re-structure cacheVerifyThread to work on a RealNode and iterate over all joined vservers

contributes to #34
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-09-21 02:11:43 +02:00
parent 68de73d919
commit 33ae904d17
2 changed files with 135 additions and 116 deletions

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@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ handleIncomingRequest nsSTM sendQ msgSet sourceAddr = do
Nothing -> pure ()
Just aPart -> do
let (SockAddrInet6 _ _ sourceIP _) = sourceAddr
queueAddEntries (Identity $ RemoteCacheEntry (sender aPart) now) ns
queueAddEntries (Identity $ RemoteCacheEntry (sender aPart) now) (cacheWriteQueue ns)
-- distinguish on whether and how to respond. If responding, pass message to response generating function and write responses to send queue
maybe (pure ()) (
mapM_ (\resp -> atomically $ writeTQueue sendQ (resp, sourceAddr))
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ requestJoin toJoinOn ownStateSTM = do
writeTVar ownStateSTM newState
pure (cacheInsertQ, newState)
-- execute the cache insertions
mapM_ (\f -> f joinedState) cacheInsertQ
mapM_ (\f -> f (cacheWriteQueue joinedState)) cacheInsertQ
if responses == Set.empty
then pure . Left $ "join error: got no response from " <> show (getNid toJoinOn)
else do
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ sendQueryIdMessages targetID ns lParam targets = do
_ -> Set.empty
-- forward entries to global cache
queueAddEntries entrySet ns
queueAddEntries entrySet (cacheWriteQueue ns)
-- return accumulated QueryResult
pure $ case acc of
-- once a FOUND as been encountered, return this as a result
@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ requestStabilise ns neighbour = do
([],[]) respSet
-- update successfully responded neighbour in cache
maybe (pure ()) (\p -> queueUpdateVerifieds (Identity $ senderID p) ns) $ headMay (Set.elems respSet)
maybe (pure ()) (\p -> queueUpdateVerifieds (Identity $ senderID p) (cacheWriteQueue ns)) $ headMay (Set.elems respSet)
pure $ if null responsePreds && null responseSuccs
then Left "no neighbours returned"
else Right (responsePreds, responseSuccs)
@ -832,24 +832,24 @@ sendRequestTo timeoutMillis numAttempts msgIncomplete sock = do
-- | enqueue a list of RemoteCacheEntries to be added to the global NodeCache
queueAddEntries :: Foldable c => c RemoteCacheEntry
-> LocalNodeState s
-> TQueue (NodeCache -> NodeCache)
-> IO ()
queueAddEntries entries ns = do
queueAddEntries entries cacheQ = do
now <- getPOSIXTime
forM_ entries $ \entry -> atomically $ writeTQueue (cacheWriteQueue ns) $ addCacheEntryPure now entry
forM_ entries $ \entry -> atomically $ writeTQueue cacheQ $ addCacheEntryPure now entry
-- | enque a list of node IDs to be deleted from the global NodeCache
queueDeleteEntries :: Foldable c
=> c NodeID
-> LocalNodeState s
-> TQueue (NodeCache -> NodeCache)
-> IO ()
queueDeleteEntries ids ns = forM_ ids $ atomically . writeTQueue (cacheWriteQueue ns) . deleteCacheEntry
queueDeleteEntries ids cacheQ = forM_ ids $ atomically . writeTQueue cacheQ . deleteCacheEntry
-- | enque a single node ID to be deleted from the global NodeCache
queueDeleteEntry :: NodeID
-> LocalNodeState s
-> TQueue (NodeCache -> NodeCache)
-> IO ()
queueDeleteEntry toDelete = queueDeleteEntries $ Identity toDelete
@ -858,11 +858,11 @@ queueDeleteEntry toDelete = queueDeleteEntries $ Identity toDelete
-- global 'NodeCache'.
