make tests compile again (do not pass yet)

This commit is contained in:
Trolli Schmittlauch 2020-05-17 00:37:04 +02:00
parent c304e2103f
commit 895606d542
4 changed files with 57 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding
import Data.ASN1.Error()
import Data.ASN1.Types -- asn1-types package
import Data.ASN1.Parse
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, isNothing)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX()
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ serialiseMessage :: Int -- maximum message size in bytes
-> FediChordMessage -- mesage to be serialised in preparation for sending
-> Map.Map Integer BS.ByteString -- list of ASN.1 DER encoded messages together representing
-- the contents of the input message
-- messages without payload are not split
serialiseMessage _ msg | isNothing (payload msg) = Map.singleton 1 $ encodeMsg msg
serialiseMessage maxBytesLength msg =
splitPayloadUntilSmallEnough 1
@ -92,21 +94,25 @@ serialiseMessage maxBytesLength msg =
| numParts == maximumParts = encodedMsgs numParts
| otherwise = splitPayloadUntilSmallEnough $ numParts + 1
messageParts :: Int -> Map.Map Integer FediChordMessage
messageParts i = Map.fromAscList $ foldr (modifyMessage i) [] $ payloadParts i
messageParts i = Map.fromAscList $ foldr (modifyMessage i) [] $ fromMaybe [] $ payloadParts i
-- insert payload parts into message and adjust parts metadata
modifyMessage :: Int -> (Integer, ActionPayload) -> [(Integer, FediChordMessage)] -> [(Integer, FediChordMessage)]
modifyMessage i (partNum, pl) pls = (partNum, msg {
part = partNum
, payload = pl
, payload = Just pl
, parts = fromIntegral i
-- part starts at 1
payloadParts :: Int -> [(Integer, ActionPayload)]
payloadParts i = zip [1..] (splitPayload i actionPayload)
payloadParts :: Int -> Maybe [(Integer, ActionPayload)]
payloadParts i = zip [1..] . splitPayload i <$> actionPayload
actionPayload = payload msg
encodedMsgs i = (encodeASN1' DER . encodeMessage) $ messageParts i
encodedMsgs i = encodeMsg $ messageParts i
maxMsgLength = maximum . map BS.length . Map.elems
-- | encode a 'FediChordMessage' to a bytestring without further modification
encodeMsg :: FediChordMessage -> BS.ByteString
encodeMsg = encodeASN1' DER . encodeMessage
-- | Deserialise a ASN.1 DER encoded bytesstring of a single 'FediChordMessage'.
deserialiseMessage :: BS.ByteString
-> Either String FediChordMessage

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Hash2Pub.DHTProtocol
( QueryResponse (..)
, queryLocalCache
, addCacheEntry
, addCacheEntryPure
, deleteCacheEntry
, markCacheEntryAsVerified
, RemoteCacheEntry(..)
@ -218,4 +219,4 @@ attempts i action = do
actionResult <- action
case actionResult of
Nothing -> attempts (i-1) action
Just res -> return res
Just res -> return $ Just res

View file

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ module Hash2Pub.FediChord (
, bsAsIpAddr
, FediChordConf(..)
, fediChordInit
, nodeStateInit
, mkServerSocket
, resolve
, cacheWriter
@ -436,6 +437,14 @@ data FediChordConf = FediChordConf {
-- ToDo: load persisted state, thus this function already operates in IO
fediChordInit :: FediChordConf -> IO (Socket, NodeState)
fediChordInit conf = do
initialState <- nodeStateInit conf
serverSock <- mkServerSocket (ipAddr initialState) (dhtPort initialState)
return (serverSock, initialState)
-- | initialises the 'NodeState' for this local node.
-- Separated from 'fediChordInit' to be usable in tests.
nodeStateInit :: FediChordConf -> IO NodeState
nodeStateInit conf = do
cacheRef <- newIORef initCache
q <- atomically newTQueue
@ -458,10 +467,7 @@ fediChordInit conf = do
, pNumParallelQueries = 2
, jEntriesPerSlice = 2
serverSock <- mkServerSocket (ipAddr initialState) (dhtPort initialState)
return (serverSock, initialState)
return initialState
--fediChordJoin :: NodeState -- ^ the local 'NodeState'
-- -> (String, PortNumber) -- ^ domain and port of a bootstrapping node
@ -474,6 +480,8 @@ fediChordInit conf = do
-- -- ToDo: implement cache management, as already all received replies should be stored in cache
-- | cache updater thread that waits for incoming NodeCache update instructions on
-- the node's cacheWriteQueue and then modifies the NodeCache as the single writer.
cacheWriter :: NodeState -> IO ()
cacheWriter ns = do
let writeQueue' = getCacheWriteQueue ns

