scale request timeout with speedup and pass it directly to function

This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-09-04 16:53:48 +02:00
parent 4f08d33d2e
commit c9b0e66110
4 changed files with 32 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ readConfig = do
, confJoinAttemptsInterval = 60 * 10^6 `div` speedup
, confMaxNodeCacheAge = 600 / fromIntegral speedup
, confResponsePurgeAge = 60 / fromIntegral speedup
, confRequestTimeout = 5 * 10^6 `div` speedup
, confRequestRetries = 3
sConf = ServiceConf {
confSubscriptionExpiryTime = fromIntegral $ 2*3600 `div` speedup

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@ -488,10 +488,11 @@ requestJoin :: (NodeState a, Service s (RealNodeSTM s)) => a -- ^ cu
requestJoin toJoinOn ownStateSTM = do
ownState <- readTVarIO ownStateSTM
prn <- readTVarIO $ parentRealNode ownState
srcAddr <- confIP . nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode ownState)
nodeConf <- nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode ownState)
let srcAddr = confIP nodeConf
bracket (mkSendSocket srcAddr (getDomain toJoinOn) (getDhtPort toJoinOn)) close (\sock -> do
-- extract own state for getting request information
responses <- sendRequestTo (\rid -> Request rid (toRemoteNodeState ownState) 1 True Join (Just JoinRequestPayload)) sock
responses <- sendRequestTo (confRequestTimeout nodeConf) (confRequestRetries nodeConf) (\rid -> Request rid (toRemoteNodeState ownState) 1 True Join (Just JoinRequestPayload)) sock
(cacheInsertQ, joinedState) <- atomically $ do
stateSnap <- readTVar ownStateSTM
@ -584,10 +585,11 @@ sendQueryIdMessages targetID ns lParam targets = do
-- create connected sockets to all query targets and use them for request handling
srcAddr <- confIP . nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode ns)
nodeConf <- nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode ns)
let srcAddr = confIP nodeConf
-- ToDo: make attempts and timeout configurable
queryThreads <- mapM (\resultNode -> async $ bracket (mkSendSocket srcAddr (getDomain resultNode) (getDhtPort resultNode)) close (
sendRequestTo (lookupMessage targetID ns Nothing)
sendRequestTo (confRequestTimeout nodeConf) (confRequestRetries nodeConf) (lookupMessage targetID ns Nothing)
)) targets
-- ToDo: process results immediately instead of waiting for the last one to finish, see
-- ToDo: exception handling, maybe log them
@ -635,8 +637,9 @@ requestStabilise :: LocalNodeState s -- ^ sending node
-> RemoteNodeState -- ^ neighbour node to send to
-> IO (Either String ([RemoteNodeState], [RemoteNodeState])) -- ^ (predecessors, successors) of responding node
requestStabilise ns neighbour = do
srcAddr <- confIP . nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode ns)
responses <- bracket (mkSendSocket srcAddr (getDomain neighbour) (getDhtPort neighbour)) close (fmap Right . sendRequestTo (\rid ->
nodeConf <- nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode ns)
let srcAddr = confIP nodeConf
responses <- bracket (mkSendSocket srcAddr (getDomain neighbour) (getDhtPort neighbour)) close (fmap Right . sendRequestTo (confRequestTimeout nodeConf) (confRequestRetries nodeConf) (\rid ->
Request {
requestID = rid
, sender = toRemoteNodeState ns
@ -673,13 +676,14 @@ requestLeave :: LocalNodeState s
-> RemoteNodeState -- target node
-> IO (Either String ()) -- error or success
requestLeave ns doMigration target = do
srcAddr <- confIP . nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode ns)
let leavePayload = LeaveRequestPayload {
nodeConf <- nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode ns)
let srcAddr = confIP nodeConf
leavePayload = LeaveRequestPayload {
leaveSuccessors = successors ns
, leavePredecessors = predecessors ns
, leaveDoMigration = doMigration
responses <- bracket (mkSendSocket srcAddr (getDomain target) (getDhtPort target)) close (fmap Right . sendRequestTo (\rid ->
responses <- bracket (mkSendSocket srcAddr (getDomain target) (getDhtPort target)) close (fmap Right . sendRequestTo (confRequestTimeout nodeConf) (confRequestRetries nodeConf) (\rid ->
Request {
requestID = rid
, sender = toRemoteNodeState ns
@ -701,10 +705,11 @@ requestPing :: LocalNodeState s -- ^ sending node
-> RemoteNodeState -- ^ node to be PINGed
-> IO (Either String [RemoteNodeState]) -- ^ all active vServers of the pinged node
requestPing ns target = do
srcAddr <- confIP . nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode ns)
nodeConf <- nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode ns)
let srcAddr = confIP nodeConf
responses <- bracket (mkSendSocket srcAddr (getDomain target) (getDhtPort target)) close
(\sock -> do
resp <- sendRequestTo (\rid ->
resp <- sendRequestTo (confRequestTimeout nodeConf) (confRequestRetries nodeConf) (\rid ->
Request {
requestID = rid
, sender = toRemoteNodeState ns
@ -740,22 +745,14 @@ requestPing ns target = do
) responses
-- | 'sendRequestToWithParams' with default timeout and retries already specified.
-- Generic function for sending a request over a connected socket and collecting the response.
-- Serialises the message and tries to deliver its parts for a number of attempts within a default timeout.
sendRequestTo :: (Integer -> FediChordMessage) -- ^ the message to be sent, still needing a requestID
-> Socket -- ^ connected socket to use for sending
-> IO (Set.Set FediChordMessage) -- ^ responses
sendRequestTo = sendRequestToWithParams 5000 3
-- | Generic function for sending a request over a connected socket and collecting the response.
-- Serialises the message and tries to deliver its parts for a number of attempts within a specified timeout.
sendRequestToWithParams :: Int -- ^ timeout in milliseconds
-> Int -- ^ number of retries
-> (Integer -> FediChordMessage) -- ^ the message to be sent, still needing a requestID
-> Socket -- ^ connected socket to use for sending
-> IO (Set.Set FediChordMessage) -- ^ responses
sendRequestToWithParams timeoutMillis numAttempts msgIncomplete sock = do
sendRequestTo :: Int -- ^ timeout in milliseconds
-> Int -- ^ number of retries
-> (Integer -> FediChordMessage) -- ^ the message to be sent, still needing a requestID
-> Socket -- ^ connected socket to use for sending
-> IO (Set.Set FediChordMessage) -- ^ responses
sendRequestTo timeoutMillis numAttempts msgIncomplete sock = do
-- give the message a random request ID
randomID <- randomRIO (0, 2^32-1)
@ -764,7 +761,7 @@ sendRequestToWithParams timeoutMillis numAttempts msgIncomplete sock = do
-- create a queue for passing received response messages back, even after a timeout
responseQ <- newTBQueueIO $ 2*maximumParts -- keep room for duplicate packets
-- start sendAndAck with timeout
attempts numAttempts . timeout (timeoutMillis*1000) $ sendAndAck responseQ sock requests
_ <- attempts numAttempts . timeout (timeoutMillis*1000) $ sendAndAck responseQ sock requests
-- after timeout, check received responses, delete them from unacked message set/ map and rerun senAndAck with that if necessary.
recvdParts <- atomically $ flushTBQueue responseQ
pure $ Set.fromList recvdParts

