server endpoint for tag unsubscription

This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-08-01 11:18:16 +02:00
parent 7280f251b5
commit 89706f688a

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@ -251,8 +251,14 @@ tagSubscribe serv hashtag origin = do
tagUnsubscribe :: PostService d -> Txt.Text -> Maybe Txt.Text -> Handler Txt.Text
tagUnsubscribe serv hashtag origin = pure $ "Here be a dragon unsubscription from " <> fromMaybe "Nothing" origin <> " to " <> hashtag
tagUnsubscribe serv hashtag origin = do
originURL <- maybe
(throwError $ err400 { errBody = "Missing Origin header" })
req <- HTTP.parseUrlThrow (Txt.unpack originURL)
liftIO . atomically $ deleteSubscription (subscribers serv) hashtag (BSU.toString $ req, HTTP.port req)
pure "bye bye"
-- ======= data structure manipulations =========
@ -297,6 +303,25 @@ setupSubscriberChannel tagMapSTM tag subscriber leaseTime = do
Just (tagOutChan, _) -> pure tagOutChan
-- | deletes a subscription from the passed subscriber map
deleteSubscription :: TVar RelayTags -> Hashtag -> (String, Int) -> STM ()
deleteSubscription tagMapSTM tag subscriber = do
tagMap <- readTVar tagMapSTM
case lookupTagSubscriptions tag tagMap of
-- no subscribers to that tag, just return
Nothing -> pure ()
Just (foundSubMapSTM, _, _) -> do
foundSubMap <- readTVar foundSubMapSTM
let newSubMap = HMap.delete subscriber foundSubMap
-- if there are no subscriptions for the tag anymore, remove its
-- data sttructure altogether
if HMap.null newSubMap
then writeTVar tagMapSTM $ deleteRMapEntry (genKeyID . Txt.unpack $ tag) tagMap
-- otherwise just remove the subscription of that node
else writeTVar foundSubMapSTM newSubMap
-- | returns the broadcast channel of a hashtag if there are any subscribers to it
getTagBroadcastChannel :: PostService d -> Hashtag -> STM (Maybe (TChan PostID))
getTagBroadcastChannel serv tag = do