check cache invariant for successors and lookup missing IDs

first half of #30
This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-06-27 16:06:43 +02:00
parent 280d928ad7
commit 2c3ef44064
2 changed files with 46 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -232,9 +232,54 @@ cacheVerifyThread nsSTM = forever $ do
else pure () else pure ()
) )
-- check the cache invariant per slice and, if necessary, do a single lookup to the
-- middle of each slice not verifying the invariant
latestNs <- readTVarIO nsSTM
latestCache <- readTVarIO $ nodeCacheSTM latestNs
let nodesToQuery targetID = case queryLocalCache latestNs latestCache (lNumBestNodes latestNs) targetID of
FOUND node -> [node]
FORWARD nodeSet -> remoteNode <$> Set.elems nodeSet
forM_ (checkCacheSliceInvariants latestNs latestCache) (\targetID ->
forkIO $ sendQueryIdMessages targetID latestNs (Just (1 + jEntriesPerSlice latestNs)) (nodesToQuery targetID) >> pure () -- ask for 1 entry more than j because of querying the middle
threadDelay $ toEnum (fromEnum maxEntryAge `div` 20) threadDelay $ toEnum (fromEnum maxEntryAge `div` 20)
-- | Checks the invariant of at least @jEntries@ per cache slice.
-- If this invariant does not hold, the middle of the slice is returned for
-- making lookups to that ID
checkCacheSliceInvariants :: LocalNodeState
-> NodeCache
-> [NodeID] -- ^ list of middle IDs of slices not
-- ^ fulfilling the invariant
checkCacheSliceInvariants ns = checkSuccessorSlice jEntries (getNid ns) startBound lastSucc
jEntries = jEntriesPerSlice ns
lastSucc = getNid <$> lastMay (successors ns)
-- start slice boundary: 1/2 key space
startBound = getNid ns + 2^(idBits - 1)
checkSuccessorSlice :: Integral i => i -> NodeID -> NodeID -> Maybe NodeID -> NodeCache -> [NodeID]
checkSuccessorSlice _ _ _ Nothing _ = []
checkSuccessorSlice j ownID upperBound (Just lastSuccID) cache
| (upperBound `localCompare` lastSuccID) == LT = []
| otherwise =
diff = getNodeID $ upperBound - ownID
lowerBound = ownID + fromInteger (diff `div` 2)
middleID = lowerBound + fromInteger (diff `div` 4)
lookupResult = (getNid . remoteNode) $ closestCachePredecessors jEntries upperBound cache
-- check whether j entries are in the slice
if length lookupResult == jEntries
&& all (\r -> (r `localCompare` lowerBound) == GT) lookupResult
&& all (\r -> (r `localCompare` upperBound) == LT) lookupResult
then checkSuccessorSlice j ownID (lowerBound - 1) (Just lastSuccID) cache
-- if not enough entries, add the middle of the slice to list
else middleID : checkSuccessorSlice j ownID (lowerBound - 1) (Just lastSuccID) cache
-- | Periodically send @StabiliseRequest' s to the closest neighbour nodes, until -- | Periodically send @StabiliseRequest' s to the closest neighbour nodes, until
-- one responds, and get their neighbours for maintaining the own neighbour lists. -- one responds, and get their neighbours for maintaining the own neighbour lists.

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@ -564,47 +564,6 @@ byteStringToUInteger bs = sum $ parsedBytes 0 bs
parseWithOffset 0 word = toInteger word -- a shift of 0 is always 0 parseWithOffset 0 word = toInteger word -- a shift of 0 is always 0
parseWithOffset offset word = toInteger word * 2^(8 * offset) parseWithOffset offset word = toInteger word * 2^(8 * offset)
-- TODO: complete rewrite
-- |checks wether the cache entries fulfill the logarithmic EpiChord invariant
-- of having j entries per slice, and creates a list of necessary lookup actions.
-- Should be invoked periodically.
--checkCacheSlices :: NodeState -> IO [()]
--checkCacheSlices state = case getNodeCache state of
-- -- don't do anything on nodes without a cache
-- Nothing -> pure [()]
-- Just cache' -> checkSlice jEntries (nid state) startBound lastSucc =<< readIORef cache'
-- -- TODO: do the same for predecessors
-- where
-- jEntries = fromMaybe 0 $ getInternals_ jEntriesPerSlice state
-- lastSucc = last <$> maybeEmpty (fromMaybe [] $ getSuccessors state)
-- startBound = NodeID 2^(255::Integer) + nid state
-- checkSlice :: Int -> NodeID -> NodeID -> Maybe NodeID -> NodeCache -> [IO ()]
-- checkSlice _ _ _ Nothing _ = []
-- checkSlice j ownID upperBound (Just lastSuccNode) cache
-- | upperBound < lastSuccNode = []
-- | otherwise =
-- -- continuously half the DHT namespace, take the upper part as a slice,
-- -- check for existing entries in that slice and create a lookup action
-- -- and recursively do this on the lower half.
-- -- recursion edge case: all successors/ predecessors need to be in the
-- -- first slice.
-- let
-- diff = getNodeID $ upperBound - ownID
-- lowerBound = ownID + NodeID (diff `div` 2)
-- in
-- -- TODO: replace empty IO actions with actual lookups to middle of slice
-- -- TODO: validate ID before adding to cache
-- case Map.lookupLT upperBound cache of
-- Nothing -> pure () : checkSlice j ownID lowerBound (Just lastSuccNode) cache
-- Just (matchID, _) ->
-- if
-- matchID <= lowerBound then pure () : checkSlice j ownID lowerBound (Just lastSuccNode) cache
-- else
-- checkSlice j ownID lowerBound (Just lastSuccNode) cache
-- Todo: DHT backend can learn potential initial bootstrapping points through the instances mentioned in the received AP-relay messages -- Todo: DHT backend can learn potential initial bootstrapping points through the instances mentioned in the received AP-relay messages
-- persist them on disk so they can be used for all following bootstraps -- persist them on disk so they can be used for all following bootstraps