add log messages for failed relays as well

Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-09-17 02:03:45 +02:00
parent 556b69d887
commit eee40ce4fb
1 changed files with 12 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (Exception (..), try)
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM, forM_, forever, void,
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM, forM_, forever, unless,
void, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Bifunctor
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BSUL
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
import qualified Data.DList as D
import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
import qualified Data.HashSet as HSet
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
@ -57,8 +57,6 @@ data PostService d = PostService
-- ^ for each tag store the subscribers + their queue
, ownSubscriptions :: TVar (HMap.HashMap NodeID POSIXTime)
-- ^ tags subscribed by the own node have an assigned lease time
--, ownPosts :: TVar (HSet.HashSet Text)
-- ^ just store the existence of posts for saving memory,
, relayInQueue :: TQueue (Hashtag, PostID, PostContent)
-- ^ Queue for processing incoming posts of own instance asynchronously
, postFetchQueue :: TQueue PostID
@ -325,6 +323,7 @@ tagSubscribe serv hashtag origin = do
let leaseTime = now + confSubscriptionExpiryTime (serviceConf serv)
-- setup subscription entry
_ <- liftIO . atomically $ setupSubscriberChannel (subscribers serv) hashtag (BSU.toString $ req, HTTP.port req) leaseTime
--liftIO . putStrLn $ "just got a subscription to " <> Txt.unpack hashtag
pure $ round leaseTime
@ -427,10 +426,12 @@ clientSubscribeTo serv tag = do
Left (FailureResponse _ fresp)
|(HTTPT.statusCode . responseStatusCode $ fresp) == 410 && allowRetry -> do -- responsibility gone, force new lookup
newRes <- forceLookupKey (baseDHT serv) (Txt.unpack tag)
--putStrLn $ "failed subscribing to " <> Txt.unpack tag <> " on " <> foundHost
doSubscribe newRes False
Left err -> pure . Left . show $ err
Right lease -> do
atomically . modifyTVar' (ownSubscriptions serv) $ HMap.insert (hashtagToId tag) (fromInteger lease)
--putStrLn $ "just subscribed to " <> Txt.unpack tag <> " on " <> foundHost
pure . Right $ lease
@ -735,7 +736,11 @@ relayWorker serv = forever $ do
forM_ (chunksOf numParallelDeliveries jobsToProcess) $ \jobset -> do
runningJobs <- mapM async jobset
-- so far just dropping failed attempts, TODO: retry mechanism
successfulResults <- rights <$> mapM waitCatch runningJobs
results <- mapM waitCatch runningJobs
successfulResults = rights results
unsuccessfulResults = lefts results
unless (null unsuccessfulResults) $ putStrLn ("ERR: " <> show (length unsuccessfulResults) <> " failed deliveries!")
putStrLn $ "successfully relayed " <> show (length successfulResults)
pure ()
@ -829,7 +834,7 @@ evaluateStatsThread serv statsAcc = getPOSIXTime >>= loop
-- evaluate stats rate and replace server stats
-- persistently store in a TVar so it can be retrieved later by the DHT
let timePassed = (now - previousTs) * fromIntegral (confSpeedupFactor $ serviceConf serv)
let rateStats = evaluateStats timePassed summedStats
rateStats = evaluateStats timePassed summedStats
atomically $ writeTVar (loadStats serv) rateStats
-- and now what? write a log to file
-- format: total relayReceiveRates;total relayDeliveryRates;postFetchRate;postPublishRate; subscriberSum