re-organise protocol definition and create own type for remote cache entries

This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-05-08 17:17:01 +02:00
parent 91bb72cb57
commit 89cc51af52
3 changed files with 125 additions and 105 deletions

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@ -18,68 +18,7 @@ import Safe
import Hash2Pub.FediChord
import Hash2Pub.Utils
import Hash2Pub.DHTProtocol (QueryResponse (..))
import Debug.Trace (trace)
data Action =
| Join
| Leave
| Stabilise
| Ping
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)
-- ToDo: probably move this to DHTProtocol as it is high-level
data FediChordMessage =
Request {
requestID :: Integer
, sender :: NodeState
, parts :: Integer
, part :: Integer
-- ^ part starts at 0
, action :: Action
, payload :: ActionPayload
| Response {
responseTo :: Integer
, senderID :: NodeID
, parts :: Integer
, part :: Integer
, action :: Action
, payload :: ActionPayload
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data ActionPayload =
QueryIDRequestPayload {
queryTargetID :: NodeID
, queryLBestNodes :: Integer
| JoinRequestPayload
| LeaveRequestPayload {
leaveSuccessors :: [NodeID]
, leavePredecessors :: [NodeID]
| StabiliseRequestPayload
| PingRequestPayload
| QueryIDResponsePayload {
queryResult :: QueryResponse
| JoinResponsePayload {
joinSuccessors :: [NodeID]
, joinPredecessors :: [NodeID]
, joinCache :: [CacheEntry]
| LeaveResponsePayload
| StabiliseResponsePayload {
stabiliseSuccessors :: [NodeID]
, stabilisePredecessors :: [NodeID]
| PingResponsePayload {
pingNodeStates :: [NodeState]
deriving (Show, Eq)
import Hash2Pub.DHTProtocol
-- | Try splitting a payload into multiple parts to be able to reduce size of
-- individual messages.
@ -245,8 +184,8 @@ encodeNodeState ns = [
, End Sequence
encodeCacheEntry :: CacheEntry -> [ASN1]
encodeCacheEntry (NodeEntry _ ns timestamp) =
encodeCacheEntry :: RemoteCacheEntry -> [ASN1]
encodeCacheEntry (RemoteCacheEntry ns timestamp) =
Start Sequence
: encodeNodeState ns
-- ToDo: possibly optimise this by using dlists
@ -392,13 +331,13 @@ parseNodeState = onNextContainer Sequence $ do
parseCacheEntry :: ParseASN1 CacheEntry
parseCacheEntry :: ParseASN1 RemoteCacheEntry
parseCacheEntry = onNextContainer Sequence $ do
node <- parseNodeState
timestamp <- toEnum . fromIntegral <$> parseInteger
return $ NodeEntry False node timestamp
return $ RemoteCacheEntry node timestamp
parseNodeCache :: ParseASN1 [CacheEntry]
parseNodeCache :: ParseASN1 [RemoteCacheEntry]
parseNodeCache = onNextContainer Sequence $ getMany parseCacheEntry
parseJoinRequest :: ParseASN1 ActionPayload