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.ASN1.Parse (runParseASN1)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.IORef
import Hash2Pub.FediChord
import Hash2Pub.DHTProtocol
@ -73,12 +74,12 @@ spec = do
(bsAsIpAddr . ipAddrAsBS $ ipAddr exampleNodeState) `shouldBe` ipAddr exampleNodeState
describe "NodeCache" $ do
emptyCache = fromJust $ getNodeCache exampleLocalNode
exampleID = nid exampleLocalNode
emptyCache = initCache
anotherID = toNodeID 2^(230::Integer)+1
anotherNode = exampleNodeState { nid = anotherID}
maxNode = exampleNodeState { nid = maxBound}
newCache = addCacheWrapper (remoteEntryFromNow exampleLocalNode) =<< addCacheWrapper (remoteEntryFromNow anotherNode) emptyCache
newCache = addCacheEntryPure 10 <$> (RemoteCacheEntry <$> exampleLocalNode <*> pure 10) <*> (addCacheEntryPure 10 <$> pure (RemoteCacheEntry anotherNode 10) <*> pure emptyCache)
exampleID = nid exampleNodeState
it "entries can be added to a node cache and looked up again" $ do
nC <- newCache
-- the cache includes 2 additional proxy elements right from the start
@ -90,12 +91,12 @@ spec = do
cacheLookup minBound emptyCache `shouldBe` Nothing
cacheLookup maxBound emptyCache `shouldBe` Nothing
-- now store a node at that ID
cacheWithMaxNode <- addCacheWrapper (remoteEntryFromNow maxNode) =<< newCache
cacheWithMaxNode <- addCacheEntryPure 10 <$> pure (RemoteCacheEntry maxNode 10) <*> newCache
nid . cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated <$> cacheLookup maxBound cacheWithMaxNode `shouldBe` Just maxBound
it "looking up predecessor and successor works like on a modular ring" $ do
-- ignore empty proxy elements in initial cache
nid. cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated <$> cacheLookupPred (exampleID + 10) emptyCache `shouldBe` Nothing
nid. cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated <$> cacheLookupSucc exampleID emptyCache `shouldBe` Nothing
nid . cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated <$> cacheLookupPred (exampleID + 10) emptyCache `shouldBe` Nothing
nid . cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated <$> cacheLookupSucc exampleID emptyCache `shouldBe` Nothing
nC <- newCache
-- given situation: 0 < nid exampleLocalNode < anotherNode < maxBound
@ -107,11 +108,11 @@ spec = do
nid. cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated <$> cacheLookupPred (exampleID - 2) nC `shouldBe` Just anotherID
nid. cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated <$> cacheLookupSucc (anotherID + 2) nC `shouldBe` Just exampleID
-- now store a node in one of the ProxyEntries
cacheWithProxyNodeEntry <- addCacheWrapper (remoteEntryFromNow maxNode) =<< newCache
cacheWithProxyNodeEntry <- addCacheEntryPure 10 <$> pure (RemoteCacheEntry maxNode 10) <*> newCache
nid. cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated <$> cacheLookupPred (exampleID - 2) cacheWithProxyNodeEntry `shouldBe` Just maxBound
nid. cacheGetNodeStateUnvalidated <$> cacheLookupSucc (anotherID + 2) cacheWithProxyNodeEntry `shouldBe` Just maxBound
it "entries can be deleted" $ do
nC <- addCacheWrapper (remoteEntryFromNow maxNode) =<< newCache
nC <- addCacheEntryPure 10 <$> pure (RemoteCacheEntry maxNode 10) <*> newCache
let nc' = deleteCacheEntry maxBound . deleteCacheEntry anotherID $ nC
cacheLookup anotherID nc' `shouldBe` Nothing
cacheLookup maxBound nc' `shouldBe` Nothing
@ -119,38 +120,36 @@ spec = do
describe "NodeCache query lookup" $ do
emptyCache = fromJust $ getNodeCache exampleLocalNode
emptyCache = initCache
nid1 = toNodeID 2^(23::Integer)+1
node1 = putPredecessors [nid4] $ exampleLocalNode { nid = nid1}
node1 = do
eln <- exampleLocalNode
return $ putPredecessors [nid4] $ eln {nid = nid1}
nid2 = toNodeID 2^(230::Integer)+12
node2 = exampleNodeState { nid = nid2}
nid3 = toNodeID 2^(25::Integer)+10
node3 = exampleNodeState { nid = nid3}
nid4 = toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+100
node4 = exampleNodeState { nid = nid4}
cacheWith2Entries = addCacheWrapper (remoteEntryFromNow node1) =<< addCacheWrapper (remoteEntryFromNow node2) emptyCache
cacheWith4Entries = addCacheWrapper (remoteEntryFromNow node3) =<< addCacheWrapper (remoteEntryFromNow node4) =<< cacheWith2Entries
cacheWith2Entries :: IO NodeCache
cacheWith2Entries = addCacheEntryPure 10 <$> (RemoteCacheEntry <$> node1 <*> pure 10) <*> pure (addCacheEntryPure 10 (RemoteCacheEntry node2 10) emptyCache)
cacheWith4Entries = addCacheEntryPure 10 (RemoteCacheEntry node3 10) <$> (addCacheEntryPure 10 (RemoteCacheEntry node4 10) <$> cacheWith2Entries)
