periodically purge request parts

This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-05-31 21:07:40 +02:00
parent bcd1c34c7c
commit 88104de9bf
2 changed files with 17 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -216,9 +216,21 @@ type RequestMap = Map.Map (SockAddr, Integer) RequestMapEntry
data RequestMapEntry = RequestMapEntry (Set.Set FediChordMessage) (Maybe Integer)
-- TODO: make purge age configurable
-- | periodically clean up old request parts
purgeAge :: POSIXTime
purgeAge = 60 -- seconds
requestMapPurge :: MVar RequestMap -> IO ()
requestMapPurge mapVar = pure ()
requestMapPurge mapVar = forever $ do
rMapState <- takeMVar mapVar
now <- getPOSIXTime
putMVar mapVar $ Map.filter (\entry@(RequestMapEntry _ _ ts) ->
now - ts < purgeAge
) rMapState
threadDelay $ fromEnum purgeAge * 2000
-- | Wait for messages, deserialise them, manage parts and acknowledgement status,
-- and pass them to their specific handling function.
@ -230,7 +242,9 @@ fediMessageHandler sendQ recvQ ns = do
-- handling multipart messages:
-- Request parts can be insert into a map (key: (sender IP against spoofing, request ID), value: timestamp + set of message parts, handle all of them when size of set == parts) before being handled. This map needs to be purged periodically by a separate thread and can be protected by an MVar for fairness.
requestMap <- newMVar (Map.empty :: RequestMap)
forever $ do
-- run receive loop and requestMapPurge concurrently, so that an exception makes
-- both of them fail
concurrently_ (requestMapPurge requestMap) $ forever $ do
-- wait for incoming messages
(rawMsg, sourceAddr) <- atomically $ readTQueue recvQ
let aMsg = deserialiseMessage rawMsg

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@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ main = do
wait =<< async (fediMainThreads serverSock thisNode)
-- stop main thread from terminating during development
pure ()