actually check own responsibility for tags before accepting posts

This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-08-11 00:07:45 +02:00
parent 7036867ae0
commit 96c1963a4f
5 changed files with 102 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module Hash2Pub.DHTProtocol
, ackRequest
, isPossibleSuccessor
, isPossiblePredecessor
, isInOwnResponsibilitySlice
, isJoined
, closestCachePredecessors

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@ -656,6 +656,25 @@ fediMessageHandler sendQ recvQ nsSTM = do
instance DHT (RealNodeSTM s) where
lookupKey nodeSTM keystring = getKeyResponsibility nodeSTM $ genKeyID keystring
forceLookupKey nodeSTM keystring = updateLookupCache nodeSTM $ genKeyID keystring
-- potential better implementation: put all neighbours of all vservers and the vservers on a ringMap, look the key up and see whether it results in a LocalNodeState
isResponsibleFor nodeSTM key = do
node <- readTVarIO nodeSTM
foldM (\responsible vsSTM -> do
vs <- readTVarIO vsSTM
pure $ responsible || isInOwnResponsibilitySlice key vs
$ vservers node
isResponsibleForSTM nodeSTM key = do
node <- readTVar nodeSTM
foldM (\responsible vsSTM -> do
vs <- readTVar vsSTM
pure $ responsible || isInOwnResponsibilitySlice key vs
$ vservers node
-- | Returns the hostname and port of the host responsible for a key.
-- Information is provided from a cache, only on a cache miss a new DHT lookup

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@ -446,3 +446,5 @@ class DHT d where
-- but force the DHT to do a fresh lookup instead of returning a cached result.
-- Also invalidates old cache entries.
forceLookupKey :: d -> String -> IO (Maybe (String, PortNumber))
isResponsibleFor :: d -> NodeID -> IO Bool
isResponsibleForSTM :: d -> NodeID -> STM Bool

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@ -12,10 +12,13 @@ import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM_, forever)
import Control.Exception (Exception (..))
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM, forM_, forever)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.STM
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BSUL
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ instance DHT d => Service PostService d where
-- | return a WAI application
postServiceApplication :: PostService d -> Application
postServiceApplication :: DHT d => PostService d -> Application
postServiceApplication serv = serve exposedPostServiceAPI $ postServer serv
@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ placeholderPost = Txt.take 5120 . Txt.repeat $ 'O' -- size 5KiB
type PostServiceAPI = "relay" :> "inbox" :> Capture "hashtag" Txt.Text :> ReqBody '[PlainText] Txt.Text :> PutCreated '[PlainText] NoContent
-- delivery endpoint of newly published posts of the relay's instance
:<|> "relay" :> "subscribers" :> ReqBody '[PlainText] Txt.Text :> PostNoContent '[PlainText] NoContent
:<|> "relay" :> "subscribers" :> ReqBody '[PlainText] Txt.Text :> PostNoContent '[PlainText] Txt.Text
-- endpoint for delivering the subscriptions and outstanding queue
:<|> "post" :> Capture "postid" Txt.Text :> Get '[PlainText] Txt.Text
-- fetch endpoint for posts, full post ID is http://$domain/post/$postid
@ -145,7 +148,7 @@ type PostServiceAPI = "relay" :> "inbox" :> Capture "hashtag" Txt.Text :> ReqBod
-- the Origin header to $hashtag
postServer :: PostService d -> Server PostServiceAPI
postServer :: DHT d => PostService d -> Server PostServiceAPI
postServer service = relayInbox service
:<|> subscriptionDelivery service
:<|> postFetch service
@ -156,15 +159,21 @@ postServer service = relayInbox service
:<|> tagUnsubscribe service
relayInbox :: PostService d -> Hashtag -> Txt.Text -> Handler NoContent
relayInbox :: DHT d => PostService d -> Hashtag -> Txt.Text -> Handler NoContent
relayInbox serv tag posts = do
-- skip checking whether the post actually contains the tag, just drop full post
postIDs = head . Txt.splitOn "," <$> Txt.lines posts
broadcastChan <- liftIO $ atomically $ getTagBroadcastChannel serv tag
-- if tag is not in own responsibility, return a 410 Gone
responsible <- liftIO $ isResponsibleFor (baseDHT serv) (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ tag)
if responsible
then pure ()
(throwError $ err410 { errBody = "Relay is not responsible for this tag"})
broadcastChan <- liftIO $ atomically $ getTagBroadcastChannel serv tag
-- if noone subscribed to the tag, nothing needs to be done
(pure ())
-- otherwise enqueue posts into broadcast queue of the tag
(\queue ->
liftIO $ forM_ postIDs (atomically . writeTChan queue)
@ -172,15 +181,35 @@ relayInbox serv tag posts = do
pure NoContent
subscriptionDelivery :: PostService d -> Txt.Text -> Handler NoContent
-- exception to be thrown when a tag is not in the responsibility of a relay
newtype UnhandledTagException = UnhandledTagException String
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception UnhandledTagException
subscriptionDelivery :: DHT d => PostService d -> Txt.Text -> Handler Txt.Text
subscriptionDelivery serv subList = do
tagSubs = Txt.lines subList
liftIO $ forM_ tagSubs $ processTag (subscribers serv)
pure NoContent
-- In favor of having the convenience of rolling back the transaction once a
-- not-handled tag occurs, this results in a single large transaction.
-- Hopefully the performance isn't too bad.
res <- liftIO . atomically $ (foldM (\_ tag' -> do
responsible <- isResponsibleForSTM (baseDHT serv) (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ tag')
if responsible
then processTag (subscribers serv) tag'
else throwSTM $ UnhandledTagException (Txt.unpack tag' <> " not handled by this relay")
pure $ Right ()
) (pure ()) tagSubs
`catchSTM` (\e -> pure . Left $ show (e :: UnhandledTagException))
-- TODO: potentially log this
:: STM (Either String ()))
case res of
Left err -> throwError err410 {errBody = BSUL.fromString err}
Right _ -> pure ""
-- TODO: check and only accept tags in own (future?) responsibility
processTag :: TVar RelayTags -> Txt.Text -> IO ()
processTag :: TVar RelayTags -> Txt.Text -> STM ()
processTag subscriberSTM tagData = do
tag:subText:lease:posts:_ = Txt.splitOn "," tagData
@ -292,11 +321,11 @@ enqueueSubscription :: TVar RelayTags -- tag-subscriber map
-> (String, Int) -- subscriber's connection information
-> [PostID] -- pending posts
-> POSIXTime -- lease expiry time
-> IO ()
-> STM ()
enqueueSubscription tagMapSTM tag subscriber posts leaseTime = do
-- get the tag output queue and, if necessary, create it
subChan <- atomically $ setupSubscriberChannel tagMapSTM tag subscriber leaseTime
forM_ posts (atomically . writeTChan subChan)
subChan <- setupSubscriberChannel tagMapSTM tag subscriber leaseTime
forM_ posts (writeTChan subChan)
-- | STM operation to return the outgoing post queue of a tag to a specified subscriber.
@ -391,7 +420,7 @@ processIncomingPosts serv = forever $ do
Nothing -> threadDelay $ 10 * 10^6
Just (responsibleHost, responsiblePort) -> do
httpMan <- HTTP.newManager HTTP.defaultManagerSettings
resp <- runClientM (relayInboxClient tag (pID <> "," <> pContent)) (mkClientEnv httpMan (BaseUrl Http responsibleHost (fromIntegral responsiblePort) ""))
resp <- runClientM (relayInboxClient tag $ pID <> "," <> pContent) (mkClientEnv httpMan (BaseUrl Http responsibleHost (fromIntegral responsiblePort) ""))
case resp of
Left err -> putStrLn $ "Error: " <> show err
Left err -> putStrLn $ "Error: " <> show err
Right yay -> putStrLn $ "Yay! " <> show yay

