{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad (forM_) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Txt import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TxtI import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP import System.Environment (getArgs) import Hash2Pub.PostService (Hashtag, clientPublishPost) -- configuration constants timelineFile = "../simulationData/inputs/generated/timeline_sample.csv" main :: IO () main = do -- read CLI parameters speedupStr : _ <- getArgs -- read and parse timeline schedule -- relying on lazyness of HaskellIO, hoping it does not introduce too strong delays postEvents <- parseSchedule <$> TxtI.readFile timelineFile -- actually schedule and send the post events executeSchedule (read speedupStr) postEvents pure () parseSchedule :: Txt.Text -> [(Int, Hashtag, (String, Int))] -- ^ [(delay in microseconds, hashtag, (hostname, port))] parseSchedule = fmap (parseEntry . Txt.split (== ';')) . Txt.lines where parseEntry [delayT, contactT, tag] = (read $ Txt.unpack delayT, tag, read $ Txt.unpack contactT) parseEntry _ = error "invalid schedule input format" executeSchedule :: Int -- ^ speedup factor -> [(Int, Hashtag, (String, Int))] -- ^ [(delay in microseconds, hashtag, (hostname, port))] -> IO () executeSchedule speedup events = do -- initialise HTTP manager httpMan <- HTTP.newManager HTTP.defaultManagerSettings forM_ events $ \(delay, tag, (pubHost, pubPort)) -> do _ <- forkIO $ clientPublishPost httpMan pubHost pubPort ("foobar #" <> tag) >>= either putStrLn (const $ pure ()) -- while threadDelay gives only minimum delay guarantees, let's hope the -- additional delays are negligible -- otherwise: evaluate usage of https://hackage.haskell.org/package/schedule- threadDelay $ delay `div` speedup