implement service data migration for stabilise

Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-08-18 00:17:13 +02:00
parent 969f6d7fc2
commit fce5ff9153
2 changed files with 28 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ respondLeave nsSTM msgSet = do
pure leaveResponse
-- if awaiting an incoming service data migration, collect the lock without blocking this thread
when (maybe False leaveDoMigration (payload aRequestPart)) $ do
ownService <- atomically $ nodeService <$> ((readTVar nsSTM) >>= (readTVar . parentRealNode))
ownService <- atomically $ nodeService <$> (readTVar nsSTM >>= (readTVar . parentRealNode))
void (forkIO $ waitForMigrationFrom ownService leaveSenderID)
pure $ serialiseMessage sendMessageSize responseMsg
@ -425,8 +425,7 @@ respondPing nsSTM msgSet = do
pure $ serialiseMessage sendMessageSize pingResponse
-- this modifies node state, so locking and IO seems to be necessary.
-- Still try to keep as much code as possible pure
respondJoin :: Service s (RealNodeSTM s) => LocalNodeStateSTM s -> Set.Set FediChordMessage -> IO (Map.Map Integer BS.ByteString)
respondJoin nsSTM msgSet = do
-- atomically read and modify the node state according to the parsed request

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@ -465,9 +465,9 @@ checkCacheSliceInvariants ns
-- | Periodically send @StabiliseRequest' s to the closest neighbour nodes, until
-- one responds, and get their neighbours for maintaining the own neighbour lists.
-- If necessary, request new neighbours.
stabiliseThread :: LocalNodeStateSTM s -> IO ()
stabiliseThread :: Service s (RealNodeSTM s) => LocalNodeStateSTM s -> IO ()
stabiliseThread nsSTM = forever $ do
ns <- readTVarIO nsSTM
oldNs <- readTVarIO nsSTM
putStrLn "stabilise run: begin"
@ -478,8 +478,8 @@ stabiliseThread nsSTM = forever $ do
-- don't contact all neighbours unless the previous one failed/ Left ed
predStabilise <- stabiliseClosestResponder ns predecessors 1 []
succStabilise <- stabiliseClosestResponder ns predecessors 1 []
predStabilise <- stabiliseClosestResponder oldNs predecessors 1 []
succStabilise <- stabiliseClosestResponder oldNs predecessors 1 []
(predDeletes, predNeighbours) = either (const ([], [])) id predStabilise
@ -518,6 +518,28 @@ stabiliseThread nsSTM = forever $ do
writeTVar nsSTM $ addSuccessors [nextEntry] latestNs
newNs <- readTVarIO nsSTM
oldPredecessor = headDef (toRemoteNodeState oldNs) $ predecessors oldNs
newPredecessor = headMay $ predecessors newNs
-- manage need for service data migration:
maybe (pure ()) (\newPredecessor' ->
when (
isJust newPredecessor
&& oldPredecessor /= newPredecessor'
-- case: predecessor has changed in some way => own responsibility has changed in some way
-- case 1: new predecessor is further away => broader responsibility, but new pred needs to push the data
-- If this is due to a node leaving without transfering its data, try getting it from a redundant copy
-- case 2: new predecessor is closer, it takes some of our data but somehow didn't join on us => push data to it
&& isInOwnResponsibilitySlice newPredecessor' oldNs) $ do
ownService <- nodeService <$> (liftIO . readTVarIO $ parentRealNode newNs)
migrationResult <- migrateData ownService (getNid newNs) (getNid oldPredecessor) (getNid newPredecessor') (getDomain newPredecessor', fromIntegral $ getServicePort newPredecessor')
-- TODO: deal with migration failure, e.g retry
pure ()
putStrLn "stabilise run: end"
-- TODO: make delay configurable
threadDelay (60 * 10^6)