Make key lookups fail after request exhaustion instead of providing default

Returning the own node as a default does not make sense in all contexts:
Especially for bootstrap joining this can be harmful, so signalling
instead that the lookup failed makes distinguishing on a case by case
basis possible.

Also contributes to #57
This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-08-25 12:51:33 +02:00
parent 6c5e40f8ad
commit b23201a49c
2 changed files with 53 additions and 36 deletions

View file

@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM, forM_, void, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError(..), runExceptT)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.Foldable (foldl', foldr')
@ -533,9 +535,10 @@ requestJoin toJoinOn ownStateSTM = do
-- | Send a 'QueryID' 'Request' for getting the node that handles a certain key ID.
requestQueryID :: LocalNodeState s -- ^ NodeState of the querying node
requestQueryID :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m)
=> LocalNodeState s -- ^ NodeState of the querying node
-> NodeID -- ^ target key ID to look up
-> IO RemoteNodeState -- ^ the node responsible for handling that key
-> m RemoteNodeState -- ^ the node responsible for handling that key
-- 1. do a local lookup for the l closest nodes
-- 2. create l sockets
-- 3. send a message async concurrently to all l nodes
@ -543,23 +546,23 @@ requestQueryID :: LocalNodeState s -- ^ NodeState of the querying node
-- 5. repeat until FOUND (problem: new entries not necessarily already in cache, explicitly compare with closer results)
-- TODO: deal with lookup failures
requestQueryID ns targetID = do
firstCacheSnapshot <- readTVarIO . nodeCacheSTM $ ns
firstCacheSnapshot <- liftIO . readTVarIO . nodeCacheSTM $ ns
-- TODO: make maxAttempts configurable
queryIdLookupLoop firstCacheSnapshot ns 50 targetID
-- | like 'requestQueryID, but allows passing of a custom cache, e.g. for joining
queryIdLookupLoop :: NodeCache -> LocalNodeState s -> Int -> NodeID -> IO RemoteNodeState
queryIdLookupLoop :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => NodeCache -> LocalNodeState s -> Int -> NodeID -> m RemoteNodeState
-- return node itself as default fallback value against infinite recursion.
-- TODO: consider using an Either instead of a default value
queryIdLookupLoop _ ns 0 _ = pure $ toRemoteNodeState ns
queryIdLookupLoop _ ns 0 _ = throwError "exhausted maximum lookup attempts"
queryIdLookupLoop cacheSnapshot ns maxAttempts targetID = do
let localResult = queryLocalCache ns cacheSnapshot (lNumBestNodes ns) targetID
-- FOUND can only be returned if targetID is owned by local node
case localResult of
FOUND thisNode -> pure thisNode
FORWARD nodeSet -> do
responseEntries <- sendQueryIdMessages targetID ns Nothing (remoteNode <$> Set.elems nodeSet)
now <- getPOSIXTime
responseEntries <- liftIO $ sendQueryIdMessages targetID ns Nothing (remoteNode <$> Set.elems nodeSet)
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
-- check for a FOUND and return it
case responseEntries of
FOUND foundNode -> pure foundNode

