extract and build subscriber payload for sending

This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-08-12 14:07:19 +02:00
parent 1d808b6776
commit 2e88a4079b

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@ -301,20 +301,47 @@ clientAPI = Proxy
relayInboxClient :<|> subscriptionDeliveryClient :<|> postFetchClient :<|> postMultiFetchClient :<|> postInboxClient :<|> tagDeliveryClient :<|> tagSubscribeClient :<|> tagUnsubscribeClient = client clientAPI
---- | Deliver the subscriber list of all hashtags in the interval [fromTag, toTag]
---- and their outstanding delivery queue to another instance.
---- If the transfer succeeds, the transfered subscribers are removed from the local list.
--clientDeliverSubscriptions :: PostService
-- -> Hashtag -- ^ fromTag
-- -> Hashtag -- ^ toTag
-- -> (String, Int) -- ^ hostname and port of instance to deliver to
-- -> IO (Either String ()) -- Either signals success or failure
--clientDeliverSubscriptions serv fromTag toTag (toHost, toPort) = do
-- -- collect tag intearval
-- intervalTags <- takeRMapSuccesorsFromTo (genKeyID $ Txt.unpack fromTag) (genKeyID $ Txt.unpack fromTag) =<< readTVarIO $ subscribers serv
-- -- extract subscribers and posts
-- -- send subscribers
-- -- on failure return a Left, otherwise flush remaining queues atomically, schedule all newly arrived posts to still be relayed and delete subscription entry
-- | Deliver the subscriber list of all hashtags in the interval [fromTag, toTag]
-- and their outstanding delivery queue to another instance.
-- If the transfer succeeds, the transfered subscribers are removed from the local list.
clientDeliverSubscriptions :: PostService d
-> Hashtag -- ^ fromTag
-> Hashtag -- ^ toTag
-> (String, Int) -- ^ hostname and port of instance to deliver to
-> IO (Either String ()) -- Either signals success or failure
clientDeliverSubscriptions serv fromTag toTag (toHost, toPort) = do
-- collect tag intearval
intervalTags <- takeRMapSuccessorsFromTo (genKeyID $ Txt.unpack fromTag) (genKeyID $ Txt.unpack fromTag) <$> readTVarIO (subscribers serv)
-- returns a [ (TagSubscribersSTM, TChan PostID, Hashtag) ]
-- extract subscribers and posts
-- no need for extracting as a single atomic operation, as newly incoming posts are supposed to be rejected because of already having re-positioned on the DHT
subscriberData <- foldM (\response (subSTM, _, tag) -> do
subMap <- readTVarIO subSTM
thisTagsData <- foldM (\tagResponse (subscriber, (subChan, lease)) -> do
-- duplicate the pending queue to work on a copy, in case of a delivery error
pending <- atomically $ do
queueCopy <- cloneTChan subChan
channelGetAll queueCopy
if null pending
then pure tagResponse
else pure $ tag <> "," <> Txt.pack (show subscriber) <> "," <> Txt.pack (show lease) <> "," <> Txt.unwords pending <> "\n"
(HMap.toList subMap)
pure $ thisTagsData <> response
-- send subscribers
-- on failure return a Left, otherwise flush remaining queues atomically, schedule all newly arrived posts to still be relayed and delete subscription entry
pure . Right $ ()
channelGetAll :: TChan a -> STM [a]
channelGetAll chan = channelGetAll' chan []
channelGetAll' :: TChan a -> [a] -> STM [a]
channelGetAll' chan acc = do
haveRead <- tryReadTChan chan
maybe (pure acc) (\x -> channelGetAll' chan (x:acc)) haveRead
-- currently this is unused code
getClients :: String -> Int -> HTTP.Manager -> Client IO PostServiceAPI