Merge branch 'refactorSuccessorsPredecessors' into dhtNetworking

This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-06-18 23:08:55 +02:00
commit e898b80762
4 changed files with 299 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -54,15 +54,20 @@ import System.Timeout
import Hash2Pub.ASN1Coding
import Hash2Pub.FediChordTypes (CacheEntry (..),
CacheEntry (..), HasKeyID (..),
LocalNodeState (..),
LocalNodeStateSTM, NodeCache,
NodeID, NodeState (..),
RemoteNodeState (..),
RingEntry (..), RingMap (..),
addRMapEntry, addRMapEntryWith,
cacheLookup, cacheLookupPred,
cacheLookupSucc, localCompare,
localCompare, setPredecessors,
cacheLookupSucc, getKeyID,
localCompare, localCompare,
rMapFromList, rMapLookupPred,
setPredecessors, setSuccessors)
import Hash2Pub.ProtocolTypes
import Debug.Trace (trace)
@ -74,7 +79,7 @@ import Debug.Trace (trace)
queryLocalCache :: LocalNodeState -> NodeCache -> Int -> NodeID -> QueryResponse
queryLocalCache ownState nCache lBestNodes targetID
-- as target ID falls between own ID and first predecessor, it is handled by this node
| (targetID `localCompare` ownID) `elem` [LT, EQ] && maybe False (\p -> targetID `localCompare` p == GT) (getNid <$> headMay preds) = FOUND . toRemoteNodeState $ ownState
| isInOwnResponsibilitySlice ownState targetID = FOUND . toRemoteNodeState $ ownState
-- my interpretation: the "l best next hops" are the l-1 closest preceding nodes and
-- the closest succeeding node (like with the p initiated parallel queries
| otherwise = FORWARD $ closestSuccessor `Set.union` closestPredecessors
@ -83,10 +88,10 @@ queryLocalCache ownState nCache lBestNodes targetID
preds = predecessors ownState
closestSuccessor :: Set.Set RemoteCacheEntry
closestSuccessor = maybe Set.empty Set.singleton $ toRemoteCacheEntry =<< cacheLookupSucc targetID nCache
closestSuccessor = maybe Set.empty (Set.singleton . toRemoteCacheEntry) $ cacheLookupSucc targetID nCache
closestPredecessors :: Set.Set RemoteCacheEntry
closestPredecessors = closestPredecessor (lBestNodes-1) $ getNid ownState
closestPredecessors = closestPredecessor (lBestNodes-1) targetID
closestPredecessor :: (Integral n, Show n) => n -> NodeID -> Set.Set RemoteCacheEntry
closestPredecessor 0 _ = Set.empty
closestPredecessor remainingLookups lastID
@ -94,10 +99,24 @@ queryLocalCache ownState nCache lBestNodes targetID
| otherwise =
let result = cacheLookupPred lastID nCache
case toRemoteCacheEntry =<< result of
case toRemoteCacheEntry <$> result of
Nothing -> Set.empty
Just nPred@(RemoteCacheEntry ns ts) -> Set.insert nPred $ closestPredecessor (remainingLookups-1) (nid ns)
-- | Determines whether a lookup key is within the responsibility slice of a node,
-- as it falls between its first predecessor and the node itself.
-- Looks up the successor of the lookup key on a 'RingMap' representation of the
-- predecessor list with the node itself added. If the result is the same as the node
-- itself then it falls into the responsibility interval.