View file

@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ fediChordBootstrapJoin nsSTM bootstrapNode = do
currentlyResponsible <- liftEither lookupResp
liftIO . putStrLn $ "Trying to join on " <> show (getNid currentlyResponsible)
-- 2. then send a join to the currently responsible node
liftIO $ putStrLn "send a bootstrap Join"
joinResult <- liftIO $ requestJoin currentlyResponsible nsSTM
liftEither joinResult
@ -244,26 +245,24 @@ bootstrapQueryId nsSTM (bootstrapHost, bootstrapPort) targetID = do
Just (FORWARD resultset) -> foldr' (addCacheEntryPure now) cacheAcc resultset
initCache resp
currentlyResponsible <- queryIdLookupLoop bootstrapCache ns 50 $ getNid ns
pure $ Right currentlyResponsible
currentlyResponsible <- runExceptT $ queryIdLookupLoop bootstrapCache ns 50 $ getNid ns
pure currentlyResponsible
-- | join a node to the DHT using the global node cache
-- node's position.
fediChordVserverJoin :: Service s (RealNodeSTM s)
fediChordVserverJoin :: (MonadError String m, MonadIO m, Service s (RealNodeSTM s))
=> LocalNodeStateSTM s -- ^ the local 'NodeState'
-> IO (Either String (LocalNodeStateSTM s)) -- ^ the joined 'NodeState' after a
-> m (LocalNodeStateSTM s) -- ^ the joined 'NodeState' after a
-- successful join, otherwise an error message
fediChordVserverJoin nsSTM = do
ns <- readTVarIO nsSTM
ns <- liftIO $ readTVarIO nsSTM
-- 1. get routed to the currently responsible node
currentlyResponsible <- requestQueryID ns $ getNid ns
putStrLn $ "Trying to join on " <> show (getNid currentlyResponsible)
liftIO . putStrLn $ "Trying to join on " <> show (getNid currentlyResponsible)
-- 2. then send a join to the currently responsible node
joinResult <- requestJoin currentlyResponsible nsSTM
case joinResult of
Left err -> pure . Left $ "Error joining on " <> err
Right joinedNS -> pure . Right $ joinedNS
joinResult <- liftIO $ requestJoin currentlyResponsible nsSTM
liftEither joinResult
fediChordVserverLeave :: (MonadError String m, MonadIO m, Service s (RealNodeSTM s)) => LocalNodeState s -> m ()
fediChordVserverLeave ns = do
@ -323,7 +322,7 @@ joinOnNewEntriesThread nsSTM = loop
pure ()
-- otherwise try joining
FORWARD _ -> do
joinResult <- fediChordVserverJoin nsSTM
joinResult <- runExceptT $ fediChordVserverJoin nsSTM
-- on join failure, sleep and retry
-- TODO: make delay configurable
@ -504,18 +503,26 @@ stabiliseThread nsSTM = forever $ do
-- try looking up additional neighbours if list too short
forM_ [(length $ predecessors updatedNs)..(kNeighbours updatedNs)] (\_ -> do
ns' <- readTVarIO nsSTM
nextEntry <- requestQueryID ns' $ pred . getNid $ lastDef (toRemoteNodeState ns') (predecessors ns')
atomically $ do
nextEntry <- runExceptT . requestQueryID ns' $ pred . getNid $ lastDef (toRemoteNodeState ns') (predecessors ns')
(const $ pure ())
(\entry -> atomically $ do
latestNs <- readTVar nsSTM
writeTVar nsSTM $ addPredecessors [nextEntry] latestNs
writeTVar nsSTM $ addPredecessors [entry] latestNs
forM_ [(length $ successors updatedNs)..(kNeighbours updatedNs)] (\_ -> do
ns' <- readTVarIO nsSTM
nextEntry <- requestQueryID ns' $ succ . getNid $ lastDef (toRemoteNodeState ns') (successors ns')
atomically $ do
nextEntry <- runExceptT . requestQueryID ns' $ succ . getNid $ lastDef (toRemoteNodeState ns') (successors ns')
(const $ pure ())
(\entry -> atomically $ do
latestNs <- readTVar nsSTM
writeTVar nsSTM $ addSuccessors [nextEntry] latestNs
writeTVar nsSTM $ addSuccessors [entry] latestNs
newNs <- readTVarIO nsSTM
@ -638,7 +645,7 @@ requestMapPurge :: MVar RequestMap -> IO ()
requestMapPurge mapVar = forever $ do
rMapState <- takeMVar mapVar
now <- getPOSIXTime
putMVar mapVar $ Map.filter (\entry@(RequestMapEntry _ _ ts) ->
putMVar mapVar $ Map.filter (\(RequestMapEntry _ _ ts) ->
now - ts < responsePurgeAge
) rMapState
threadDelay $ round responsePurgeAge * 2 * 10^6
@ -757,7 +764,7 @@ getKeyResponsibility nodeSTM lookupKey = do
-- new entry.
-- If no vserver is active in the DHT, 'Nothing' is returned.
updateLookupCache :: RealNodeSTM s -> NodeID -> IO (Maybe (String, PortNumber))
updateLookupCache nodeSTM lookupKey = do
updateLookupCache nodeSTM keyToLookup = do
(node, lookupSource) <- atomically $ do
node <- readTVar nodeSTM
let firstVs = headMay (vservers node)
@ -767,18 +774,25 @@ updateLookupCache nodeSTM lookupKey = do
pure (node, lookupSource)
maybe (do
-- if no local node available, delete cache entry and return Nothing
atomically $ modifyTVar' (lookupCacheSTM node) $ Map.delete lookupKey
atomically $ modifyTVar' (lookupCacheSTM node) $ Map.delete keyToLookup
pure Nothing
(\n -> do
-- start a lookup from the node, update the cache with the lookup result and return it
newResponsible <- requestQueryID n lookupKey
let newEntry = (getDomain newResponsible, getServicePort newResponsible)
-- TODO: better retry management, because having no vserver joined yet should
-- be treated differently than other reasons for not getting a result.
newResponsible <- runExceptT $ requestQueryID n keyToLookup
(const $ pure Nothing)
(\result -> do
let newEntry = (getDomain result, getServicePort result)
now <- getPOSIXTime
-- atomic update against lost updates
atomically $ modifyTVar' (lookupCacheSTM node) $
Map.insert lookupKey (CacheEntry False newEntry now)
Map.insert keyToLookup (CacheEntry False newEntry now)
pure $ Just newEntry
) lookupSource