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@ -3,11 +3,20 @@
module Hash2Pub.DHTProtocol
( QueryResponse (..)
, incomingQuery
, addCacheEntry
, deleteCacheEntry
, RemoteCacheEntry(..)
, toRemoteCacheEntry
, Action(..)
, ActionPayload(..)
, FediChordMessage(..)
import Data.Maybe (maybe, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Hash2Pub.FediChord
( NodeID
@ -20,9 +29,7 @@ import Hash2Pub.FediChord
, putPredecessors
, cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated
, NodeCache
, CacheEntry
, addCacheEntry
, deleteCacheEntry
, CacheEntry(..)
, cacheLookup
, cacheLookupSucc
, cacheLookupPred
@ -31,7 +38,9 @@ import Hash2Pub.FediChord
import Debug.Trace (trace)
data QueryResponse = FORWARD (Set.Set CacheEntry) -- ^return closest nodes from local cache.
-- === queries ===
data QueryResponse = FORWARD (Set.Set RemoteCacheEntry) -- ^return closest nodes from local cache.
-- whole cache entry is returned for making
-- the entry time stamp available to the
-- protocol serialiser
@ -51,20 +60,120 @@ incomingQuery ownState nCache lBestNodes targetID
preds = fromMaybe [] $ getPredecessors ownState
ownID = nid ownState
closestSuccessor :: Set.Set CacheEntry
closestSuccessor = maybe Set.empty Set.singleton $ cacheLookupSucc targetID nCache
closestSuccessor :: Set.Set RemoteCacheEntry
closestSuccessor = maybe Set.empty Set.singleton $ toRemoteCacheEntry =<< cacheLookupSucc targetID nCache
closestPredecessors :: Set.Set CacheEntry
closestPredecessors :: Set.Set RemoteCacheEntry
closestPredecessors = closestPredecessor (lBestNodes-1) $ nid ownState
closestPredecessor :: (Integral n, Show n) => n -> NodeID -> Set.Set CacheEntry
closestPredecessor :: (Integral n, Show n) => n -> NodeID -> Set.Set RemoteCacheEntry
closestPredecessor 0 _ = Set.empty
closestPredecessor remainingLookups lastID
| remainingLookups < 0 = Set.empty
| otherwise =
let result = cacheLookupPred lastID nCache
case result of
case toRemoteCacheEntry =<< result of
Nothing -> Set.empty
Just nPred -> Set.insert nPred $ closestPredecessor (remainingLookups-1) (nid . cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated $ nPred)
Just nPred@(RemoteCacheEntry ns ts) -> Set.insert nPred $ closestPredecessor (remainingLookups-1) (nid ns)
-- === protocol serialisation data types
data Action =
| Join
| Leave
| Stabilise
| Ping
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)
data FediChordMessage =
Request {
requestID :: Integer
, sender :: NodeState
, parts :: Integer
, part :: Integer
-- ^ part starts at 0
, action :: Action
, payload :: ActionPayload
| Response {
responseTo :: Integer
, senderID :: NodeID
, parts :: Integer
, part :: Integer
, action :: Action
, payload :: ActionPayload
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data ActionPayload =
QueryIDRequestPayload {
queryTargetID :: NodeID
, queryLBestNodes :: Integer
| JoinRequestPayload
| LeaveRequestPayload {
leaveSuccessors :: [NodeID]
, leavePredecessors :: [NodeID]
| StabiliseRequestPayload
| PingRequestPayload
| QueryIDResponsePayload {
queryResult :: QueryResponse
| JoinResponsePayload {
joinSuccessors :: [NodeID]
, joinPredecessors :: [NodeID]
, joinCache :: [RemoteCacheEntry]
| LeaveResponsePayload
| StabiliseResponsePayload {
stabiliseSuccessors :: [NodeID]
, stabilisePredecessors :: [NodeID]
| PingResponsePayload {
pingNodeStates :: [NodeState]
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | dedicated data type for cache entries sent to or received from the network,
-- as these have to be considered as unvalidated. Also helps with separation of trust.
data RemoteCacheEntry = RemoteCacheEntry NodeState POSIXTime
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Ord RemoteCacheEntry where
(RemoteCacheEntry ns1 _) `compare` (RemoteCacheEntry ns2 _) = nid ns1 `compare` nid ns2
toRemoteCacheEntry :: CacheEntry -> Maybe RemoteCacheEntry
toRemoteCacheEntry (NodeEntry _ ns ts) = Just $ RemoteCacheEntry ns ts
toRemoteCacheEntry (ProxyEntry _ (Just entry@NodeEntry{})) = toRemoteCacheEntry entry
toRemoteCacheEntry _ = Nothing
-- cache operations
-- | update or insert a 'RemoteCacheEntry' into the cache,
-- converting it to a local 'CacheEntry'
addCacheEntry :: RemoteCacheEntry -- ^ a remote cache entry received from network
-> NodeCache -- ^ node cache to insert to
-> IO NodeCache -- ^ new node cache with the element inserted
addCacheEntry (RemoteCacheEntry ns ts) cache = do
now <- getPOSIXTime
-- TODO: limit diffSeconds to some maximum value to prevent malicious nodes from inserting entries valid nearly until eternity
timestamp' = if ts <= now then ts else now
newCache = Map.insertWith insertCombineFunction (nid ns) (NodeEntry False ns timestamp') cache
insertCombineFunction newVal@(NodeEntry newValidationState newNode newTimestamp) oldVal =
case oldVal of
ProxyEntry n _ -> ProxyEntry n (Just newVal)
NodeEntry oldValidationState _ oldTimestamp -> NodeEntry oldValidationState newNode (max oldTimestamp newTimestamp)
return newCache
-- | delete the node with given ID from cache
deleteCacheEntry :: NodeID -- ^ID of the node to be deleted
-> NodeCache -- ^cache to delete from
-> NodeCache -- ^cache without the specified element
deleteCacheEntry = Map.update modifier
modifier (ProxyEntry idPointer _) = Just (ProxyEntry idPointer Nothing)
modifier NodeEntry {} = Nothing

View file

@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ module Hash2Pub.FediChord (
, CacheEntry(..)
, cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated
, initCache
, addCacheEntry
, deleteCacheEntry
, cacheLookup
, cacheLookupSucc
, cacheLookupPred
@ -234,32 +232,6 @@ initCache = Map.fromList $ proxyEntry <$> [(maxBound, (minBound, Forwards)), (mi
proxyEntry (from,to) = (from, ProxyEntry to Nothing)
-- | insert or update a new @NodeState@ node into the cache
addCacheEntry :: NodeState -- ^ the node to insert
-> Integer -- ^ initial age penalty in seconds
-> NodeCache -- ^ node cache to insert to
-> IO NodeCache -- ^ new node cache with the element inserted
addCacheEntry node timestamp cache = do
now <- getPOSIXTime
-- TODO: limit diffSeconds to some maximum value to prevent malicious nodes from inserting entries valid nearly until eternity
timestamp' = fromInteger timestamp
newCache = Map.insertWith insertCombineFunction (nid node) (NodeEntry False node timestamp') cache
insertCombineFunction newVal@(NodeEntry newValidationState newNode newTimestamp) oldVal =
case oldVal of
ProxyEntry n _ -> ProxyEntry n (Just newVal)
NodeEntry oldValidationState _ oldTimestamp -> NodeEntry oldValidationState newNode (max oldTimestamp newTimestamp)
return newCache
-- | delete the node with given ID from cache
deleteCacheEntry :: NodeID -- ^ID of the node to be deleted
-> NodeCache -- ^cache to delete from
-> NodeCache -- ^cache without the specified element
deleteCacheEntry = Map.update modifier
modifier (ProxyEntry idPointer _) = Just (ProxyEntry idPointer Nothing)
modifier NodeEntry {} = Nothing
-- | Maybe returns the cache entry stored at given key
cacheLookup :: NodeID -- ^lookup key
-> NodeCache -- ^lookup cache