isInOwnResponsibilitySlice :: HasKeyID a => LocalNodeState -> a -> Bool
isInOwnResponsibilitySlice ownNs lookupTarget = (getKeyID <$> rMapLookupSucc (getKeyID lookupTarget) predecessorRMap) == pure (getNid ownNs)
predecessorList = predecessors ownNs
-- add node itself to RingMap representation, to distinguish between
-- responsibility of own node and predecessor
predecessorRMap = addRMapEntry (toRemoteNodeState ownNs) $ rMapFromList predecessorList
closestPredecessor = headMay predecessorList
-- cache operations
-- | update or insert a 'RemoteCacheEntry' into the cache,
@ -111,18 +130,18 @@ addCacheEntry entry cache = do
-- | pure version of 'addCacheEntry' with current time explicitly specified as argument
addCacheEntryPure :: POSIXTime -- ^ current time
-> RemoteCacheEntry -- ^ a remote cache entry received from network
-> NodeCache -- ^ node cache to insert to
-> NodeCache -- ^ new node cache with the element inserted
-> RemoteCacheEntry -- ^ a remote cache entry received from network
-> NodeCache -- ^ node cache to insert to
-> NodeCache -- ^ new node cache with the element inserted
addCacheEntryPure now (RemoteCacheEntry ns ts) cache =
-- TODO: limit diffSeconds to some maximum value to prevent malicious nodes from inserting entries valid nearly until eternity
timestamp' = if ts <= now then ts else now
newCache = Map.insertWith insertCombineFunction (nid ns) (NodeEntry False ns timestamp') cache
insertCombineFunction newVal@(NodeEntry newValidationState newNode newTimestamp) oldVal =
newCache = addRMapEntryWith insertCombineFunction (CacheEntry False ns timestamp') cache
insertCombineFunction newVal@(KeyEntry (CacheEntry newValidationState newNode newTimestamp)) oldVal =
case oldVal of
ProxyEntry n _ -> ProxyEntry n (Just newVal)
NodeEntry oldValidationState _ oldTimestamp -> NodeEntry oldValidationState newNode (max oldTimestamp newTimestamp)
KeyEntry (CacheEntry oldValidationState _ oldTimestamp) -> KeyEntry (CacheEntry oldValidationState newNode (max oldTimestamp newTimestamp))
@ -130,10 +149,10 @@ addCacheEntryPure now (RemoteCacheEntry ns ts) cache =
deleteCacheEntry :: NodeID -- ^ID of the node to be deleted
-> NodeCache -- ^cache to delete from
-> NodeCache -- ^cache without the specified element
deleteCacheEntry = Map.update modifier
deleteCacheEntry nid = RingMap . Map.update modifier nid . getRingMap
modifier (ProxyEntry idPointer _) = Just (ProxyEntry idPointer Nothing)
modifier NodeEntry {} = Nothing
modifier KeyEntry {} = Nothing
-- | Mark a cache entry as verified after pinging it, possibly bumping its timestamp.
markCacheEntryAsVerified :: Maybe POSIXTime -- ^ the (current) timestamp to be
@ -141,9 +160,9 @@ markCacheEntryAsVerified :: Maybe POSIXTime -- ^ the (current) timestamp to
-> NodeID -- ^ which node to mark
-> NodeCache -- ^ current node cache
-> NodeCache -- ^ new NodeCache with the updated entry
markCacheEntryAsVerified timestamp = Map.adjust adjustFunc
markCacheEntryAsVerified timestamp nid = RingMap . Map.adjust adjustFunc nid . getRingMap
adjustFunc (NodeEntry _ ns ts) = NodeEntry True ns $ fromMaybe ts timestamp
adjustFunc (KeyEntry (CacheEntry _ ns ts)) = KeyEntry (CacheEntry True ns $ fromMaybe ts timestamp)
adjustFunc (ProxyEntry _ (Just entry)) = adjustFunc entry
adjustFunc entry = entry

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Hash2Pub.FediChordTypes (
NodeID -- abstract, but newtype constructors cannot be hidden
@ -15,8 +16,25 @@ module Hash2Pub.FediChordTypes (
, setPredecessors
, NodeCache
, CacheEntry(..)
, RingEntry(..)
, RingMap(..)