queueUpdateVerifieds :: Foldable c
=> c NodeID
-> LocalNodeState s
-> TQueue (NodeCache -> NodeCache)
-> IO ()
queueUpdateVerifieds nIds ns = do
queueUpdateVerifieds nIds cacheQ = do
now <- getPOSIXTime
forM_ nIds $ \nid' -> atomically $ writeTQueue (cacheWriteQueue ns) $
forM_ nIds $ \nid' -> atomically $ writeTQueue cacheQ $
markCacheEntryAsVerified (Just now) nid'
-- | retry an IO action at most *i* times until it delivers a result

View File

@ -366,59 +366,72 @@ nodeCacheWriter nodeSTM = do
-- | Periodically iterate through cache, clean up expired entries and verify unverified ones
nodeCacheVerifyThread :: LocalNodeStateSTM s -> IO ()
nodeCacheVerifyThread nsSTM = forever $ do
-- get cache
(ns, cache, maxEntryAge) <- atomically $ do
ns <- readTVar nsSTM
cache <- readTVar $ nodeCacheSTM ns
maxEntryAge <- confMaxNodeCacheAge . nodeConfig <$> readTVar (parentRealNode ns)
pure (ns, cache, maxEntryAge)
nodeCacheVerifyThread :: RealNodeSTM s -> IO ()
nodeCacheVerifyThread nodeSTM = forever $ do
(node, firstVSSTM) <- atomically $ do
node <- readTVar nodeSTM
case headMay (HMap.elems $ vservers node) of
-- wait until first VS is joined
Nothing -> retry
Just vs' -> pure (node, vs')
maxEntryAge = confMaxNodeCacheAge $ nodeConfig node
cacheQ = globalCacheWriteQueue node
cache <- readTVarIO $ globalNodeCacheSTM node
-- always use the first active VS as a sender for operations like Ping
firstVS <- readTVarIO firstVSSTM
-- iterate entries:
-- for avoiding too many time syscalls, get current time before iterating.
now <- getPOSIXTime
forM_ (nodeCacheEntries cache) (\(CacheEntry validated node ts) ->
forM_ (nodeCacheEntries cache) (\(CacheEntry validated cacheNode ts) ->
-- case too old: delete (future work: decide whether pinging and resetting timestamp is better)
if (now - ts) > maxEntryAge
queueDeleteEntry (getNid node) ns
-- case unverified: try verifying, otherwise delete
queueDeleteEntry (getNid cacheNode) cacheQ
-- case unverified: try verifying, otherwise delete
else if not validated
then do
-- marking as verified is done by 'requestPing' as well
pong <- requestPing ns node
pong <- requestPing firstVS cacheNode
either (\_->
queueDeleteEntry (getNid node) ns
queueDeleteEntry (getNid cacheNode) cacheQ
(\vss ->
if node `notElem` vss
then queueDeleteEntry (getNid node) ns
if cacheNode `notElem` vss
then queueDeleteEntry (getNid cacheNode) firstVS
-- after verifying a node, check whether it can be a closer neighbour
else do
if node `isPossiblePredecessor` ns
-- do this for each node
-- TODO: optimisation: place all LocalNodeStates on the cache ring and check whether any of them is the predecessor/ successor
else forM_ (vservers node) (\nsSTM -> do
ns <- readTVarIO nsSTM
if cacheNode `isPossiblePredecessor` ns
then atomically $ do
ns' <- readTVar nsSTM
writeTVar nsSTM $ addPredecessors [node] ns'
writeTVar nsSTM $ addPredecessors [cacheNode] ns'
else pure ()
if node `isPossibleSuccessor` ns
if cacheNode `isPossibleSuccessor` ns
then atomically $ do
ns' <- readTVar nsSTM
writeTVar nsSTM $ addSuccessors [node] ns'
writeTVar nsSTM $ addSuccessors [cacheNode] ns'
else pure ()
) pong
else pure ()
-- check the cache invariant per slice and, if necessary, do a single lookup to the
-- middle of each slice not verifying the invariant
latestNs <- readTVarIO nsSTM
latestCache <- readTVarIO $ nodeCacheSTM latestNs
let nodesToQuery targetID = case queryLocalCache latestNs latestCache (lNumBestNodes latestNs) targetID of
FOUND node -> [node]
FORWARD nodeSet -> remoteNode <$> Set.elems nodeSet
forM_ (checkCacheSliceInvariants latestNs latestCache) (\targetID ->
forkIO $ sendQueryIdMessages targetID latestNs (Just (1 + jEntriesPerSlice latestNs)) (nodesToQuery targetID) >> pure () -- ask for 1 entry more than j because of querying the middle
latestNode <- readTVarIO nodeSTM
forM_ (vservers latestNode) (\nsSTM -> do
latestNs <- readTVarIO nsSTM
latestCache <- readTVarIO $ nodeCacheSTM latestNs
let nodesToQuery targetID = case queryLocalCache latestNs latestCache (lNumBestNodes latestNs) targetID of
FOUND node -> [node]
FORWARD nodeSet -> remoteNode <$> Set.elems nodeSet
forM_ (checkCacheSliceInvariants latestNs latestCache) (\targetID ->
forkIO $ sendQueryIdMessages targetID latestNs (Just (1 + jEntriesPerSlice latestNs)) (nodesToQuery targetID) >> pure () -- ask for 1 entry more than j because of querying the middle
threadDelay $ fromEnum (maxEntryAge / 20) `div` 10^6 -- convert from pico to milliseconds
@ -482,90 +495,93 @@ checkCacheSliceInvariants ns
-- | Periodically send @StabiliseRequest' s to the closest neighbour nodes, until
-- one responds, and get their neighbours for maintaining the own neighbour lists.