it "works on an empty cache" $ do
queryLocalCache exampleLocalNode emptyCache 3 (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5) `shouldBe` FORWARD Set.empty
queryLocalCache exampleLocalNode emptyCache 1 (toNodeID 2342) `shouldBe` FORWARD Set.empty
queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> pure emptyCache <*> pure 3 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5) `shouldReturn` FORWARD Set.empty
queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> pure emptyCache <*> pure 1 <*> pure (toNodeID 2342) `shouldReturn` FORWARD Set.empty
it "works on a cache with less entries than needed" $ do
c2 <- cacheWith2Entries
let (FORWARD nodeset) = queryLocalCache exampleLocalNode c2 4 (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5)
(FORWARD nodeset) <- queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> cacheWith2Entries <*> pure 4 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5) (nid . remoteNode_) nodeset `shouldBe` Set.fromList [ nid1, nid2 ]
it "works on a cache with sufficient entries" $ do
c4 <- cacheWith4Entries
(FORWARD nodeset1) = queryLocalCache exampleLocalNode c4 3 (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5)
(FORWARD nodeset2) = queryLocalCache exampleLocalNode c4 1 (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5)
(FORWARD nodeset1) <- queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 3 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5)
(FORWARD nodeset2) <- queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 1 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(9::Integer)+5) (nid . remoteNode_) nodeset1 `shouldBe` Set.fromList [nid4, nid2, nid3] (nid . remoteNode_) nodeset2 `shouldBe` Set.fromList [nid4]
it "recognises the node's own responsibility" $ do
nC <- cacheWith4Entries
queryLocalCache node1 nC 3 (toNodeID 2^(22::Integer)) `shouldBe` FOUND node1
queryLocalCache node1 nC 3 nid1 `shouldBe` FOUND node1
(==) <$> (queryLocalCache <$> node1 <*> cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 3 <*> pure (toNodeID 2^(22::Integer))) <*> (FOUND <$> node1) `shouldReturn` True
(==) <$> (queryLocalCache <$> node1 <*> cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 3 <*> pure nid1) <*> (FOUND <$> node1) `shouldReturn` True
it "does not fail on nodes without neighbours (initial state)" $ do
nC <- cacheWith4Entries
let (FORWARD nodeset) = queryLocalCache exampleLocalNode nC 3 (toNodeID 11)
(FORWARD nodeset) <- queryLocalCache <$> exampleLocalNode <*> cacheWith4Entries <*> pure 3 <*> pure (toNodeID 11) (nid . remoteNode_ ) nodeset `shouldBe` Set.fromList [nid4, nid2, nid3]
describe "Messages can be encoded to and decoded from ASN.1" $ do
@ -229,7 +228,7 @@ spec = do
encodeDecodeAndCheck $ responseWith Stabilise stabResPayload
encodeDecodeAndCheck $ responseWith Ping pingResPayload
it "messages are encoded and decoded to ASN.1 DER properly" $
deserialiseMessage (head $ serialiseMessage 652 $ responseWith Ping pingResPayload) `shouldBe` Right (responseWith Ping pingResPayload)
deserialiseMessage (fromJust $ Map.lookup 1 (serialiseMessage 652 $ responseWith Ping pingResPayload)) `shouldBe` Right (responseWith Ping pingResPayload)
it "messages too large for a single packet can (often) be split into multiple parts" $ do
let largeMessage = responseWith Join $ JoinResponsePayload {
joinSuccessors = fromInteger <$> [-20..150]
@ -254,33 +253,15 @@ exampleNodeState = NodeState {
, internals = Nothing
exampleInternals :: InternalNodeState
exampleInternals = InternalNodeState {
nodeCache = initCache
, successors = []
, predecessors = []
, kNeighbours = 3
, lNumBestNodes = 3
, pNumParallelQueries = 2
, jEntriesPerSlice = 2
exampleLocalNode :: NodeState
exampleLocalNode = exampleNodeState {internals = Just exampleInternals}
exampleLocalNode :: IO NodeState
exampleLocalNode = nodeStateInit $ FediChordConf {
confDomain = ""
, confIP = exampleIp
, confDhtPort = 2342
exampleNodeDomain :: String
exampleNodeDomain = ""
exampleVs :: (Integral i) => i
exampleVs = 4
exampleIp :: HostAddress6
exampleIp = tupleToHostAddress6 (0x2001, 0x16b8, 0x755a, 0xb110, 0x7d6a, 0x12ab, 0xf0c5, 0x386e)
-- | helper function to create a 'RemoteCacheEntry' with the current time stamp
remoteEntryFromNow :: NodeState -> IO RemoteCacheEntry
remoteEntryFromNow ns = RemoteCacheEntry ns <$> getPOSIXTime
-- | helper function for chaining the IO actions of RemoteCacheEntry creation
-- and adding to cache
addCacheWrapper :: IO RemoteCacheEntry -> NodeCache -> IO NodeCache
addCacheWrapper entryIO nc = do
entry <- entryIO
addCacheEntry entry nc