {
responseTo :: Integer
, senderID :: NodeID
, parts :: Integer
, part :: Integer
, action :: Action
, payload :: Maybe ActionPayload
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data ActionPayload =
QueryIDRequestPayload {
queryTargetID :: NodeID
, queryLBestNodes :: Integer
| JoinRequestPayload
| LeaveRequestPayload {
leaveSuccessors :: [NodeID]
, leavePredecessors :: [NodeID]
| StabiliseRequestPayload
| PingRequestPayload
| QueryIDResponsePayload {
queryResult :: QueryResponse
| JoinResponsePayload {
joinSuccessors :: [NodeID]
, joinPredecessors :: [NodeID]
, joinCache :: [RemoteCacheEntry]
| LeaveResponsePayload
| StabiliseResponsePayload {
stabiliseSuccessors :: [NodeID]
, stabilisePredecessors :: [NodeID]
| PingResponsePayload {
pingNodeStates :: [NodeState]
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | global limit of parts per message used when (de)serialising messages.
-- Used to limit the impact of DOS attempts with partial messages.
maximumParts :: Num a => a
maximumParts = 150
-- | dedicated data type for cache entries sent to or received from the network,
-- as these have to be considered as unvalidated. Also helps with separation of trust.
data RemoteCacheEntry = RemoteCacheEntry NodeState POSIXTime
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Ord RemoteCacheEntry where
(RemoteCacheEntry ns1 _) `compare` (RemoteCacheEntry ns2 _) = nid ns1 `compare` nid ns2
toRemoteCacheEntry :: CacheEntry -> Maybe RemoteCacheEntry
toRemoteCacheEntry (NodeEntry _ ns ts) = Just $ RemoteCacheEntry ns ts
toRemoteCacheEntry (ProxyEntry _ (Just entry@NodeEntry{})) = toRemoteCacheEntry entry
toRemoteCacheEntry _ = Nothing
-- helper function for use in tests
remoteNode_ :: RemoteCacheEntry -> NodeState
remoteNode_ (RemoteCacheEntry ns _) = ns
-- cache operations
-- | update or insert a 'RemoteCacheEntry' into the cache,
-- converting it to a local 'CacheEntry'
addCacheEntry :: RemoteCacheEntry -- ^ a remote cache entry received from network
-> NodeCache -- ^ node cache to insert to
-> IO NodeCache -- ^ new node cache with the element inserted
addCacheEntry entry cache = do
now <- getPOSIXTime
return $ addCacheEntryPure now entry cache
-- | pure version of 'addCacheEntry' with current time explicitly specified as argument
addCacheEntryPure :: POSIXTime -- ^ current time
-> RemoteCacheEntry -- ^ a remote cache entry received from network
-> NodeCache -- ^ node cache to insert to
-> NodeCache -- ^ new node cache with the element inserted
addCacheEntryPure now (RemoteCacheEntry ns ts) cache =
-- TODO: limit diffSeconds to some maximum value to prevent malicious nodes from inserting entries valid nearly until eternity
timestamp' = if ts <= now then ts else now
newCache = Map.insertWith insertCombineFunction (nid ns) (NodeEntry False ns timestamp') cache
insertCombineFunction newVal@(NodeEntry newValidationState newNode newTimestamp) oldVal =
case oldVal of
ProxyEntry n _ -> ProxyEntry n (Just newVal)
NodeEntry oldValidationState _ oldTimestamp -> NodeEntry oldValidationState newNode (max oldTimestamp newTimestamp)
-- | delete the node with given ID from cache
deleteCacheEntry :: NodeID -- ^ID of the node to be deleted
-> NodeCache -- ^cache to delete from
-> NodeCache -- ^cache without the specified element
deleteCacheEntry = Map.update modifier
modifier (ProxyEntry idPointer _) = Just (ProxyEntry idPointer Nothing)
modifier NodeEntry {} = Nothing
-- | Mark a cache entry as verified after pinging it, possibly bumping its timestamp.
markCacheEntryAsVerified :: Maybe POSIXTime -- ^ the (current) timestamp to be
-- given to the entry, or Nothing
-> NodeID -- ^ which node to mark
-> NodeCache -- ^ current node cache
-> NodeCache -- ^ new NodeCache with the updated entry
markCacheEntryAsVerified timestamp = Map.adjust adjustFunc
adjustFunc (NodeEntry _ ns ts) = NodeEntry True ns $ fromMaybe ts timestamp
adjustFunc (ProxyEntry _ (Just entry)) = adjustFunc entry
adjustFunc entry = entry
-- ====== message send and receive operations ======
requestQueryID :: NodeState -> NodeID -> IO NodeState
-- 1. do a local lookup for the l closest nodes
-- 2. create l sockets
-- 3. send a message async concurrently to all l nodes
-- 4. collect the results, insert them into cache
-- 5. repeat until FOUND (problem: new entries not necessarily already in cache, explicitly compare with closer results)
requestQueryID ns targetID = do
cacheSnapshot <- readIORef $ getNodeCacheRef ns
let localResult = queryLocalCache ns cacheSnapshot (fromMaybe 1 $ getLNumBestNodes ns) targetID
-- FOUND can only be returned if targetID is owned by local node
case localResult of
FOUND thisNode -> return thisNode
FORWARD nodeSet ->
sockets <- mapM (\resultNode -> mkSendSocket (domain result) (dhtPort resultNode)) $ Set.toList nodeSet
-- ToDo: process results immediately instead of waiting for the last one to finish, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/38815224/9198613
responses = mapM
sendRequestTo :: Int -- ^ timeout in seconds
-> Int -- ^ number of retries
-> FediChordMessage -- ^ the message to be sent
-> Socket -- ^ connected socket to use for sending
-> IO (Set.Set FediChordMessage) -- ^ responses
sendRequestTo timeout attempts msg sock = do
let requests = serialiseMessage 1200 msg
-- ToDo: make attempts and timeout configurable
attempts 3 . timeout 5000 $ do
-- state reingeben: state = noch nicht geackte messages, result = responses
sendAndAck :: Socket -> StateT (Map.Map Integer BS.ByteString) IO (Set.Set FediChordMessage)
sendAndAck sock = do
remainingSends <- get
sendMany sock $ Map.elems remainingSends
-- timeout pro receive socket, danach catMaybes
-- wichtig: Pakete können dupliziert werden, dh es können mehr ACKs als gesendete parts ankommen
-- idea: send all parts at once
-- Set/ Map with unacked parts
-- then recv with timeout for |unackedParts| attempts, receive acked parts from set/ map
-- how to manage individual retries? nested "attempts"
-- | retry an IO action at most *i* times until it delivers a result
attempts :: Int -- ^ number of retries *i*
-> IO (Maybe a) -- ^ action to retry
-> IO (Maybe a) -- ^ result after at most *i* retries
attempts 0 _ = return Nothing
attempts i action = do
actionResult <- action
case actionResult of
Nothing -> attempts (i-1) action
Just res -> return $ Just res