, HasKeyID
, getKeyID
, rMapSize
, rMapLookup
, rMapLookupPred
, rMapLookupSucc
, addRMapEntry
, addRMapEntryWith
, takeRMapPredecessors
, takeRMapSuccessors
, deleteRMapEntry
, setRMapEntries
, rMapFromList
, rMapToList
, cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated
, initCache
, cacheEntries
, cacheLookup
, cacheLookupSucc
, cacheLookupPred
@ -32,10 +50,12 @@ module Hash2Pub.FediChordTypes (
) where
import Control.Exception
import Data.Foldable (foldr')
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (delete, nub, sortBy)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust,
isNothing, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Network.Socket
@ -150,6 +170,7 @@ data LocalNodeState = LocalNodeState
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | for concurrent access, LocalNodeState is wrapped in a TVar
type LocalNodeStateSTM = TVar LocalNodeState
-- | class for various NodeState representations, providing
@ -216,30 +237,58 @@ instance Typeable a => Show (TVar a) where
instance Typeable a => Show (TQueue a) where
show x = show (typeOf x)
-- | convenience function that updates the successors of a 'LocalNodeState'
setSuccessors :: [RemoteNodeState] -> LocalNodeState -> LocalNodeState
setSuccessors succ' ns = ns {successors = take (kNeighbours ns) . nub . sortBy (localCompare `on` getNid) . filter ((== LT) . (localCompare `on` getNid) (toRemoteNodeState ns)) $ succ'}
setSuccessors succs ns = ns {successors = takeRMapSuccessors (getNid ns) (kNeighbours ns) . rMapFromList $ succs}
-- | convenience function that updates the predecessors of a 'LocalNodeState'
setPredecessors :: [RemoteNodeState] -> LocalNodeState -> LocalNodeState
setPredecessors pred' ns = ns {predecessors = take (kNeighbours ns) . nub . sortBy (flip localCompare `on` getNid) . filter ((== GT) . (localCompare `on` getNid) (toRemoteNodeState ns)) $ pred'}
setPredecessors preds ns = ns {predecessors = takeRMapPredecessors (getNid ns) (kNeighbours ns) . rMapFromList $ preds}
type NodeCache = Map.Map NodeID CacheEntry
-- | Class for all types that can be identified via an EpiChord key.
-- Used for restricting the types a 'RingMap' can store
class (Eq a, Show a) => HasKeyID a where
getKeyID :: a -> NodeID
-- | An entry of the 'nodeCache' can hold 2 different kinds of data.
-- Type variable @a@ should be of type class 'NodeState', but I do not want to use GADTs here.
data CacheEntry = NodeEntry Bool RemoteNodeState POSIXTime
| ProxyEntry (NodeID, ProxyDirection) (Maybe CacheEntry)
instance HasKeyID RemoteNodeState where
getKeyID = getNid
instance HasKeyID CacheEntry where
getKeyID (CacheEntry _ ns _) = getNid ns
instance HasKeyID NodeID where
getKeyID = id
type NodeCache = RingMap CacheEntry
-- | generic data structure for holding elements with a key and modular lookup
newtype RingMap a = RingMap { getRingMap :: HasKeyID a => Map.Map NodeID (RingEntry a) }
instance (HasKeyID a) => Eq (RingMap a) where
a == b = getRingMap a == getRingMap b
instance (HasKeyID a) => Show (RingMap a) where
show rmap = shows "RingMap " (show $ getRingMap rmap)
-- | entry of a 'RingMap' that holds a value and can also
-- wrap around the lookup direction at the edges of the name space.
data RingEntry a = KeyEntry a
| ProxyEntry (NodeID, ProxyDirection) (Maybe (RingEntry a))
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | as a compromise, only NodeEntry components are ordered by their NodeID
-- while ProxyEntry components should never be tried to be ordered.
instance Ord CacheEntry where
-- | 'RingEntry' type for usage as a node cache
data CacheEntry = CacheEntry Bool RemoteNodeState POSIXTime
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | as a compromise, only KeyEntry components are ordered by their NodeID
-- while ProxyEntry components should never be tried to be ordered.
instance (HasKeyID a, Eq a) => Ord (RingEntry a) where
a `compare` b = compare (extractID a) (extractID b)
extractID (NodeEntry _ eState _) = getNid eState
extractID (ProxyEntry _ _) = error "proxy entries should never appear outside of the NodeCache"
extractID (KeyEntry e) = getKeyID e
extractID ProxyEntry{} = error "proxy entries should never appear outside of the RingMap"
data ProxyDirection = Backwards
| Forwards
@ -252,34 +301,63 @@ instance Enum ProxyDirection where
