filter out spoofed requests for important operations like Join, Leave, Stabilise

This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-08-15 17:19:53 +02:00
parent 5f7ca23f71
commit 8db8907163

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@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ handleIncomingRequest nsSTM sendQ msgSet sourceAddr = do
case headMay . Set.elems $ msgSet of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just aPart -> do
let (SockAddrInet6 _ _ sourceIP _) = sourceAddr
queueAddEntries (Identity $ RemoteCacheEntry (sender aPart) now) ns
-- distinguish on whether and how to respond. If responding, pass message to response generating function and write responses to send queue
maybe (pure ()) (
@ -269,17 +270,36 @@ handleIncomingRequest nsSTM sendQ msgSet sourceAddr = do
=<< (case action aPart of
Ping -> Just <$> respondPing nsSTM msgSet
Join -> Just <$> respondJoin nsSTM msgSet
Join -> dropSpoofedIDs sourceIP nsSTM msgSet respondJoin
-- ToDo: figure out what happens if not joined
QueryID -> Just <$> respondQueryID nsSTM msgSet
-- only when joined
Leave -> if isJoined ns then Just <$> respondLeave nsSTM msgSet else pure Nothing
Stabilise -> if isJoined ns then Just <$> respondStabilise nsSTM msgSet else pure Nothing
Leave -> if isJoined ns then dropSpoofedIDs sourceIP nsSTM msgSet respondLeave else pure Nothing
Stabilise -> if isJoined ns then dropSpoofedIDs sourceIP nsSTM msgSet respondStabilise else pure Nothing
-- for single part request, response starts with part number 1. For multipart requests, response starts with part number n+1.
-- TODO: determine request type only from first part, but catch RecSelError on each record access when folding, because otherwise different request type parts can make this crash
-- TODO: test case: mixed message types of parts
-- | Filter out requests with spoofed node IDs by recomputing the ID using
-- the sender IP.
-- For valid (non-spoofed) sender IDs, the passed responder function is invoked.
dropSpoofedIDs :: HostAddress6 -- msg source address
-> LocalNodeStateSTM s
-> Set.Set FediChordMessage -- message parts of the request
-> (LocalNodeStateSTM s -> Set.Set FediChordMessage -> IO (Map.Map Integer BS.ByteString)) -- reponder function to be invoked for valid requests
-> IO (Maybe (Map.Map Integer BS.ByteString))
dropSpoofedIDs addr nsSTM' msgSet' responder =
aRequestPart = Set.elemAt 0 msgSet
senderNs = sender aRequestPart
givenSenderID = getNid senderNs
recomputedID = genNodeID addr (getDomain senderNs) (fromInteger $ getVServerID senderNs)
if recomputedID == givenSenderID
then Just <$> responder nsSTM' msgSet'
else pure Nothing
-- ....... response sending .......