implement vserver leave and trigger data transfer initiation

still unused though
contributes to #36
This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-08-15 22:55:19 +02:00
parent d2e4359a21
commit 4302452d18
4 changed files with 48 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module Hash2Pub.DHTProtocol
, sendQueryIdMessages
, requestQueryID
, requestJoin
, requestLeave
, requestPing
, requestStabilise
, lookupMessage

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@ -263,6 +263,41 @@ fediChordVserverJoin nsSTM = do
Left err -> pure . Left $ "Error joining on " <> err
Right joinedNS -> pure . Right $ joinedNS
fediChordVserverLeave :: (MonadError String m, MonadIO m, Service s (RealNodeSTM s)) => LocalNodeState s -> m ()
fediChordVserverLeave ns = do
-- TODO: deal with failure of all successors, e.g. by invoking a stabilise
-- and looking up further successors. So far we just fail here.
_ <- migrateSuccessor
-- then send leave messages to all other neighbours
-- TODO: distinguish between sending error causes on our side and on the
-- network/ target side. The latter cannot be fixed anyways while the
-- former could be worked around
-- send a leave message to all neighbours
forM_ (predecessors ns <> successors ns) $ liftIO . requestLeave ns
sendUntilSuccess i = maybe
(pure $ Left "Exhausted all successors")
(\neighb -> do
leaveResponse <- requestLeave ns neighb
case leaveResponse of
Left _ -> sendUntilSuccess (i+1)
-- return first successfully contacted neighbour,
-- so it can be contacted by the service layer for migration
Right _ -> pure $ Right neighb
$ atMay (successors ns) i
migrateSuccessor :: (MonadError String m, MonadIO m) => m ()
migrateSuccessor = do
-- send leave message to first responding successor
successorLeave <- liftIO $ sendUntilSuccess 0
-- trigger service data transfer for abandoned key space
migrateToNode <- liftEither successorLeave
ownService <- nodeService <$> (liftIO . readTVarIO $ parentRealNode ns)
migrationResult <- liftIO $ migrateData ownService (getNid ns) (getNid migrateToNode) (getDomain migrateToNode, fromIntegral $ getServicePort migrateToNode)
liftEither migrationResult
-- | Wait for new cache entries to appear and then try joining on them.
-- Exits after successful joining.

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@ -424,6 +424,12 @@ class Service s d where
-- | run the service
runService :: ServiceConf -> d -> IO (s d)
getListeningPortFromService :: (Integral i) => s d -> i
-- | trigger a service data migration of data between the two given keys
migrateData :: s d
-> NodeID -- ^ start key
-> NodeID -- ^ end key
-> (String, Int) -- ^ hostname and port of target service
-> IO (Either String ()) -- ^ success or failure
instance Hashable.Hashable NodeID where
hashWithSalt salt = Hashable.hashWithSalt salt . getNodeID

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@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ instance DHT d => Service PostService d where
getListeningPortFromService = fromIntegral . confServicePort . serviceConf
migrateData = clientDeliverSubscriptions
-- | return a WAI application
postServiceApplication :: DHT d => PostService d -> Application
@ -320,13 +322,13 @@ relayInboxClient :<|> subscriptionDeliveryClient :<|> postFetchClient :<|> postM
-- and their outstanding delivery queue to another instance.
-- If the transfer succeeds, the transfered subscribers are removed from the local list.
clientDeliverSubscriptions :: PostService d
-> Hashtag -- ^ fromTag
-> Hashtag -- ^ toTag
-> NodeID -- ^ fromTag
-> NodeID -- ^ toTag
-> (String, Int) -- ^ hostname and port of instance to deliver to
-> IO (Either String ()) -- Either signals success or failure
clientDeliverSubscriptions serv fromTag toTag (toHost, toPort) = do
clientDeliverSubscriptions serv fromKey toKey (toHost, toPort) = do
-- collect tag intearval
intervalTags <- takeRMapSuccessorsFromTo (genKeyID $ Txt.unpack fromTag) (genKeyID $ Txt.unpack toTag) <$> readTVarIO (subscribers serv)
intervalTags <- takeRMapSuccessorsFromTo fromKey toKey <$> readTVarIO (subscribers serv)
-- returns a [ (TagSubscribersSTM, TChan PostID, Hashtag) ]
-- extract subscribers and posts
-- no need for extracting as a single atomic operation, as newly incoming posts are supposed to be rejected because of already having re-positioned on the DHT