fromEnum Backwards = - 1
fromEnum Forwards = 1
-- | helper function for getting the a from a RingEntry a
extractRingEntry :: HasKeyID a => RingEntry a -> Maybe a
extractRingEntry (KeyEntry entry) = Just entry
extractRingEntry (ProxyEntry _ (Just (KeyEntry entry))) = Just entry
extractRingEntry _ = Nothing
--- useful function for getting entries for a full cache transfer
cacheEntries :: NodeCache -> [CacheEntry]
cacheEntries ncache = mapMaybe extractNodeEntries $ Map.elems ncache
extractNodeEntries (ProxyEntry _ possibleEntry) = possibleEntry
cacheEntries = mapMaybe extractRingEntry . Map.elems . getRingMap
-- | An empty @NodeCache@ needs to be initialised with 2 proxy entries,
-- | An empty 'RingMap' needs to be initialised with 2 proxy entries,
-- linking the modular name space together by connecting @minBound@ and @maxBound@
initCache :: NodeCache
initCache = Map.fromList $ proxyEntry <$> [(maxBound, (minBound, Forwards)), (minBound, (maxBound, Backwards))]
emptyRMap :: HasKeyID a => RingMap a
emptyRMap = RingMap . Map.fromList $ proxyEntry <$> [(maxBound, (minBound, Forwards)), (minBound, (maxBound, Backwards))]
proxyEntry (from,to) = (from, ProxyEntry to Nothing)
-- | Maybe returns the cache entry stored at given key
initCache :: NodeCache
initCache = emptyRMap
-- | Maybe returns the entry stored at given key
rMapLookup :: HasKeyID a
=> NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> RingMap a -- ^lookup cache
-> Maybe a
rMapLookup key rmap = extractRingEntry =<< Map.lookup key (getRingMap rmap)
cacheLookup :: NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> NodeCache -- ^lookup cache
-> Maybe CacheEntry
cacheLookup key cache = case Map.lookup key cache of
Just (ProxyEntry _ result) -> result
res -> res
cacheLookup = rMapLookup
-- | returns number of present 'KeyEntry' in a properly initialised 'RingMap'
rMapSize :: (HasKeyID a, Integral i)
=> RingMap a
-> i
rMapSize rmap = fromIntegral $ Map.size innerMap - oneIfEntry minBound - oneIfEntry maxBound
innerMap = getRingMap rmap
oneIfEntry :: Integral i => NodeID -> i
oneIfEntry nid
| isNothing (rMapLookup nid rmap) = 1
| otherwise = 0
-- | a wrapper around lookup functions, making the lookup redirectable by a @ProxyEntry@
-- to simulate a modular ring
lookupWrapper :: (NodeID -> NodeCache -> Maybe (NodeID, CacheEntry)) -> (NodeID -> NodeCache -> Maybe (NodeID, CacheEntry)) -> ProxyDirection -> NodeID -> NodeCache -> Maybe CacheEntry
lookupWrapper f fRepeat direction key cache =
case f key cache of
lookupWrapper :: HasKeyID a
=> (NodeID -> Map.Map NodeID (RingEntry a) -> Maybe (NodeID, RingEntry a))
-> (NodeID -> Map.Map NodeID (RingEntry a) -> Maybe (NodeID, RingEntry a))
-> ProxyDirection
-> NodeID
-> RingMap a
-> Maybe a
lookupWrapper f fRepeat direction key rmap =
case f key $ getRingMap rmap of
-- the proxy entry found holds a
Just (_, ProxyEntry _ (Just entry@NodeEntry{})) -> Just entry
Just (_, ProxyEntry _ (Just (KeyEntry entry))) -> Just entry
-- proxy entry holds another proxy entry, this should not happen
Just (_, ProxyEntry _ (Just (ProxyEntry _ _))) -> Nothing
-- proxy entry without own entry is a pointer on where to continue
@ -288,40 +366,134 @@ lookupWrapper f fRepeat direction key cache =
let newKey = if pointerDirection == direction
then pointerID
else foundKey + (fromInteger . toInteger . fromEnum $ direction)
in if cacheNotEmpty cache
then lookupWrapper fRepeat fRepeat direction newKey cache
in if rMapNotEmpty rmap
then lookupWrapper fRepeat fRepeat direction newKey rmap
else Nothing
-- normal entries are returned
Just (_, entry@NodeEntry{}) -> Just entry
Just (_, (KeyEntry entry)) -> Just entry
Nothing -> Nothing
cacheNotEmpty :: NodeCache -> Bool
cacheNotEmpty cache' = (Map.size cache' > 2) -- there are more than the 2 ProxyEntries
|| isJust ( cacheLookup minBound cache') -- or one of the ProxyEntries holds a node
|| isJust (cacheLookup maxBound cache')
rMapNotEmpty :: (HasKeyID a) => RingMap a -> Bool
rMapNotEmpty rmap' = (Map.size (getRingMap rmap') > 2) -- there are more than the 2 ProxyEntries
|| isJust (rMapLookup minBound rmap') -- or one of the ProxyEntries holds a node
|| isJust (rMapLookup maxBound rmap')
-- | find the successor node to a given key on a modular EpiChord ring cache.
