## scheduling problem defined by: 1. $m$ specialized machines 2. tasks $\tau$ of the form $(e, i)$ with $t \in \mathbb{N}$ the execution time and $i \in \{1,2,\dots,m\}$ the machine the task has to run on 3. $n$ jobs $T_k$ with $\forall T_k:$ linear order of tasks, with $k \in \{1,2,\dots,n\}$ 4. Additionally, a multiset $\Omega$ of arbitrary but fixed size that contains wait states $\omega := (1, i)$ with $i \in \{1,2,\dots,m\}$ the blocked machine. The goal is to find the fastest feasible schedule $\sigma_{min}$. ## evaluative function - minimize the execution time of $\sigma$ - upper bound: largest processing time first - lower bound: max sum of execution times on one machine ## solutions - list of tuples $(t, \tau)$ with $t \in \mathbb{N}$ the scheduled begin of $\tau$ ## operations - $\operatorname{ins}(\omega, t)$: block a machine at time $t$ for $w$ time steps. - $\operatorname{xchg}(\tau_1,\tau_2)$: exchange the position of two tasks. Both operations require that the start times are recomputed. ## neighbourhood of solution - $\operatorname{neighbours}(\sigma) = \{x \in \Sigma | \delta(\sigma, x) \leq n\}$ with $\Sigma$ the set of all feasible schedules. - $\delta$: $\delta ( \sigma )=0$, $\delta ( \operatorname{op}(x)) = \delta (x) + 1$ (ass. ins has the same penalty xchg has), $x$ either op($y$) or $\sigma$ ## constraints - only schedule new $\tau$ if another $\tau$ is finished - only schedule $\tau \in T_k$ that has no unscheduled predecessor in $T_k$ - only one task on a machine any given time ## implementation in Python - translate problem into list of jobs, jobs into lists of tasks, ie problem = [$T_0, T_1,\dots,T_{k-1}$], $T_i$ = [$\tau_1,\tau_2,\dots$] - address tasks based on their indices, ie [0][1] is the second task of the first job. - compute only one possible next solution, rate, drop/accept. $\delta$ is computed iteratively during generation