-- If necessary, request new neighbours.
stabiliseThread :: Service s (RealNodeSTM s) => LocalNodeStateSTM s -> IO ()
stabiliseThread nsSTM = forever $ do
oldNs <- readTVarIO nsSTM
stabiliseThread :: Service s (RealNodeSTM s) => RealNodeSTM s -> IO ()
stabiliseThread nodeSTM = forever $ do
node <- readTVarIO nodeSTM
forM_ (vservers node) (\nsSTM -> do
oldNs <- readTVarIO nsSTM
-- iterate through the same snapshot, collect potential new neighbours
-- and nodes to be deleted, and modify these changes only at the end of
-- each stabilise run.
-- This decision makes iterating through a potentially changing list easier.
-- iterate through the same snapshot, collect potential new neighbours
-- and nodes to be deleted, and modify these changes only at the end of
-- each stabilise run.
-- This decision makes iterating through a potentially changing list easier.
-- don't contact all neighbours unless the previous one failed/ Left ed
-- don't contact all neighbours unless the previous one failed/ Left ed
predStabilise <- stabiliseClosestResponder oldNs predecessors 1 []
succStabilise <- stabiliseClosestResponder oldNs predecessors 1 []
predStabilise <- stabiliseClosestResponder oldNs predecessors 1 []
succStabilise <- stabiliseClosestResponder oldNs predecessors 1 []
(predDeletes, predNeighbours) = either (const ([], [])) id predStabilise
(succDeletes, succNeighbours) = either (const ([], [])) id succStabilise
allDeletes = predDeletes <> succDeletes
allNeighbours = predNeighbours <> succNeighbours
-- now actually modify the node state's neighbours
updatedNs <- atomically $ do
newerNsSnap <- readTVar nsSTM
-- sorting and taking only k neighbours is taken care of by the
-- setSuccessors/ setPredecessors functions
newPreds = (predecessors newerNsSnap \\ allDeletes) <> allNeighbours
newSuccs = (successors newerNsSnap \\ allDeletes) <> allNeighbours
newNs = setPredecessors newPreds . setSuccessors newSuccs $ newerNsSnap
writeTVar nsSTM newNs
pure newNs
-- delete unresponding nodes from cache as well
mapM_ (atomically . writeTQueue (cacheWriteQueue updatedNs) . deleteCacheEntry . getNid) allDeletes
(predDeletes, predNeighbours) = either (const ([], [])) id predStabilise
(succDeletes, succNeighbours) = either (const ([], [])) id succStabilise
allDeletes = predDeletes <> succDeletes
allNeighbours = predNeighbours <> succNeighbours
-- try looking up additional neighbours if list too short
forM_ [(length $ predecessors updatedNs)..(kNeighbours updatedNs)] (\_ -> do
ns' <- readTVarIO nsSTM
nextEntry <- runExceptT . requestQueryID ns' $ pred . getNid $ lastDef (toRemoteNodeState ns') (predecessors ns')
(const $ pure ())
(\entry -> atomically $ do
latestNs <- readTVar nsSTM
writeTVar nsSTM $ addPredecessors [entry] latestNs
-- now actually modify the node state's neighbours
updatedNs <- atomically $ do
newerNsSnap <- readTVar nsSTM
-- sorting and taking only k neighbours is taken care of by the
-- setSuccessors/ setPredecessors functions
newPreds = (predecessors newerNsSnap \\ allDeletes) <> allNeighbours
newSuccs = (successors newerNsSnap \\ allDeletes) <> allNeighbours
newNs = setPredecessors newPreds . setSuccessors newSuccs $ newerNsSnap
writeTVar nsSTM newNs
pure newNs
-- delete unresponding nodes from cache as well
mapM_ (atomically . writeTQueue (cacheWriteQueue updatedNs) . deleteCacheEntry . getNid) allDeletes
forM_ [(length $ successors updatedNs)..(kNeighbours updatedNs)] (\_ -> do
ns' <- readTVarIO nsSTM
nextEntry <- runExceptT . requestQueryID ns' $ succ . getNid $ lastDef (toRemoteNodeState ns') (successors ns')
(const $ pure ())
(\entry -> atomically $ do
latestNs <- readTVar nsSTM
writeTVar nsSTM $ addSuccessors [entry] latestNs
-- try looking up additional neighbours if list too short