-- | find the successor node to a given key on a modular EpiChord ring.
-- Note: The EpiChord definition of "successor" includes the node at the key itself,
-- if existing.
rMapLookupSucc :: HasKeyID a
=> NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> RingMap a -- ^ring cache
-> Maybe a
rMapLookupSucc = lookupWrapper Map.lookupGE Map.lookupGE Forwards
cacheLookupSucc :: NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> NodeCache -- ^ring cache
-> Maybe CacheEntry
cacheLookupSucc = lookupWrapper Map.lookupGE Map.lookupGE Forwards
cacheLookupSucc = rMapLookupSucc
-- | find the predecessor node to a given key on a modular EpiChord ring.
rMapLookupPred :: HasKeyID a
=> NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> RingMap a -- ^ring cache
-> Maybe a
rMapLookupPred = lookupWrapper Map.lookupLT Map.lookupLE Backwards
-- | find the predecessor node to a given key on a modular EpiChord ring cache.
cacheLookupPred :: NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> NodeCache -- ^ring cache
-> Maybe CacheEntry
cacheLookupPred = lookupWrapper Map.lookupLT Map.lookupLE Backwards
cacheLookupPred = rMapLookupPred
addRMapEntryWith :: HasKeyID a
=> (RingEntry a -> RingEntry a -> RingEntry a)
-> a
-> RingMap a
-> RingMap a
addRMapEntryWith combineFunc entry = RingMap
. Map.insertWith combineFunc (getKeyID entry) (KeyEntry entry)
. getRingMap
addRMapEntry :: HasKeyID a
=> a
-> RingMap a
-> RingMap a
addRMapEntry = addRMapEntryWith insertCombineFunction
insertCombineFunction newVal oldVal =
case oldVal of
ProxyEntry n _ -> ProxyEntry n (Just newVal)
KeyEntry _ -> newVal
addRMapEntries :: (Foldable t, HasKeyID a)
=> t a
-> RingMap a
-> RingMap a
addRMapEntries entries rmap = foldr' addRMapEntry rmap entries
setRMapEntries :: (Foldable t, HasKeyID a)
=> t a
-> RingMap a
setRMapEntries entries = addRMapEntries entries emptyRMap
deleteRMapEntry :: (HasKeyID a)
=> NodeID
-> RingMap a
-> RingMap a
deleteRMapEntry nid = RingMap . Map.update modifier nid . getRingMap
modifier (ProxyEntry idPointer _) = Just (ProxyEntry idPointer Nothing)
modifier KeyEntry {} = Nothing
rMapToList :: (HasKeyID a) => RingMap a -> [a]
rMapToList = mapMaybe extractRingEntry . Map.elems . getRingMap
rMapFromList :: (HasKeyID a) => [a] -> RingMap a
rMapFromList = setRMapEntries
-- | takes up to i entries from a 'RingMap' by calling a getter function on a
-- *startAt* value and after that on the previously returned value.
-- Stops once i entries have been taken or an entry has been encountered twice
-- (meaning the ring has been traversed completely).
-- Forms the basis for 'takeRMapSuccessors' and 'takeRMapPredecessors'.
