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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Foo where
import Crypto.Hash
import Data.Word
import Network.Socket (HostAddress6)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
import qualified Data.Binary.Strict.Get as BinGet
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
-- important: only works with strict ByteStrings
hashToShake128 string = hash bstr :: Digest (SHAKE128 128)
bstr = BSU.fromString string
-- TODO: type signature
-- TODO: convert byte string to Integer (as separate function, useful for parsing later on)
hashNodeIDBS :: HostAddress6 -> String -> Word8 -> BS.ByteString
hashNodeIDBS ipaddr@(a, b, _, _) domain vserver =
hashIpaddrUpper `BS.append` hashID domain' `BS.append` hashIpaddLower
vsBS = BS.pack [vserver] -- attention: only works for vserver IDs up to 255
-- TODO: this is inefficient and possibly better done with binary-strict
ipaddrNet = (BL.toStrict . BB.toLazyByteString . mconcat $ map BB.word32BE [a, b]) `BS.append` vsBS
domain' = BSU.fromString domain `BS.append` vsBS
hashID bstr = BS.pack . BA.unpack $ (hash bstr :: Digest (SHAKE128 128))
(hashIpaddrUpper, hashIpaddLower) = BS.splitAt 64 $ hashID ipaddrNet
hashNodeID :: HostAddress6 -> String -> Word8 -> Integer
hashNodeID ip domain vs = byteStringToUInteger $ hashNodeIDBS ip domain vs
-- | parses the bit pattern of a ByteString as an unsigned Integer in Big Endian order
-- by iterating it byte-wise from the back and shifting the byte values according to their offset
byteStringToUInteger :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
byteStringToUInteger bs = sum $ parsedBytes 0 bs
parsedBytes :: Integer -> BS.ByteString -> [ Integer ]
parsedBytes offset bs = case BS.unsnoc bs of
Nothing -> []
Just (bs, w) -> parseWithOffset offset w : parsedBytes (offset+1) bs
parseWithOffset :: Integer -> Word8 -> Integer
parseWithOffset 0 word = toInteger word -- a shift of 0 is always 0
parseWithOffset offset word = toInteger word * 2^(8 * offset)
-- |Utility function creating a strict ByteString from [Word32],
-- needed for encoding @HostAddress6@ as a ByteString
--packW32 :: [ Word32 ] -> BS.ByteString
--packW32 [] = BS.empty
--packW32 xs = map BinGet.
--w32ToBSParser :: BinGet.Get [Word8]
--w32ToBSParser = do
-- a <- getWord8
-- b <- getWord8
-- c <- getWord8
-- d <- getWord8
-- return [a, b, c, d]
--- test data ---
testIDHash = hashNodeIDBS (0x2001 + 0x16b8, 0x755a + 0xb1100, 0x7d6a + 0x12ab, 0xf0c5 + 0x386e) "example.com" 0
zweiHoch248 = BS.pack $ 1:replicate 31 0