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@ -223,10 +223,11 @@ tryBootstrapJoining nsSTM = do
bootstrapQueryId :: LocalNodeStateSTM s -> (String, PortNumber) -> NodeID -> IO (Either String RemoteNodeState)
bootstrapQueryId nsSTM (bootstrapHost, bootstrapPort) targetID = do
ns <- readTVarIO nsSTM
srcAddr <- confIP . nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode ns)
nodeConf <- nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode ns)
let srcAddr = confIP nodeConf
bootstrapResponse <- bracket (mkSendSocket srcAddr bootstrapHost bootstrapPort) close (
-- Initialise an empty cache only with the responses from a bootstrapping node
fmap Right . sendRequestTo (lookupMessage targetID ns Nothing)
fmap Right . sendRequestTo (confRequestTimeout nodeConf) (confRequestRetries nodeConf) (lookupMessage targetID ns Nothing)
`catch` (\e -> pure . Left $ "Error at bootstrap QueryId: " <> displayException (e :: IOException))

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@ -423,6 +423,10 @@ data FediChordConf = FediChordConf
-- ^ maximum age of entries in the node cache, in milliseconds
, confResponsePurgeAge :: POSIXTime
-- ^ maximum age of message parts in response part cache, in seconds
, confRequestTimeout :: Int
-- ^ how long to wait until response has arrived, in milliseconds
, confRequestRetries :: Int
-- ^ how often re-sending a timed-out request can be retried
deriving (Show, Eq)