periodically purge expired subscriptions

This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-09-14 15:49:44 +02:00
parent a0e7142a7d
commit c036dea7f9
2 changed files with 23 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ readConfig = do
, confRequestRetries = 3
sConf = ServiceConf
{ confSubscriptionExpiryTime = fromIntegral $ 2*3600 `div` speedup
{ confSubscriptionExpiryTime = fromIntegral 12*3600 / fromIntegral speedup
, confServicePort = read servicePortString
, confServiceHost = confDomainString
, confLogfilePath = "../simulationData/logs/" <> confDomainString <> ".log"

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@ -617,11 +617,29 @@ numParallelDeliveries = 10
launchWorkerThreads :: DHT d => PostService d -> IO ()
launchWorkerThreads serv = concurrently_
(processIncomingPosts serv)
$ concurrently_
(purgeSubscriptionsThread serv)
$ concurrently_
(fetchTagPosts serv)
(relayWorker serv)
-- | periodically remove expired subscription entries from relay subscribers
purgeSubscriptionsThread :: PostService d -> IO ()
purgeSubscriptionsThread serv = forever $ do
-- read config
now <- getPOSIXTime
purgeInterval = confSubscriptionExpiryTime (serviceConf serv) / 10
-- no need to atomically lock this, as newly incoming subscriptions do not
-- need to be purged
tagMap <- readTVarIO $ subscribers serv
forM_ tagMap $ \(subscriberMapSTM, _, _) ->
-- but each subscriberMap needs to be modified atomically
atomically . modifyTVar' subscriberMapSTM $ HMap.filter (\(_, ts) -> ts > now)
threadDelay $ fromEnum purgeInterval `div` 10^6
-- | process the pending relay inbox of incoming posts from the internal queue:
-- Look up responsible relay node for given hashtag and forward post to it
processIncomingPosts :: DHT d => PostService d -> IO ()
@ -652,8 +670,8 @@ processIncomingPosts serv = forever $ do
-- idea for the experiment: each post publication makes the initial posting instance subscribe to all contained tags
now <- getPOSIXTime
subscriptionStatus <- HMap.lookup (hashtagToId tag) <$> readTVarIO (ownSubscriptions serv)
-- if not yet subscribed or subscription expires within 2 minutes, (re)subscribe to tag
when (maybe True (\subLease -> now - subLease < 120) subscriptionStatus) $
-- if not yet subscribed or subscription expires within 5 minutes, (re)subscribe to tag
when (maybe True (\subLease -> now - subLease < 300) subscriptionStatus) $
void $ clientSubscribeTo serv tag
-- for evaluation, return the tag of the successfully forwarded post