forM_ [(length $ predecessors updatedNs)..(kNeighbours updatedNs)] (\_ -> do
ns' <- readTVarIO nsSTM
nextEntry <- runExceptT . requestQueryID ns' $ pred . getNid $ lastDef (toRemoteNodeState ns') (predecessors ns')
(const $ pure ())
(\entry -> atomically $ do
latestNs <- readTVar nsSTM
writeTVar nsSTM $ addPredecessors [entry] latestNs
newNs <- readTVarIO nsSTM
forM_ [(length $ successors updatedNs)..(kNeighbours updatedNs)] (\_ -> do
ns' <- readTVarIO nsSTM
nextEntry <- runExceptT . requestQueryID ns' $ succ . getNid $ lastDef (toRemoteNodeState ns') (successors ns')
(const $ pure ())
(\entry -> atomically $ do
latestNs <- readTVar nsSTM
writeTVar nsSTM $ addSuccessors [entry] latestNs
oldPredecessor = headDef (toRemoteNodeState oldNs) $ predecessors oldNs
newPredecessor = headMay $ predecessors newNs
-- manage need for service data migration:
maybe (pure ()) (\newPredecessor' ->
when (
isJust newPredecessor
&& oldPredecessor /= newPredecessor'
-- case: predecessor has changed in some way => own responsibility has changed in some way
-- case 1: new predecessor is further away => broader responsibility, but new pred needs to push the data
-- If this is due to a node leaving without transfering its data, try getting it from a redundant copy
-- case 2: new predecessor is closer, it takes some of our data but somehow didn't join on us => push data to it
&& isInOwnResponsibilitySlice newPredecessor' oldNs) $ do
ownService <- nodeService <$> (liftIO . readTVarIO $ parentRealNode newNs)
migrationResult <- migrateData ownService (getNid newNs) (getNid oldPredecessor) (getNid newPredecessor') (getDomain newPredecessor', fromIntegral $ getServicePort newPredecessor')
-- TODO: deal with migration failure, e.g retry
pure ()
newNs <- readTVarIO nsSTM
stabiliseDelay <- confStabiliseInterval . nodeConfig <$> readTVarIO (parentRealNode newNs)
threadDelay stabiliseDelay
oldPredecessor = headDef (toRemoteNodeState oldNs) $ predecessors oldNs
newPredecessor = headMay $ predecessors newNs
-- manage need for service data migration:
maybe (pure ()) (\newPredecessor' ->
when (
isJust newPredecessor
&& oldPredecessor /= newPredecessor'
-- case: predecessor has changed in some way => own responsibility has changed in some way
-- case 1: new predecessor is further away => broader responsibility, but new pred needs to push the data
-- If this is due to a node leaving without transfering its data, try getting it from a redundant copy
-- case 2: new predecessor is closer, it takes some of our data but somehow didn't join on us => push data to it
&& isInOwnResponsibilitySlice newPredecessor' oldNs) $ do
ownService <- nodeService <$> (liftIO . readTVarIO $ parentRealNode newNs)
migrationResult <- migrateData ownService (getNid newNs) (getNid oldPredecessor) (getNid newPredecessor') (getDomain newPredecessor', fromIntegral $ getServicePort newPredecessor')
-- TODO: deal with migration failure, e.g retry
pure ()
threadDelay . confStabiliseInterval . nodeConfig $ node
-- | send a stabilise request to the n-th neighbour
-- (specified by the provided getter function) and on failure retry
@ -636,8 +652,11 @@ fediMainThreads sock nodeSTM = do
-- all get cancelled
(fediMessageHandler sendQ recvQ nodeSTM) $
concurrently_ (stabiliseThread nsSTM) $
concurrently_ (nodeCacheVerifyThread nsSTM) $
-- decision whether to [1] launch 1 thread per VS or [2] let a single
-- thread process all VSes sequentially:
-- choose option 2 for the sake of limiting concurrency in simulation scenario
concurrently_ (stabiliseThread nodeSTM) $
concurrently_ (nodeCacheVerifyThread nodeSTM) $
concurrently_ (convergenceSampleThread nsSTM) $
concurrently_ (lookupCacheCleanup $ parentRealNode ns) $