begin implementation of message sending

This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-05-17 01:24:56 +02:00
parent fdd4efe269
commit b8be20b86e
2 changed files with 49 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ category: Network
common deps
build-depends: base ^>=, containers ^>=, bytestring, utf8-string ^>=, network ^>=, time ^>=, cmdargs ^>= 0.10, cryptonite ^>= 0.25, memory, async, stm, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, asn1-parse, publicsuffix, network-byte-order, safe, iproute
build-depends: base ^>=, containers ^>=, bytestring, utf8-string ^>=, network ^>=, time ^>=, cmdargs ^>= 0.10, cryptonite ^>= 0.25, memory, async, stm, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, asn1-parse, publicsuffix, network-byte-order, safe, iproute, mtl
ghc-options: -Wall

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@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Network.Socket hiding (send, sendTo, recv, recvFrom)
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import System.Timeout
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Hash2Pub.FediChord
( NodeID
@ -210,6 +212,52 @@ markCacheEntryAsVerified timestamp = Map.adjust adjustFunc
adjustFunc (ProxyEntry _ (Just entry)) = adjustFunc entry
adjustFunc entry = entry
-- ====== message send and receive operations ======
requestQueryID :: NodeState -> NodeID -> IO NodeState
-- 1. do a local lookup for the l closest nodes
-- 2. create l sockets
-- 3. send a message async concurrently to all l nodes
-- 4. collect the results, insert them into cache
-- 5. repeat until FOUND (problem: new entries not necessarily already in cache, explicitly compare with closer results)
requestQueryID ns targetID = do
cacheSnapshot <- readIORef $ getNodeCacheRef ns
let localResult = queryLocalCache ns cacheSnapshot (fromMaybe 1 $ getLNumBestNodes ns) targetID
-- FOUND can only be returned if targetID is owned by local node
case localResult of
FOUND thisNode -> return thisNode
FORWARD nodeSet ->
sockets <- mapM (\resultNode -> mkSendSocket (domain result) (dhtPort resultNode)) $ Set.toList nodeSet
-- ToDo: process results immediately instead of waiting for the last one to finish, see
responses = mapM
sendRequestTo :: Int -- ^ timeout in seconds
-> Int -- ^ number of retries
-> FediChordMessage -- ^ the message to be sent
-> Socket -- ^ connected socket to use for sending
-> IO (Set.Set FediChordMessage) -- ^ responses
sendRequestTo timeout attempts msg sock = do
let requests = serialiseMessage 1200 msg
-- ToDo: make attempts and timeout configurable
attempts 3 . timeout 5000 $ do
-- state reingeben: state = noch nicht geackte messages, result = responses
sendAndAck :: Socket -> StateT (Map.Map Integer BS.ByteString) IO (Set.Set FediChordMessage)
sendAndAck sock = do
remainingSends <- get
sendMany sock $ Map.elems remainingSends
-- timeout pro receive socket, danach catMaybes
-- wichtig: Pakete können dupliziert werden, dh es können mehr ACKs als gesendete parts ankommen
-- idea: send all parts at once
-- Set/ Map with unacked parts
-- then recv with timeout for |unackedParts| attempts, receive acked parts from set/ map
-- how to manage individual retries? nested "attempts"
-- | retry an IO action at most *i* times until it delivers a result
attempts :: Int -- ^ number of retries *i*
-> IO (Maybe a) -- ^ action to retry