abstract away the hashtag -> NodeID conversion

This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-08-21 23:55:20 +02:00
parent 75c1932ef6
commit c3b1aad1c7

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@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ relayInbox serv tag posts = do
-- skip checking whether the post actually contains the tag, just drop full post
postIDs = head . Txt.splitOn "," <$> Txt.lines posts
-- if tag is not in own responsibility, return a 410 Gone
responsible <- liftIO $ isResponsibleFor (baseDHT serv) (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ tag)
responsible <- liftIO $ isResponsibleFor (baseDHT serv) (hashtagToId tag)
if responsible
then pure ()
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ subscriptionDelivery serv senderID subList = do
-- not-handled tag occurs, this results in a single large transaction.
-- Hopefully the performance isn't too bad.
res <- liftIO . atomically $ (foldM (\_ tag' -> do
responsible <- isResponsibleForSTM (baseDHT serv) (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ tag')
responsible <- isResponsibleForSTM (baseDHT serv) (hashtagToId tag')
if responsible
then processTag (subscribers serv) tag'
else throwSTM $ UnhandledTagException (Txt.unpack tag' <> " not handled by this relay")
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ tagDelivery :: PostService d -> Txt.Text -> Txt.Text -> Handler Txt.Text
tagDelivery serv hashtag posts = do
let postIDs = Txt.lines posts
subscriptions <- liftIO . readTVarIO . ownSubscriptions $ serv
if isJust (HMap.lookup (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ hashtag) subscriptions)
if isJust (HMap.lookup (hashtagToId hashtag) subscriptions)
then -- TODO: increase a counter/ statistics for received posts of this tag
liftIO $ forM_ postIDs $ atomically . writeTQueue (postFetchQueue serv)
else -- silently drop posts from unsubscribed tags
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ tagDelivery serv hashtag posts = do
tagSubscribe :: DHT d => PostService d -> Txt.Text -> Maybe Txt.Text -> Handler Integer
tagSubscribe serv hashtag origin = do
responsible <- liftIO $ isResponsibleFor (baseDHT serv) (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ hashtag)
responsible <- liftIO $ isResponsibleFor (baseDHT serv) (hashtagToId hashtag)
if not responsible
-- GONE if not responsible
then throwError err410 { errBody = "not responsible for this tag" }
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ tagSubscribe serv hashtag origin = do
tagUnsubscribe :: DHT d => PostService d -> Txt.Text -> Maybe Txt.Text -> Handler Txt.Text
tagUnsubscribe serv hashtag origin = do
responsible <- liftIO $ isResponsibleFor (baseDHT serv) (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ hashtag)
responsible <- liftIO $ isResponsibleFor (baseDHT serv) (hashtagToId hashtag)
if not responsible
-- GONE if not responsible
then throwError err410 { errBody = "not responsible for this tag" }
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ clientDeliverSubscriptions serv fromNode fromKey toKey (toHost, toPort) = do
Right _ -> do
atomically $
modifyTVar' (subscribers serv) $ \tagMap ->
foldr deleteRMapEntry tagMap ((\(_, _, t) -> genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ t) <$> intervalTags)
foldr deleteRMapEntry tagMap ((\(_, _, t) -> hashtagToId t) <$> intervalTags)
pure . Right $ ()
channelGetAll :: TChan a -> STM [a]
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ clientSubscribeTo serv tag = do
doSubscribe newRes False
Left err -> pure . Left . show $ err
Right lease -> do
atomically . modifyTVar' (ownSubscriptions serv) $ HMap.insert (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ tag) (fromInteger lease)
atomically . modifyTVar' (ownSubscriptions serv) $ HMap.insert (hashtagToId tag) (fromInteger lease)
pure . Right $ lease
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ clientUnsubscribeFrom serv tag = do
doUnsubscribe newRes False
Left err -> pure . Left . show $ err
Right _ -> do
atomically . modifyTVar' (ownSubscriptions serv) $ HMap.delete (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ tag)
atomically . modifyTVar' (ownSubscriptions serv) $ HMap.delete (hashtagToId tag)
pure . Right $ ()
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ setupSubscriberChannel tagMapSTM tag subscriber leaseTime = do
broadcastChan <- newBroadcastTChan
tagOutChan <- dupTChan broadcastChan
newSubMapSTM <- newTVar $ HMap.singleton subscriber (tagOutChan, leaseTime)
writeTVar tagMapSTM $ addRMapEntry (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ tag) (newSubMapSTM, broadcastChan, tag) tagMap
writeTVar tagMapSTM $ addRMapEntry (hashtagToId tag) (newSubMapSTM, broadcastChan, tag) tagMap
pure tagOutChan
Just (foundSubMapSTM, broadcastChan, _) -> do
-- otherwise use the existing subscriber map
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ deleteSubscription tagMapSTM tag subscriber = do
-- if there are no subscriptions for the tag anymore, remove its
-- data sttructure altogether
if HMap.null newSubMap
then writeTVar tagMapSTM $ deleteRMapEntry (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ tag) tagMap
then writeTVar tagMapSTM $ deleteRMapEntry (hashtagToId tag) tagMap
-- otherwise just remove the subscription of that node
else writeTVar foundSubMapSTM newSubMap
@ -546,13 +546,18 @@ getTagBroadcastChannel serv tag = do
-- | look up the subscription data of a tag
lookupTagSubscriptions :: Hashtag -> RingMap NodeID a -> Maybe a
lookupTagSubscriptions tag = rMapLookup (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ tag)
lookupTagSubscriptions tag = rMapLookup (hashtagToId tag)
-- normalise the unicode representation of a string to NFC
normaliseTag :: Txt.Text -> Txt.Text
normaliseTag = Txt.fromStrict . normalize NFC . Txt.toStrict
-- | convert a hashtag to its representation on the DHT
hashtagToId :: Hashtag -> NodeID
hashtagToId = genKeyID . Txt.unpack
-- | define how to convert all showable types to PlainText
-- No idea what I'm doing with these overlappable instances though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-- TODO: figure out how this overlapping stuff actually works https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/glasgow_exts.html#instance-overlap
@ -590,7 +595,7 @@ processIncomingPosts serv = forever $ do
-- TODO: stats
-- idea for the experiment: each post publication makes the initial posting instance subscribe to all contained tags
now <- getPOSIXTime
subscriptionStatus <- HMap.lookup (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ tag) <$> readTVarIO (ownSubscriptions serv)
subscriptionStatus <- HMap.lookup (hashtagToId tag) <$> readTVarIO (ownSubscriptions serv)
-- if not yet subscribed or subscription expires within 2 minutes, (re)subscribe to tag
when (maybe False (\subLease -> now - subLease < 120) subscriptionStatus) $
void $ clientSubscribeTo serv tag