takeRMapEntries_ :: (HasKeyID a, Integral i)
=> (NodeID -> RingMap a -> Maybe a)
-> NodeID
-> i
-> RingMap a
-> [a]
-- TODO: might be more efficient with dlists
takeRMapEntries_ getterFunc startAt num rmap = reverse $
case getterFunc startAt rmap of
Nothing -> []
Just anEntry -> takeEntriesUntil (getKeyID anEntry) (getKeyID anEntry) (num-1) [anEntry]
takeEntriesUntil havingReached previousEntry remaining takeAcc
| remaining <= 0 = takeAcc
| getKeyID (fromJust $ getterFunc previousEntry rmap) == havingReached = takeAcc
| otherwise = let (Just gotEntry) = getterFunc previousEntry rmap
in takeEntriesUntil havingReached (getKeyID gotEntry) (remaining-1) (gotEntry:takeAcc)
takeRMapPredecessors :: (HasKeyID a, Integral i)
=> NodeID
-> i
-> RingMap a
-> [a]
takeRMapPredecessors = takeRMapEntries_ rMapLookupPred
takeRMapSuccessors :: (HasKeyID a, Integral i)
=> NodeID
-> i
-> RingMap a
-> [a]
takeRMapSuccessors = takeRMapEntries_ rMapLookupSucc
-- clean up cache entries: once now - entry > maxAge
-- transfer difference now - entry to other node
-- | return the @NodeState@ data from a cache entry without checking its validation status
cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated :: CacheEntry -> RemoteNodeState
cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated (NodeEntry _ nState _) = nState
cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated (ProxyEntry _ (Just entry)) = cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated entry
cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated _ = error "trying to pure empty node state, please report a bug"
cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated (CacheEntry _ nState _) = nState
-- | converts a 'HostAddress6' IP address to a big-endian strict ByteString
ipAddrAsBS :: HostAddress6 -> BS.ByteString

View file

@ -89,15 +89,12 @@ data RemoteCacheEntry = RemoteCacheEntry RemoteNodeState POSIXTime
instance Ord RemoteCacheEntry where
(RemoteCacheEntry ns1 _) `compare` (RemoteCacheEntry ns2 _) = nid ns1 `compare` nid ns2
-- | Extracts a 'RemoteCacheEntry' from the indirections of a 'CacheEntry', if it holds one
toRemoteCacheEntry :: CacheEntry -> Maybe RemoteCacheEntry
toRemoteCacheEntry (NodeEntry _ ns ts) = Just $ RemoteCacheEntry ns ts
toRemoteCacheEntry (ProxyEntry _ (Just entry@NodeEntry{})) = toRemoteCacheEntry entry
toRemoteCacheEntry _ = Nothing
toRemoteCacheEntry :: CacheEntry -> RemoteCacheEntry
toRemoteCacheEntry (CacheEntry _ ns ts) = RemoteCacheEntry ns ts
-- | a list of all entries of a 'NodeCache' as 'RemoteCacheEntry', useful for cache transfers
toRemoteCache :: NodeCache -> [RemoteCacheEntry]
toRemoteCache cache = mapMaybe toRemoteCacheEntry $ Map.elems cache
toRemoteCache cache = toRemoteCacheEntry <$> cacheEntries cache
-- | extract the 'NodeState' from a 'RemoteCacheEntry'
remoteNode :: RemoteCacheEntry -> RemoteNodeState

View file

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
module FediChordSpec where
import Control.Exception
import Data.ASN1.Parse (runParseASN1)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.ASN1.Parse (runParseASN1)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Network.Socket
import Test.Hspec
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Test.Hspec
import Hash2Pub.ASN1Coding
import Hash2Pub.DHTProtocol
import Hash2Pub.FediChord
import Hash2Pub.FediChordTypes
spec :: Spec
spec = do
@ -79,8 +80,8 @@ spec = do
newCache = addCacheEntryPure 10 (RemoteCacheEntry exampleNodeState 10) (addCacheEntryPure 10 (RemoteCacheEntry anotherNode 10) emptyCache)
exampleID = nid exampleNodeState
it "entries can be added to a node cache and looked up again" $ do
-- the cache includes 2 additional proxy elements right from the start
Map.size newCache - Map.size emptyCache `shouldBe` 2
rMapSize emptyCache `shouldBe` 0
rMapSize newCache `shouldBe` 2
-- normal entry lookup
nid . cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated <$> cacheLookup anotherID newCache `shouldBe` Just anotherID
nid . cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated <$> cacheLookup (anotherID+1) newCache `shouldBe` Nothing
@ -126,28 +127,51 @@ spec = do
node3 = exampleNodeState { nid = nid3}
nid4 = toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+100
node4 = exampleNodeState { nid = nid4}
cacheWith2Entries :: IO NodeCache
cacheWith2Entries = addCacheEntryPure 10 <$> (RemoteCacheEntry <$> (toRemoteNodeState <$> node1) <*> pure 10) <*> pure (addCacheEntryPure 10 (RemoteCacheEntry node2 10) emptyCache)
cacheWith4Entries = addCacheEntryPure 10 (RemoteCacheEntry node3 10) <$> (addCacheEntryPure 10 (RemoteCacheEntry node4 10) <$> cacheWith2Entries)
it "works on an empty cache" $ do
queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> pure emptyCache <*> pure 3 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5) `shouldReturn` FORWARD Set.empty
queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> pure emptyCache <*> pure 1 <*> pure (toNodeID 2342) `shouldReturn` FORWARD Set.empty
nid5 = toNodeID 2^(25::Integer)+100
node5 = exampleNodeState { nid = nid5}
cacheWith2Entries :: NodeCache
cacheWith2Entries = addCacheEntryPure 10 (RemoteCacheEntry node5 10) (addCacheEntryPure 10 (RemoteCacheEntry node2 10) emptyCache)
cacheWith4Entries = addCacheEntryPure 10 (RemoteCacheEntry node3 10) (addCacheEntryPure 10 (RemoteCacheEntry node4 10) cacheWith2Entries)
it "nodes not joined provide the default answer FOUND" $ do
exampleLocalNodeAsRemote <- toRemoteNodeState <$> exampleLocalNode
queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> pure emptyCache <*> pure 3 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5) `shouldReturn` FOUND exampleLocalNodeAsRemote
queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> pure cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 1 <*> pure (toNodeID 2342) `shouldReturn` FOUND exampleLocalNodeAsRemote
it "joined nodes do not fall back to the default" $
queryLocalCache <$> node1 <*> pure emptyCache <*> pure 1 <*> pure (toNodeID 3) `shouldReturn` FORWARD Set.empty
it "works on a cache with less entries than needed" $ do
(FORWARD nodeset) <- queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> cacheWith2Entries <*> pure 4 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5) (nid . remoteNode) nodeset `shouldBe` Set.fromList [ nid1, nid2 ]
(FORWARD nodeset) <- queryLocalCache <$> node1 <*> pure cacheWith2Entries <*> pure 4 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5) (nid . remoteNode) nodeset `shouldBe` Set.fromList [ nid5, nid2 ]
it "works on a cache with sufficient entries" $ do
(FORWARD nodeset1) <- queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 3 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5)
(FORWARD nodeset2) <- queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 1 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5) (nid . remoteNode) nodeset1 `shouldBe` Set.fromList [nid4, nid2, nid3]
(FORWARD nodeset1) <- queryLocalCache <$> node1 <*> pure cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 3 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5)
(FORWARD nodeset2) <- queryLocalCache <$> node1 <*> pure cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 1 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5) (nid . remoteNode) nodeset1 `shouldBe` Set.fromList [nid4, nid2, nid5] (nid . remoteNode) nodeset2 `shouldBe` Set.fromList [nid4]
it "recognises the node's own responsibility" $ do
FOUND selfQueryRes <- queryLocalCache <$> node1 <*> cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 3 <*> pure nid1
FOUND selfQueryRes <- queryLocalCache <$> node1 <*> pure cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 3 <*> pure nid1
getNid <$> node1 `shouldReturn` getNid selfQueryRes
FOUND responsibilityResult <- queryLocalCache <$> node1 <*> cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 3 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(22::Integer))
FOUND responsibilityResult <- queryLocalCache <$> node1 <*> pure cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 3 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(22::Integer))
getNid <$> node1 `shouldReturn` getNid responsibilityResult
it "does not fail on nodes without neighbours (initial state)" $ do
(FORWARD nodeset) <- queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 3 <*> pure (toNodeID 11) (nid . remoteNode ) nodeset `shouldBe` Set.fromList [nid4, nid2, nid3]
describe "successors and predecessors do not disturb the ring characteristics of EpiChord operations (see #48)" $ do
emptyCache = initCache
-- implicitly relies on kNieghbours to be <= 3
thisNid = toNodeID 1000
thisNode = setNid thisNid <$> exampleLocalNode
nid2 = toNodeID 1003
node2 = exampleNodeState { nid = nid2}
nid3 = toNodeID 1010
node3 = exampleNodeState { nid = nid3}
nid4 = toNodeID 1020
node4 = exampleNodeState { nid = nid4}
nid5 = toNodeID 1025
node5 = exampleNodeState { nid = nid5}
allRemoteNodes = [node2, node3, node4, node5]
it "lookups also work for slices larger than 1/2 key space" $ do
node <- setSuccessors allRemoteNodes . setPredecessors allRemoteNodes <$> thisNode
-- do lookup on empty cache but with successors for a key > 1/2 key space
-- succeeding the node
queryLocalCache node emptyCache 1 (nid5 + 10) `shouldBe` FOUND (toRemoteNodeState node)
describe "Messages can be encoded to and decoded from ASN.1" $ do
-- define test messages