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@ -196,29 +196,28 @@ takeRMapEntries_ :: (Integral i, Bounded k, Ord k)
takeRMapEntries_ getterFunc startAt num rmap = reverse $
case getterFunc startAt rmap of
Nothing -> []
Just (foundKey, anEntry) -> takeEntriesUntil rmap getterFunc foundKey foundKey (num-1) [anEntry]
-- for some reason, just reusing the already-bound @rmap@ and @getterFunc@
-- variables leads to a type error, these need to be passed explicitly
takeEntriesUntil :: (Integral i, Bounded k, Ord k)
=> RingMap k a
-> (k -> RingMap k a -> Maybe (k, a)) -- getter function
-> k
-> k
-> i
-> [a]
-> [a]
takeEntriesUntil rmap' getterFunc' havingReached previousEntry remaining takeAcc
-- length limit reached
| remaining <= 0 = takeAcc
| otherwise = case nextEntry of
Just (fKey, gotEntry)
| fKey == havingReached -> takeAcc
| otherwise -> takeEntriesUntil rmap' getterFunc' havingReached fKey (remaining - 1) (gotEntry:takeAcc)
Nothing -> takeAcc
nextEntry = getterFunc' previousEntry rmap'
Just (foundKey, anEntry) -> takeEntriesUntil_ rmap getterFunc foundKey foundKey (Just $ num-1) [anEntry]
takeEntriesUntil_ :: (Integral i, Bounded k, Ord k)
=> RingMap k a
-> (k -> RingMap k a -> Maybe (k, a)) -- getter function
-> k -- limit value
-> k -- start value
-> Maybe i -- possible number limit
-> [a]
-> [a]
takeEntriesUntil_ rmap' getterFunc' havingReached previousEntry (Just remaining) takeAcc
-- length limit reached
| remaining <= 0 = takeAcc
takeEntriesUntil_ rmap' getterFunc' havingReached previousEntry numLimit takeAcc =
case nextEntry of
Just (fKey, gotEntry)
| fKey == havingReached -> takeAcc
| otherwise -> takeEntriesUntil_ rmap' getterFunc' havingReached fKey (fmap pred numLimit) (gotEntry:takeAcc)
Nothing -> takeAcc
nextEntry = getterFunc' previousEntry rmap'
takeRMapPredecessors :: (Integral i, Bounded k, Ord k, Num k)
@ -235,3 +234,16 @@ takeRMapSuccessors :: (Integral i, Bounded k, Ord k, Num k)
-> [a]
takeRMapSuccessors = takeRMapEntries_ rMapLookupSucc
takeRMapPredecessorsFromTo :: (Bounded k, Ord k, Num k)
=> k -- start value for taking
-> k -- stop value for taking
-> RingMap k a
-> [a]
takeRMapPredecessorsFromTo fromVal toVal rmap = takeEntriesUntil_ rmap rMapLookupPred toVal fromVal Nothing []
takeRMapSuccesorsFromTo :: (Bounded k, Ord k, Num k)
=> k -- start value for taking
-> k -- stop value for taking
-> RingMap k a
-> [a]
takeRMapSuccesorsFromTo fromVal toVal rmap = takeEntriesUntil_ rmap rMapLookupSucc toVal fromVal Nothing []